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* Template für die PDF Rechnung
require_once WPSG_PATH_LIB.'FPDF_1.81/fpdf.php';
require_once WPSG_PATH_LIB.'FPDI_2.2.0/autoload.php';
require_once WPSG_PATH_LIB.'wpsg_fpdf.class.php';
global $absender_left, $absender_top, $adress_left, $adress_top, $rdata_left, $rdata_top;
/** @var \wpsg\wpsg_invoice|null $oInvoice */
$oInvoice = $this->view['oInvoice']??null;
// Positionierung der Absenderadresszeile
$absender_left = 25;
$absender_top = 50;
// Positionierung der Zieladress
$adress_left = 25;
$adress_top = 55;
// Positionierung des Rechnungskopfes
$rdata_left = 25;
$rdata_top = 90;
// Positionierung der Produktdaten
$prod_left = 25;
$prod_top = 105;
// Anzahl an Produkten pro Seite
$prod_break = $this->get_option('wpsg_rechnungen_pdfperpage');
$arCalculation = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation'];
if ($this->getFrontendTaxView() === WPSG_NETTO) $taxdisplay = 'netto';
else $taxdisplay = 'brutto';
// Damit die Steuer bei der Kleinunternehmerregelung nicht angezeigt wird leer ich den Array sicherheitshalber
if ( ($this->get_option('wpsg_kleinunternehmer') == '1') || ($this->view['oCalculationOrder']->getTaxMode() === \wpsg\wpsg_calculation::TAXMODE_SMALLBUSINESS) ) unset($this->view['basket']['mwst']);
if (!function_exists('AddRechnungPage'))
function AddRechnungPage($shop, $pdf)
global $absender_left, $absender_top, $adress_left, $adress_top, $rdata_left, $rdata_top;
if (file_exists($shop->callMod('wpsg_mod_rechnungen', 'getPaperPath', array())."wpsg_rechnungen_bp.pdf")) {
$pdf->setSourceFile($shop->callMod('wpsg_mod_rechnungen', 'getPaperPath', array())."wpsg_rechnungen_bp.pdf");
$tplidx = $pdf->importPage(1, '/MediaBox');
$pdf->useTemplate($tplidx, 0, 0, 210);
} else if (file_exists($shop->callMod('wpsg_mod_rechnungen', 'getPaperPath', array())."wpsg_rechnungen_bp.jpg")) {
$pdf->image($shop->callMod('wpsg_mod_rechnungen', 'getPaperPath', array())."wpsg_rechnungen_bp.jpg", 0, 0, 210, 297, 'jpg');
if (file_exists($shop->callMod('wpsg_mod_rechnungen', 'getPaperPath', array())."wpsg_rechnungen_logo.jpg"))
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($shop->callMod('wpsg_mod_rechnungen', 'getPaperPath', array())."wpsg_rechnungen_logo.jpg");
// Umrechnung von Inch zu Pixel
$wPix = (25.4 * (int)$width) / 96;
$hPix = (25.4 * (int)$height) / 96;
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$rightPos = 210 - $wPix;
$abscissa = $rightPos;
$ordinate = 0;
$transparency = str_replace("%", "", $shop->get_option('wpsg_rechnungen_logo_transparency'));
if($transparency !== "100") $transparency = str_replace(array("0", "00"), "", $transparency);
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if(!is_null($transparency) && $transparency !== "100") $alpha = "0.$transparency";
if(!is_null($transparency) && $transparency === "100") $alpha = $transparency;
$logo_pos = $shop->get_option('wpsg_rechnungen_logo_position');
if(isset($logo_pos) && $logo_pos === "left") { $abscissa = $leftPos; $ordinate = 20; }
if(isset($logo_pos) && $logo_pos === "center") { $abscissa = $midPos; $ordinate = 20; }
if(isset($logo_pos) && $logo_pos === "right") { $abscissa = $rightPos; }
$pdf->image($shop->callMod('wpsg_mod_rechnungen', 'getPaperPath', array())."wpsg_rechnungen_logo.jpg", $abscissa, $ordinate, $wPix, $hPix);
// Absenderadresszeile (Wird in der Konfiguration hinterlegt)
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 6);
$pdf->Text($absender_left, $absender_top, $shop->replaceUniversalPlatzhalter(__($shop->get_option("wpsg_rechnungen_adresszeile"), 'wpsg'), $shop->view['data']['id']??0));
if (wpsg_getStr($shop->view['kunde']['kuerzel']) != "") $shop->view['kunde']['kuerzel'] = $shop->view['kunde']['kuerzel'].'-';
// Adresse des Kunden
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 12);
$pdf->Text($adress_left, $adress_top, $shop->view['kunde']['firma']??'');
$pdf->Text($adress_left, $adress_top + 5, ($shop->view['kunde']['vname']??'').' '.($shop->view['kunde']['name']??''));
$pdf->Text($adress_left, $adress_top + 10, ($shop->view['kunde']['strasse']??'').' '.($shop->view['kunde']['nr']??''));
