Subversion Repositories wpShopGermany4


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         * Template für den Karteireiter "Über" der Konfiguration

<h2><?php echo __('Systemcheck', 'wpsg'); ?></h2>

<div class="wpsg_form_field">
        <div class="wpsg_form_left">
                <?php echo __('Template Pfad:', 'wpsg'); ?>
        <div class="wpsg_form_right">
                <?php echo WPSG_PATH_USERVIEW; ?>
        <div class="wpsg_clear"></div>

<div class="wpsg_form_field">
        <div class="wpsg_form_left">
                <?php echo __('Sprachdatei:', 'wpsg'); ?>
        <div class="wpsg_form_right">
                 <?php echo WPSG_PATH_TRANSLATION; ?>
        <div class="wpsg_clear"></div>
<h2><?php echo __("über diese Installation", "wpsg"); ?></h2>

$arModule = array();
foreach ($this->arModule as $m_key => $m)

        $arModule[] = $m_key.((isset($m->version))?' '.$m->version:'');


<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('', __('wpShopGermany Version', 'wpsg'), WPSG_VERSION, array('text' => true)); ?>
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('', __('aktivierte wpShopGermany-Module', 'wpsg'), implode(', ', $arModule), array('text' => true)); ?>
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('', __('WordPress Version', 'wpsg'), get_bloginfo('version'), array('text' => true)); ?>
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('', __('PHP Version', 'wpsg'), phpversion(), array('text' => true)); ?>
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('', __('php.ini Einstellungen', 'wpsg'), "post_max_size: ". ini_get('post_max_size') . "<br />". "max_input_time: ". ini_get('max_input_time') . "<br />". "max_execution_time: ". ini_get('max_execution_time') . "<br />". "max_input_vars: ". ini_get('max_input_vars') . "<br />". "upload_max_filesize: ". ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . "<br />". "register_globals: ". ini_get('register_globals') . "<br />". "memory_limit: ". ini_get('memory_limit') . "<br />". "safe_mode: ". ini_get('safe_mode') . "<br />". "include_path: ". ini_get('include_path') . "<br />". "soap.wsdl_cache: ". ini_get('soap.wsdl_cache') . "<br />", array('text' => true, 'nohspc' => true)); ?>
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('', __('geladene PHP Erweiterungen', 'wpsg'), implode(', ',  get_loaded_extensions()), array('text' => true)); ?>

<div class="wpsg_form_field">
        <div class="wpsg_form_left">
                <label for=""><?php echo __('aktive Wordpress Plugins', 'wpsg'); ?>:</label>
        <div class="wpsg_form_right">
                <?php $arPlugins = $this->get_option('active_plugins'); ?>
                        <?php foreach ((array)$arPlugins as $plugin) { $plugin_data = get_plugin_data(WPSG_PATH_CONTENT.'plugins/'.$plugin); ?>
                        <?php echo $plugin_data['Name']; ?> / <?php echo $plugin_data['Version']; ?><br />
                        <?php } ?>
                <br />
                        <?php if (wpsg_isSizedArray($this->get_option('wpsg_plugintest_active_plugins'))) { ?>
                        <a href="<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP.'wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Admin&subaction=plugintest_restore&noheader=1'; ?>"><?php echo __('Vormals aktivierte Module wieder herstellen aus Kompatibilitätstest', 'wpsg'); ?></a>
                        <?php } else { ?>
                        <a href="<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP.'wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Admin&subaction=plugintest_disable&noheader=1'; ?>"><?php echo __('Alle Plugins außer wpShopGermany deaktivieren (Kompatibilitätstest)', 'wpsg'); ?></a>
                        <?php } ?>
        <div class="wpsg_clear"></div>