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$oC = new \wpsg\wpsg_calculation();
$oC->addProduct('1', 0, '100', '1','c');
//$oC->addProduct('1', 1, '100', '1','b');
$oC->setShipping('1', '0', '0');
$oC->setPayment('1', '0', 'c_1');
$ar = $oC->getCalculationArray();
* Template für die Produkttabelle im Backend der Bestellverwaltung
$arCalculation = $this->view['oCalculation']->getCalculationArray($this->getBackendTaxView());
$arTax = $this->view['oCalculation']->getTaxLabelArray();
$arTaxShort = $this->view['oCalculation']->getTaxLabelArray(true);
$this->view['colspan'] = 3;
if ($this->get_option('wpsg_showMwstAlways') == '1' || sizeof($arCalculation['tax']) > 1) $this->view['colspan'] ++;
$this->view['arCalculation'] = $arCalculation;
.wpsg_row_small td { font-size:0.8em; }
<table class="wpsg_produkte table">
<tr class="wpsg_kopf">
<th class="wpsg_cell_name"><?php echo __('Produktname', 'wpsg'); ?></th>
<th class="wpsg_cell_preis"><?php echo __('Einzelpreis', 'wpsg'); ?></th>
<?php if (sizeof($arCalculation['tax']) > 1 || $this->get_option('wpsg_showMwstAlways') == '1') { ?>
<th class="wpsg_cell_mwst"><?php echo __("MwSt.", "wpsg"); ?></th>
<?php } ?>
<th class="wpsg_cell_menge"><?php echo __("Anzahl", "wpsg"); ?></th>
<th class="wpsg_cell_gesamtpreis"><?php echo __("Gesamtpreis", "wpsg"); ?></th>
<tr><td colspan="<?php echo $this->view['colspan'] + 1; ?>" style="line-height:2px; height:2px; background-color:#999999; padding:0px;"></td></tr>
<?php $i = 0; foreach ($arCalculation['products'] as $p) { $i ++; $product_price = $p['price']; ?>
<tr class="wpsg_<?php echo (($i % 2 == 0)?'odd':'even'); ?>">
<td class="wpsg_cell_name">
<a href="<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP; ?>wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Produkt&action=edit&edit_id=<?php echo $p['product_id']; ?>" title="<?php echo __('Zum Produkt', 'wpsg'); ?>">
<?php echo wpsg_hspc($this->getProductName($p['product_id'])); ?>
<a href="#" class="wpsg-glyphlink-td" title="<?php echo __('Produkt bearbeiten', 'wpsg'); ?>" onclick="return WPSG_BE_Product.editProduct(<?php echo $p['order_product_id']; ?>);"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span></a>
<a href="#" class="wpsg-glyphlink-td" title="<?php echo __('Produkt löschen', 'wpsg'); ?>" onclick="return WPSG_BE_Product.remvoeProduct(<?php echo $p['order_product_id']; ?>);"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span></a>
<td class="wpsg_cell_preis"><?php echo wpsg_ff($product_price); ?> <?php echo $this->get_option('wpsg_currency'); ?></td>
<?php if (sizeof($arCalculation['tax']) > 1 || $this->get_option('wpsg_showMwstAlways') == '1') { ?>
<td class="wpsg_cell_mwst"><?php echo $arTaxShort[$p['tax_key']]; ?></td>
<?php } ?>
<td class="wpsg_cell_menge"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($p['amount']); ?></td>
<td class="wpsg_cell_gesamtpreis"><?php echo wpsg_ff($p['amount'] * $product_price); ?> <?php echo $this->get_option('wpsg_currency'); ?></td>
<?php /* if (wpsg_isSizedArray($p['order_allowedshipping'])) { ?>
<tr class="wpsg_<?php echo (($i % 2 == 0)?'odd':'even'); ?>">
<td class="wpsg_cell_name">
<?php echo __('Mögliche Versandarten', 'wpsg'); ?>:
<td class="wpsg_cell_gesamtpreis" colspan="<?php echo ((sizeof($this->view['basket']['mwst']) > 1 || $this->get_option('wpsg_showMwstAlways') == '1')?4:3); ?>">
<?php $j = 0; foreach ($p['order_allowedshipping'] as $shipping) { $j ++; ?>
<?php echo $this->getShippingName($shipping); ?><?php if ($j < sizeof($p['order_allowedshipping'])) { ?>, <?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } */ ?>
<?php $this->callMods('order_view_row', array(&$p, $i)); ?>
<tr><td colspan="<?php echo $this->view['colspan'] + 1; ?>" style="line-height:2px; height:2px; background-color:#999999; padding:0px;"></td></tr>
<?php } ?>
<?php /* $gs_id = 0;
if ((isset($this->view['basket']['gs'])) && ($this->view['basket']['gs']['value'] > 0)) { ?>
<tr class="wpsg_<?php echo (($i % 2 == 0)?'odd':'even'); ?> wpsg_gutschein">