$pdf->Text($adress_left, $adress_top + 15, ($shop->view['kunde']['plz']??'').' '.($shop->view['kunde']['ort']??''));
if ($shop->get_option("wpsg_mod_rechnungen_hideCountry") == '0') $pdf->Text($adress_left, $adress_top + 20, strtoupper($shop->view['oOrder']->getInvoiceCountryName()));
// Rechnungsdaten
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 16);
$pdf->Text($rdata_left, $rdata_top, __('Rechnung', 'wpsg'));
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 9);
$pdf->Text($rdata_left, $rdata_top + 6, $shop->view['rnr']);
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9);
if (isset($shop->view['faelligkeitdatum']))
$pdf->Text($rdata_left + 35, $rdata_top, __("Fällig am", "wpsg"));
$pdf->Text($rdata_left + 35, $rdata_top + 6, date("d.m.Y", strtotime($shop->view['faelligkeitdatum'])));
if (isset($shop->view['payment']))
$pdf->Text($rdata_left + 58, $rdata_top, __("Zahlungsbedingungen", "wpsg"));
$pdf->Text($rdata_left + 58, $rdata_top + 6, $shop->view['payment']);
$pdf->Text($rdata_left + 105, $rdata_top, __("Kunden-Nr", "wpsg"));
$pdf->Text($rdata_left + 105, $rdata_top + 6, (($shop->view['kunde']['knr'] != '')?$shop->view['kunde']['knr']:$shop->view['kunde']['id']));
$pdf->Text($rdata_left + 135, $rdata_top, __("Best. Nr.", "wpsg"));
$pdf->Text($rdata_left + 135, $rdata_top + 6, ((trim($shop->view['data']['onr']) != '')?$shop->view['data']['onr']:$shop->view['data']['id']));
$pdf->Text($rdata_left + 155, $rdata_top, __("Datum", "wpsg"));
$pdf->Text($rdata_left + 155, $rdata_top + 6, date("d.m.Y", strtotime($shop->view['rDatum'])));
if ($shop->view['oOrder']->isInnerEu())
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9);
$pdf->Text($adress_left, $rdata_top + 11.5, __("Innergemeinschaftliche Lieferung.", "wpsg"));
// Benutzerdefinierte Felder
$arTexte = $shop->callMod('wpsg_mod_rechnungen', 'getRechnungstexte', array($shop->view['data']['id']));
foreach ((array)$arTexte as $text)
if (isset($text['aktiv']) && $text['aktiv'] == 1)
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', ((intval($text['fontsize']) > 0)?intval($text['fontsize']):10));
$pdf->wpsg_MultiCell($text['x'], $text['y'], 5, $text['text']);
$pdf = new wpsg_fpdf();
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 5);
AddRechnungPage($this, $pdf);
if ( ($this->view['oCalculationOrder']->getTaxMode() === \wpsg\wpsg_calculation::TAXMODE_B2B && $this->view['oOrder']->isInnerEu())
|| ($this->view['oCalculationOrder']->getTaxMode() === \wpsg\wpsg_calculation::TAXMODE_SMALLBUSINESS)
) $bNoTax = true;
else $bNoTax = false;
$bTaxCol = false;
if ($this->get_option('wpsg_showMwstAlways') === '1') $bTaxCol = true;
else if (!$bNoTax) $bTaxCol = true;
if ($bNoTax) {
$discount_value = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['discount_netto'];
$shipping_cost = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['shipping_netto'];
$payment_cost = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['payment_netto'];
} else {
$discount_value = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['discount_brutto'];
$shipping_cost = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['shipping_brutto'];
$payment_cost = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['payment_brutto'];
$summe = 0;
$bKopf = false; $pnr = 1; $offset = 0; $count = 0;
foreach ($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['product'] as $p)
$product = wpsg_product::getInstance($p['product_id']);
if (!$bKopf)
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 9);
$pdf->setXY($prod_left, $prod_top);
$pdf->Cell(10, 8, __("Nr.", "wpsg"), 1, 0, 'C');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 10, $prod_top);
$pdf->Cell( (($bTaxCol)?87:102), 8, "Name", 1, 0, 'L');
if ($bTaxCol)
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 97, $prod_top);
$pdf->Cell(15, 8, __("MwSt.", "wpsg"), 1, 0, 'C');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 112, $prod_top);
$pdf->Cell(15, 8, __("Menge", "wpsg"), 1, 0, 'C');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 127, $prod_top);
$pdf->Cell(25, 8, __("Einzelpreis", "wpsg"), 1, 0, 'R');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 152, $prod_top);
$pdf->Cell(25, 8, __("Gesamtpreis", "wpsg"), 1, 0, 'R');
$offset = 8;
