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         * Template für die Liste der Bestellbedingungen im Backend

<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */

        jQuery(document).ready(function() {
                jQuery('.wpsg_mod_ordercondition_edit_name').each(function() {
                        var oc_id = jQuery(this).attr("id").replace(/wpsg_mod_ordercondition_name_/, '');
                        jQuery(this).wspg_editable('<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP; ?>wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Admin&action=module&modul=wpsg_mod_ordercondition&do=inlinedit&noheader=1', {
                                submitdata: { 
                                field: 'name',
                                oc_id: oc_id
                                submit: '<?php echo __('Speichern', 'wpsg'); ?>',
                                placeholder: '<?php echo __('Zum Bearbeiten anklicken ...', 'wpsg'); ?>',
                                indicator: '<?php echo __('Speicher ...', 'wpsg'); ?>',
                        tooltip: '<?php echo __('Zum Bearbeiten anklicken ...', 'wpsg'); ?>'
                        } );
                } );
                jQuery('.wpsg_mod_ordercondition_edit_typ').bind('change', function() {
                        var oc_id = jQuery(this).attr("id").replace(/wpsg_mod_ordercondition_typ_/, '');
                        var value = jQuery(this).val();
                        jQuery.ajax( {
                                url: '<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP; ?>wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Admin&action=module&modul=wpsg_mod_ordercondition&do=inlinedit&noheader=1',
                                data: {
                                        field: 'typ',
                                        value: value,
                                        oc_id: oc_id
                        } );
                } );

                jQuery('.wpsg_oc_removeLink').bind('click', function() {
                        if (!confirm('<?php echo __('Sind Sie sich sicher, dass sie diese Bestellbedingung entfernen möchten?', 'wpsg'); ?>')) return false;

                        jQuery('#wpsg_oc_list').html('<img src="<?php echo WPSG_URL; ?>views/gfx/ajax-loader.gif" alt="<?php echo __('Bitte warten ...', 'wpsg'); ?>" />');
                        jQuery.ajax( {
                                url: '<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP; ?>wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Admin&action=module&modul=wpsg_mod_ordercondition&do=remove&noheader=1',
                                data: {
                                        oc_id: jQuery(this).attr("data-id")
                                success: function(data)

                        } );
                } );
        } );

/* ]]> */</script>
<?php if (!is_array($this->view['wpsg_mod_ordercondition']['data']) || sizeof($this->view['wpsg_mod_ordercondition']['data']) <= 0) { ?>
<?php echo __('Bisher keine Bestellbedingungen angelegt.', 'wpsg'); ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php $i = 0; foreach ($this->view['wpsg_mod_ordercondition']['data'] as $oc) { $i ++; ?>

    <hr />

        <div id="wpsg_mod_ordercondition_row_<?php echo $oc['id']; ?>">

        <?php echo wpsg_drawForm_TextStart(); ?>
        <?php echo $oc['id']; ?><a data-id="<?php echo $oc['id']; ?>" class="wpsg_oc_removeLink" href="#"><span class="wpsg-glyphicon glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span></a>
        <?php echo wpsg_drawForm_TextEnd(__('ID', 'wpsg')); ?>

        <?php echo wpsg_drawForm_TextStart(); ?>
        <span id="oc_name_<?php echo $oc['id']; ?>"><?php echo $oc['name']; ?></span>
        <?php echo wpsg_drawForm_TextEnd(__('Bezeichnung', 'wpsg')); ?>
        <script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */

            jQuery('#oc_name_<?php echo $oc['id']; ?>').wspg_editable('<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP; ?>wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Admin&action=module&modul=wpsg_mod_ordercondition&do=inlinedit&noheader=1', {
                submitdata: {
                    field: 'name',
                    oc_id: '<?php echo $oc['id']; ?>'

        /* ]]> */</script>

        <?php echo wpsg_drawForm_TextStart(); ?>
        <span id="oc_typ_<?php echo $oc['id']; ?>"><?php

            if ($oc['typ'] == '1') echo __('Jede Bestellung', 'wpsg');
            else if ($oc['typ'] == '2') echo __('Bestimmte Produkte', 'wpsg');
            else echo __('Inaktiv', 'wpsg');

        <?php echo wpsg_drawForm_TextEnd(__('Wirkungsbereich', 'wpsg')); ?>
        <script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */

            jQuery('#oc_typ_<?php echo $oc['id']; ?>').wspg_editable('<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP; ?>wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Admin&action=module&modul=wpsg_mod_ordercondition&do=inlinedit&noheader=1', {
                type: 'string',
                data: '<?php echo json_encode(array('0' => __('Inaktiv', 'wpsg'), '1' => __('Jede Bestellung', 'wpsg'), '2' => __('Bestimmte Produkte', 'wpsg'))); ?>',
                submitdata: {
                    field: 'typ',
                    oc_id: '<?php echo $oc['id']; ?>'

        /* ]]> */</script>
        <?php echo wpsg_drawForm_TextStart(); ?>
        <span class="wpsg_editable" id="oc_text_<?php echo $oc['id']; ?>"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($oc['text']); ?></span>
        <?php echo wpsg_drawForm_TextEnd(__('Bedingungstext', 'wpsg')); ?>
        <script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */

            jQuery('#oc_text_<?php echo $oc['id']; ?>').wspg_editable('<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP; ?>wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Admin&action=module&modul=wpsg_mod_ordercondition&do=inlinedit&noheader=1', {
                submitdata: {
                    field: 'text',
                    oc_id: '<?php echo $oc['id']; ?>'
                type: 'textarea'

        /* ]]> */</script>

        <?php echo wpsg_drawForm_TextStart(); ?>
        <span class="wpsg_editable" id="oc_errortext_<?php echo $oc['id']; ?>"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($oc['errortext']); ?></span>
        <?php echo wpsg_drawForm_TextEnd(__('Fehlertext', 'wpsg')); ?>
        <script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */

            jQuery('#oc_errortext_<?php echo $oc['id']; ?>').wspg_editable('<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP; ?>wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Admin&action=module&modul=wpsg_mod_ordercondition&do=inlinedit&noheader=1', {
                submitdata: {
                    field: 'errortext',
                    oc_id: '<?php echo $oc['id']; ?>'
                type: 'textarea'

        /* ]]> */</script>

                <?php if ($i == sizeof($this->view['wpsg_mod_ordercondition']['data'])) { ?><hr /><?php } ?>

<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>