$gs_id = 0;
if (array_key_exists('gs_id', $_REQUEST))
$gs_id = wpsg_getInt($_REQUEST['gs_id']);
$gs_id = wpsg_getInt($this->view['data']['gs_id']);
$o_id = $_REQUEST['edit_id'];
$link1 = '<span id="gsname_'.$gs_id.'" class="editable editable-click" data-original-title="" title="">'.$this->view['basket']['gs']['code'].'</span>';
$val = '-'.wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['sum']['gs']);
$link2 = '<span id="gsvalue_'.$gs_id.'" class="editable editable-click" data-original-title="" title="">'.$val.'</span>';
<td class="wpsg_cell_name"><?php echo __('Gutschein', 'wpsg'); ?> <?php echo ($this->view['basket']['gs']['code'] != '')? '('.$link1.')':'' ?>
<a href="#" class="wpsg-glyphlink-td" title="<?php echo __('Gutschein löschen', 'wpsg'); ?>" onclick="return wpsg_removeVoucher(<?php echo $gs_id; ?>, <?php echo $o_id; ?>);"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span></a>
<td class="wpsg_cell_preis"><?php echo $link2.' '.$this->get_option('wpsg_currency'); ?></td>
<?php if (sizeof($this->view['basket']['mwst']) > 1 || $this->get_option('wpsg_showMwstAlways') == '1') { ?>
<td class="wpsg_cell_mwst"><?php echo __('anteilig', 'wpsg'); ?></td>
<?php } ?>
<td class="wpsg_cell_menge">1</td>
<td class="wpsg_cell_gesamtpreis"><?php echo '-'.wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['sum']['gs'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')); ?></td>
<?php } ?>
*/ ?>
<tr class="wpsg_row_summe">
<td colspan="<?php echo $this->view['colspan']; ?>" class="wpsg_cell_summe_label">
<?php if ($this->get_option('wpsg_kleinunternehmer') == '1') { ?>
<?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Summe (zzgl. #1#)', 'wpsg'), '<a href="'.$this->getURL(wpsg_ShopController::URL_VERSANDKOSTEN).'" target="_blank">'.__('Versandkosten', 'wpsg').'</a>'); ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php if ($this->get_option('wpsg_preisangaben') == WPSG_NETTO) { ?>
<?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Summe (zzgl. #1#, zzgl. MwSt.)', 'wpsg'), '<a href="'.$this->getURL(wpsg_ShopController::URL_VERSANDKOSTEN).'" target="_blank">'.__('Versandkosten', 'wpsg').'</a>'); ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Summe (zzgl. #1#, inkl. MwSt.)', 'wpsg'), '<a href="'.$this->getURL(wpsg_ShopController::URL_VERSANDKOSTEN).'" target="_blank">'.__('Versandkosten', 'wpsg').'</a>'); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<td class="wpsg_cell_summe_value wpsg_cell_gesamtpreis">
<?php echo wpsg_ff($arCalculation['sum']['product']); ?> <?php echo $this->get_option('wpsg_currency'); ?>
<?php /* Versandkosten */ ?>
<?php $price_shipping = $arCalculation['shipping']['price']; ?>
<?php if ($price_shipping != 0 || $this->get_option('wpsg_hideemptyshipping') != '1') { ?>
<tr class="wpsg_row_shipping">
<td colspan="<?php echo $this->view['colspan']; ?>" class="wpsg_cell_shipping_label">
<?php echo __('Versandkosten', 'wpsg'); ?>
<?php echo __(' ('.$this->arShipping[$arCalculation['shipping']['key']]['name'].')', 'wpsg'); ?>
<a href="#" class="wpsg-glyphlink-td" title="<?php echo __('Versandart ändern', 'wpsg'); ?>" onclick="return WPSG_BE_Pay_Ship.changeShippingPayment();"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span></a>
<td class="wpsg_cell_shipping_value wpsg_cell_gesamtpreis">
<span id="wpsg_cell_shipping_value"><?php echo wpsg_ff($price_shipping); ?> </span>
<?php echo $this->get_option('wpsg_currency'); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php /* Zahlungskosten */ ?>
<?php $price_payment = $arCalculation['payment']['price']; ?>
<?php if ($price_payment != 0 || $this->get_option('wpsg_hideemptypayment') != '1') { ?>
<tr class="wpsg_row_payment">
<td colspan="<?php echo $this->view['colspan']; ?>" class="wpsg_cell_payment_label">
<?php echo __('Zahlungsart', 'wpsg'); ?>
<?php echo __(' ('.$this->arPayment[$arCalculation['payment']['key']]['name'].')', 'wpsg'); ?>