$bKopf = true;
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9);
$pdf->setXY($prod_left, $prod_top + $offset);
if ($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_rechnungen_anr') == '1') $pdf->Cell(10, 8, $product->getNr(), 0, 0, 'C');
else $pdf->Cell(10, 8, $pnr.".", 0, 0, 'C');
if ($this->get_option('wpsg_rechnungen_pdetailname') == '1') $produkt_text = $this->getProductName($this->getProduktID($p['product_id']), true);
else $produkt_text = $this->getProductName($this->getProduktID($p['product_id']), false);
$produktBeschreibung = trim(strip_tags($product->getShortDescription()));
if ($this->isOtherLang())
$trans_db = $this->db->fetchRow("SELECT * FROM `".WPSG_TBL_PRODUCTS."` WHERE `lang_parent` = '".wpsg_q($this->getProduktID($p['product_id']))."' AND `lang_code` = '".wpsg_q($this->getCurrentLanguageCode())."'");
if (is_array($trans_db) && sizeof($trans_db) > 0)
$produkt_text = $trans_db['name'];
$produktBeschreibung = trim(strip_tags($trans_db['beschreibung']));
$height = 0; // Höhe der Zeile für den Rahmen
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 10, $prod_top + $offset);
// Produktvariablen
if ($this->hasMod('wpsg_mod_productvars') && $this->get_option("wpsg_mod_rechnungen_showpv") == "1")
$arPV = $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_productvars', 'getAllProductVarValues', array($this->view['data']['id'], $p['product_index']));
if (wpsg_isSizedArray($arPV))
foreach ($arPV as $pv)
$produkt_text .= "\r\n".$pv['name'].': '.$pv['value'];
$height += 5;
if ($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_rechnungen_anr') === '2')
$anr = $this->getProductAnr($product->getProductKey());
$produkt_text .= "\r\n".wpsg_translate(__('Artikelnummer: #1#', 'wpsg'), $anr);
$produkt_text_cell_width = 102;
if ($bTaxCol) $produkt_text_cell_width = 87;
$produkt_text_width = $pdf->GetStringWidth($produkt_text);
//$produkt_text_cell_width = (($this->arMwSt == "-1")?87:102);
$height += 5 * ceil($produkt_text_width / $produkt_text_cell_width) + 3;
$height_y = $pdf->getY();
$height = 2 + $pdf->wpsg_MultiCell($prod_left + 10, $prod_top + $offset + 1.5, 5, $produkt_text, 0, 'L', 0, $produkt_text_cell_width);
//$height += 3 + 5 + $pdf->getY() - $height_y;
//$pdf->Cell((($this->arMwSt == "-1")?102:87), 8, $produkt_text, 0, 0, 'L');
if ($bTaxCol) {
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 97, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(15, 8, (($bNoTax)?'0.00 %':wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['tax'][$p['tax_key']]['tax_value'], '%')), 0, 0, 'C');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 112, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(15, 8, $p['amount'], 0, 0, 'C');
if ( ( wpsg_ShopController::get_option('wpsg_preisangaben') == WPSG_NETTO ) || $bNoTax ) $preis_single = $p['netto_calculated_single'];
else $preis_single = $p['brutto_calculated_single'];
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 127, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(25, 8, wpsg_ff($preis_single, $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 152, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(25, 8, wpsg_ff($preis_single * $p['amount'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R');
* Produktbeschreibung anzeigen Ja/Nein
$pBeschreibungHeight = 0;
if ($this->get_option("wpsg_rechnungen_pbeschreibung") == "1" && trim(strip_tags($product->getShortDescription())) != '')
$produktBeschreibung = nl2br($produktBeschreibung);
preg_match_all('/\<br \/\>/', $produktBeschreibung, $treffer);
$produktBeschreibung = strip_tags($produktBeschreibung);
$pBeschreibungWidth = $pdf->getStringWidth($produktBeschreibung);
$pBeschreibungHeight = 5 * (ceil($pBeschreibungWidth / $produkt_text_cell_width) + @sizeof($treffer[0]));
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 9);
$cellY = $pdf->getY();
$pdf->wpsg_MultiCell($prod_left + 10, $prod_top + $height + $offset - 1, 5, $produktBeschreibung, 0, 'L', 0, $produkt_text_cell_width);
$pBeschreibungHeight = $pdf->getY() - $cellY - $height + 1;
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9);
$height += $pBeschreibungHeight;
* Produktattribute ?
