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* Template für die Integration des Produktexportes in die Bestellvarwaltung im unteren Bereich
<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */
* Startet den Export, dazu wird der obere Filter mißbraucht
function wpsg_mod_export_do()
var arProfileIDs = Array();
jQuery('.wpsg_mod_export_profilid:checked').each(function() {
} );
if (arProfileIDs.length <= 0)
alert('<?php echo __('Bitte mindestens ein Profil zum exportieren wählen.', 'wpsg'); ?>');
return false;
jQuery('#wpsg_order_index_noheader_filter').attr('name', 'noheader');
jQuery('#filter_form').attr('target', '_new');
jQuery('#wpsg_order_index_noheader_filter').attr('name', '');
jQuery('#filter_form').attr('target', '');
return false;
} // function wpsg_mod_export_do()
/* ]]> */</script>
<div class="metabox-holder" id="wpsg_mod_export_layer" style="<?php echo (($_COOKIE['wpsg_mod_export_layer'] == '1')?'display:block;':'display:none;'); ?>padding-top:0px;">
<div id="wpsg_modexport" class="postbox">
<h3 class="wpsg_handlediv">
<span class="handlediv" title="<?php echo __('Zum Ein/Ausklappen hier klicken', 'wpsg'); ?>"><br></span>
<span><?php echo __('Bestellexport', 'wpsg'); ?></span>
<div class="inside">
<?php foreach ($this->view['wpsg_mod_export']['arProfile'] as $p) { ?>
<label class="wpsg_mod_export_profillabel">
<input type="checkbox" class="wpsg_mod_export_profilid" value="<?php echo $p['id']; ?>" type="checkbox" /> <?php echo __($p['name'], 'wpsg'); ?>
<?php } ?>
<div class="wpsg_clear"></div><br />
<input type="submit" onclick="return wpsg_mod_export_do();" value="<?php echo __('Export starten', 'wpsg'); ?>" class="button" name="submit_export" />