<a href="#" class="wpsg-glyphlink-td" title="<?php echo __('Zahlungsart ändern', 'wpsg'); ?>" onclick="return WPSG_BE_Pay_Ship.changeShippingPayment();"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span></a>
<td class="wpsg_cell_payment_value wpsg_cell_gesamtpreis" >
<span id="wpsg_cell_payment_value"><?php echo wpsg_ff($price_payment); ?> </span>
<?php echo $this->get_option('wpsg_currency'); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($this->getBackendTaxView() === WPSG_NETTO && $this->get_option('wpsg_kleinunternehmer') != '1') { ?>
<?php foreach ($arCalculation['tax'] as $tax) { if ($tax['sum_tax'] > 0) { ?>
<tr class="wpsg_row_mwst">
<td colspan="<?php echo $this->view['colspan']; ?>" class="wpsg_cell_mwst_label">
<?php echo wpsg_translate(__('zuzüglich MwSt. (#1#)', 'wpsg'), $arTax[$tax['key']]); ?>
<td class="wpsg_cell_mwst_value wpsg_cell_gesamtpreis">
<?php echo wpsg_ff($tax['sum_tax']); ?> <?php echo $this->get_option('wpsg_currency'); ?>
<?php } } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php /* Rabatte */ ?>
<?php if ($arCalculation['sum']['prediscount_netto'] !== $arCalculation['sum']['netto']) { ?>
<tr class="wpsg_row_discount">
<td colspan="<?php echo $this->view['colspan']; ?>" class="wpsg_cell_mwst_label">
<?php echo __('Gesamtpreis', 'wpsg'); ?>
<?php if ($this->getBackendTaxView() === WPSG_BRUTTO) { ?>
<?php echo __('(abzgl. Rabatt, inkl. MwSt.)', 'wpsg'); ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php echo __('(abzgl. Rabatt, zzgl. MwSt.)', 'wpsg'); ?>
<?php } ?>
<td class="wpsg_cell_mwst_value wpsg_cell_gesamtpreis">
<?php echo wpsg_ff($arCalculation['sum']['prediscount_display']); ?> <?php echo $this->get_option('wpsg_currency'); ?>
<?php foreach ($arCalculation['discount'] as $d) { ?>
<tr class="wpsg_row_discount wpsg_row_small">
<td colspan="" class="wpsg_cell_mwst_label">
<?php echo __('Rabatt', 'wpsg'); ?>
<?php if ($this->getBackendTaxView() === WPSG_BRUTTO) { ?>
<?php echo __('(inkl. MwSt.)', 'wpsg'); ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php echo __('(zzgl. MwSt.)', 'wpsg'); ?>
<?php } ?>
<td class="wpsg_cell_preis">
<?php echo wpsg_ff($d['set'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency'), true); ?>
<?php if (sizeof($arCalculation['tax']) > 1 || $this->get_option('wpsg_showMwstAlways') == '1') { ?>
<td class="wpsg_cell_mwst"><?php echo $arTaxShort[$d['tax_key']]; ?></td>
<?php } ?>
<td class="wpsg_cell_mwst_value wpsg_cell_gesamtpreis">
<?php echo wpsg_ff($arCalculation['sum']['discount_display']); ?> <?php echo $this->get_option('wpsg_currency'); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<tr class="wpsg_row_gesamt">
<td colspan="<?php echo $this->view['colspan']; ?>" class="wpsg_cell_gesamt_label">
<strong><?php echo __('Gesamtpreis', 'wpsg'); ?></strong>
<?php if ($this->getBackendTaxView() === WPSG_BRUTTO) { ?>
<?php echo __('(inkl. MwSt.)', 'wpsg'); ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php echo __('(zzgl. MwSt.)', 'wpsg'); ?>
<?php } ?>
<td class="wpsg_cell_gesamt_value wpsg_cell_gesamtpreis">
<strong><?php echo wpsg_ff($arCalculation['sum']['display']); ?> <?php echo $this->get_option('wpsg_currency'); ?></strong>
<?php if ($this->get_option('wpsg_kleinunternehmer') == '1' || $this->getBackendTaxView() != WPSG_NETTO) { ?>
<?php foreach ($arCalculation['tax'] as $tax) { if ($tax['sum_tax'] > 0 && $tax['key'] != '0') { ?>
<tr class="wpsg_row_mwst wpsg_row_small">
<td colspan="<?php echo $this->view['colspan']; ?>" class="wpsg_cell_mwst_label">
<?php if ($this->get_option('wpsg_kleinunternehmer') == '1') { ?>
<?php echo $this->get_option('wpsg_kleinunternehmer_text'); ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php echo wpsg_translate(__('darin enthaltene MwSt. (#1#)', 'wpsg'), $arTax[$tax['key']]); ?>
<?php } ?>
<td class="wpsg_cell_mwst_value wpsg_cell_gesamtpreis">
<?php echo wpsg_ff($tax['sum_tax']); ?> <?php echo $this->get_option('wpsg_currency'); ?>
<?php } } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php wpsg_debug($arCalculation); ?>