if ($this->get_option('wpsg_rechnungen_produktattribute') == '1')
$attributeInfo = $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_produktattribute', 'getProductAttributeByProductId', array($this->getProduktId($p['product_id'])));
foreach ($attributeInfo as $pa)
if ($pa['value'] == "") $pa['value'] = "Keine Angabe";
$pa_text = $pa['name'].': '.$pa['value'];
$height += $pdf->wpsg_MultiCell($prod_left + 10, $prod_top + $height + $offset - 0.5, 5, $pa_text, 0, 'L', 0, $produkt_text_cell_width);
* Variante ?
if (preg_match('/pv_(.*)/', $p['product_key']))
$variInfo = $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_productvariants', 'getVariantenInfoArray', array($p['product_key']));
$height += $pdf->wpsg_MultiCell($prod_left + 10, $prod_top + $height + $offset - 0.5, 5, wpsg_translate(__('Variante: #1#', 'wpsg'), $variInfo['key']), 0, 'L', 0, $produkt_text_cell_width);
//$height += 5;
if ($this->hasMod('wpsg_mod_deliverynote') && ($this->get_option('wpsg_rechnungen_deliverynote') == '1'))
$arDN_order = $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_deliverynote', 'loadDeliveryNotesFromOrder', array($this->view['data']['id']));
if (sizeof($arDN_order) > 1)
$deliveryTimeProduct = $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_deliverynote', 'getProductDeliveryTime', array($this->view['data']['id'], $p['product_index']));
if ($deliveryTimeProduct !== false)
$height += $pdf->wpsg_MultiCell($prod_left + 10, $prod_top + $height + $offset - 0.5, 5, wpsg_translate(__('Lieferdatum: #1#', 'wpsg'), date('d.m.Y', $deliveryTimeProduct)), 0, 'L', 0, $produkt_text_cell_width);
// Jetzt die Rahmen zeichnen
$pdf->Rect($prod_left, $prod_top + $offset, 10, $height);
$pdf->Rect($prod_left + 10, $prod_top + $offset, (($bTaxCol)?87:102), $height);
if ($bTaxCol) $pdf->Rect($prod_left + 97, $prod_top + $offset, 15, $height);
$pdf->Rect($prod_left + 112, $prod_top + $offset, 15, $height);
$pdf->Rect($prod_left + 127, $prod_top + $offset, 25, $height);
$pdf->Rect($prod_left + 152, $prod_top + $offset, 25, $height);
$offset += $height;
$pnr ++;
$count ++;
if ($bNoTax) $price = $p['netto'];
else $price = $p['brutto'];
$summe += $price * $p['amount'];
if ($pdf->getY() > 220 || ($count >= $prod_break && sizeof($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['product']) > ($pnr - 1)))
AddRechnungPage($this, $pdf);
$bKopf = false; $offset = 0; $count = 0;
} // produkte
if (wpsg_isSizedArray($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['voucher'])) {
foreach ($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['voucher'] as $v) {
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9);
$pdf->setXY($prod_left, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(10, 8, $pnr.'.', 1, 0, 'C'); $pnr ++;
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 10, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell( (($bTaxCol)?87:102), 8, wpsg_translate(__('Gutschein (#1#)', 'wpsg'), $v['code']), 1, 0, 'L');
if ($bTaxCol)
$mwst = __('anteilig', 'wpsg');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 97, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(15, 8, $mwst, 1, 0, 'C');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 112, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(15, 8, '1', 1, 0, 'C');
$gs_value_einzel = wpsg_ff($v[$taxdisplay.'_single'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency'));
$gs_value_gesamt = wpsg_ff($v[$taxdisplay], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency'));
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 127, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(25, 8, $gs_value_einzel, 1, 0, 'R');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 152, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(25, 8, $gs_value_gesamt, 1, 0, 'R');
$offset += 8;
// Versandkosten
if ( ($shipping_cost != '') && ($shipping_cost != 0) )
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9);
$pdf->setXY($prod_left, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(10, 8, $pnr.'.', 1, 0, 'C'); $pnr ++;
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 10, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell( (($bTaxCol)?87:102), 8, wpsg_translate(__('Versandkosten "#1#"', 'wpsg'), $this->view['oOrder']->getShippingLabel()), 1, 0, 'L');
if ($bTaxCol)
if ($this->arShipping[$this->view['data']['type_shipping']]['mwst_null'] == '1' && $bNoTax) $mwst = wpsg_ff(0.00, '%');
else {
if ($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['shipping'][0]['tax_key'] === '0') $mwst = _('anteilig');
else {
$mwst = wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['shipping'][0]['tax'], '%');
$mwst = wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['tax'][$this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['shipping'][0]['tax_key']]['tax_value'], '%');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 97, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(15, 8, $mwst, 1, 0, 'C');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 112, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(15, 8, '1', 1, 0, 'C');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 127, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(25, 8, wpsg_ff($shipping_cost, $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 1, 0, 'R');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 152, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(25, 8, wpsg_ff($shipping_cost, $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 1, 0, 'R');
$offset += 8;
// Zahlungskosten
if ( ($payment_cost != '') && ($payment_cost != 0) )
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9);
$pdf->setXY($prod_left, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(10, 8, $pnr.'.', 1, 0, 'C'); $pnr ++;
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 10, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell( (($bTaxCol)?87:102), 8, $this->arPayment[$this->view['data']['type_payment']]['name'], 1, 0, 'L');
if ($bTaxCol)
if ($this->arPayment[$this->view['data']['type_payment']]['mwst_null'] == '1' && $bNoTax)
$mwst = wpsg_ff(0.00, '%');
} else {
if ($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['payment'][0]['tax_key'] === '0') {
$mwst = _('anteilig');
} else {
$mwst = wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['payment'][0]['tax'], '%');
$mwst = wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['tax'][$this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['payment'][0]['tax_key']]['tax_value'], '%');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 97, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(15, 8, $mwst, 1, 0, 'C');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 112, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(15, 8, '1', 1, 0, 'C');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 127, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(25, 8, wpsg_ff($payment_cost, $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 1, 0, 'R');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 152, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(25, 8, wpsg_ff($payment_cost, $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 1, 0, 'R');
$offset += 8;
// Gebühr
if (wpsg_tf(wpsg_getStr($this->view['storno_fee'])) > 0)
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9);
$pdf->setXY($prod_left, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(10, 8, $pnr.'.', 1, 0, 'C'); $pnr ++;
$label = __('Bearbeitungsgebühr', 'wpsg');
if (strpos($this->view['storno_fee'], '%') !== false) $label .= ' ('.wpsg_ff($this->view['storno_fee'], '%').')';
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 10, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell( (($bTaxCol)?87:102), 8, $label, 1, 0, 'L');
if ($bTaxCol)
if ($bNoTax) $mwst = wpsg_ff(0.00, '%');
else $mwst = wpsg_ff($this->view['storno_fee_tax_value'], '%');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 97, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(15, 8, $mwst, 1, 0, 'C');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 112, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(15, 8, '1', 1, 0, 'C');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 127, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(25, 8, '-'.wpsg_ff($this->view['storno_fee_value'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 1, 0, 'R');
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 152, $prod_top + $offset);
$pdf->Cell(25, 8, '-'.wpsg_ff($this->view['storno_fee_value'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 1, 0, 'R');
$offset += 8;
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9);
if ($this->view['kunde']['ustidnr'] != "")
$offset += 10;
$pdf->Text($prod_left, $prod_top + $offset, __("Ihre Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer:", "wpsg"));
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 140, $prod_top + $offset - 5);
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, $this->view['kunde']['ustidnr'], 0, 0, 'R');
$offset += 10; // Abstand zwischen Tabelle und Auswertung
if ( ($this->get_option('wpsg_kleinunternehmer') == '1') || ($this->view['oCalculationOrder']->getTaxMode() === \wpsg\wpsg_calculation::TAXMODE_SMALLBUSINESS) )
$pdf->Text($prod_left, $prod_top + $offset, __("Es ergibt sich folgender Gesamtbetrag", "wpsg").':');
$pdf->Text($prod_left + 80, $prod_top + $offset, __("Summe", "wpsg"));
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 140, $prod_top + $offset - 5);
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['brutto'] + $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['discount_brutto'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R');
if ( !$bNoTax || ($arCalculation['sum']['topay_brutto'] != $arCalculation['sum']['brutto']) ) $offset += 5;
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if ($bNoTax)
$pdf->Text($prod_left, $prod_top + $offset, __("Es ergibt sich folgender Gesamtbetrag", "wpsg").':');
$pdf->Text($prod_left + 80, $prod_top + $offset, __("Summe", "wpsg"));
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$pdf->Cell(37, 8, wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['brutto'] + $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['discount_brutto'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R');
//if ( !$bNoTax || ($arCalculation['sum']['topay_brutto'] != $arCalculation['sum']['brutto']) )
$offset += 5;
if ( !(($this->view['oOrder']->isInnerEu()) && ($this->view['oCalculationOrder']->getTaxMode() === \wpsg\wpsg_calculation::TAXMODE_B2B)) ) {
if (sizeof($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['tax']) >= 1)
$mw_count = 0;
foreach ($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['tax'] as $mw)
if ( $mw['tax_value'] > 0 && $mw['sum'] > 0 ) {
$offset += 5;
$pdf->Text($prod_left + 80, $prod_top + $offset, __("MwSt. ", "wpsg").wpsg_ff($mw['tax_value'], '%'));
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} else if ( !($arCalculation['sum']['topay_brutto'] != $arCalculation['sum']['brutto']) ) $offset -= 5;
} else {
$pdf->Text($prod_left, $prod_top + $offset, __("Der Gesamtbetrag setzt sich wie folgt zusammen", "wpsg").':');
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$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 140, $prod_top + $offset - 5);
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['netto'] + $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['discount_netto'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R');
if (sizeof($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['tax']) >= 1)
$mw_count = 0;
foreach ($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['tax'] as $mw)
if ( $mw['tax_value'] > 0 && $mw['sum'] > 0) {
$offset += 5;
$pdf->Text($prod_left + 80, $prod_top + $offset, __("MwSt. ", "wpsg").wpsg_ff($mw['tax_value'], '%'));
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 140, $prod_top + $offset - 5);
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, wpsg_ff($mw['sum'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R');
if ($mw_count >= 2)
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$pdf->Text($prod_left + 80, $prod_top + $offset, __("MwSt. GESAMT", "wpsg"));
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 140, $prod_top + $offset - 5);
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['brutto'] - $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['netto'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R');
// Rabatt
if ($discount_value > 0)
$offset += 5;
$pdf->Text($prod_left + 80, $prod_top + $offset, __("Rabatt", "wpsg"));
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 140, $prod_top + $offset - 5);
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, '-'.wpsg_ff($discount_value, $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R');
// Wertgutschein
if ( $arCalculation['sum']['topay_brutto'] != $arCalculation['sum']['brutto'] ) {
if (!$bNoTax) {
$offset += 5;
$pdf->Text($prod_left + 80, $prod_top + $offset, __("SUMME", "wpsg"));
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 140, $prod_top + $offset - 5);
$pdf->setFont('Arial', '', '9');
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['brutto'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R');
$pdf->setFont('Arial', '', '9');
} else if (!($mw_count >= 2)) $offset -= 5;
foreach ($arCalculation['coupon'] as $c) {
$offset += 5;
$pdf->Text($prod_left + 80, $prod_top + $offset, __('Wertgutschein', 'wpsg').' '.((wpsg_isSizedString($c['code']))?'('.$c['code'].')':''));
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 140, $prod_top + $offset - 5);
$pdf->setFont('Arial', '', '9');
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, wpsg_ff($c[$taxdisplay], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R');
$pdf->setFont('Arial', '', '9');
$offset += 5;
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$pdf->Text($prod_left + 80, $prod_top + $offset, __("ZU ZAHLEN", "wpsg"));
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 140, $prod_top + $offset - 5);
/* Endbetrag wird fett ausgegeben */
$pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', '9');
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, wpsg_ff($arCalculation['sum']['topay_brutto'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R');
$pdf->setFont('Arial', '', '9');
} else {
$offset += 5;
$pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', '9');
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$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 140, $prod_top + $offset - 5);
/* Endbetrag wird fett ausgegeben */
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, wpsg_ff($arCalculation['sum']['topay_brutto'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R');
$pdf->setFont('Arial', '', '9');
if (($this->get_option('wpsg_kleinunternehmer') == '1') || ($this->view['oCalculationOrder']->getTaxMode() === \wpsg\wpsg_calculation::TAXMODE_SMALLBUSINESS) )
$offset += 3;
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$pdf->wpsg_MultiCell($prod_left - 1, $prod_top + $offset, 5, '('.$this->get_option('wpsg_kleinunternehmer_text').')');
$offset += 8;
$offset += 5;
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$arDN_order = $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_deliverynote', 'loadDeliveryNotesFromOrder', array($this->view['data']['id']));
$delivery_date = $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_deliverynote', 'getDeliveryTime', array($this->view['data']['id']));
// Wenn es ein Gesamtlieferdatum gibt und nur einen Lieferschein, dann unter der Bestellung anzeigen
if ($delivery_date !== false && sizeof($arDN_order) == 1)
$pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', '9');
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$pdf->Text($prod_left, $prod_top + $offset, __("Lieferanschrift", "wpsg").":");
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// Bestellvariablen
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$bvars = $this->db->fetchRow("SELECT * FROM `".wpsg_q(WPSG_TBL_ORDERVARS)."` WHERE `id` = '".wpsg_q($bvars_id)."' ORDER BY `pos` ASC, `id` ASC ");
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if ($bvars_value <= 0) $bvars_value = __("Keine Angabe", "wpsg");
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if ($bvars_value <= 0) $bvars_value = __("Keine Angabe", "wpsg");
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if ($this->view['preview']) {
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$pdf->Output($oInvoice->getFilePath(), 'F');
// Hier wird der Dateiname an FPD übergeben. Er soll sich aus der Rechnungsnummer ergeben, auch wenn das Dokument über die ID gespeichert ist.
if ($this->view['output'] === true) $pdf->Output($this->view['filename_out'], 'I');