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         * Template für die erweiteren Kundendaten


<?php if (wpsg_isSizedArray($this->view['pflicht']['custom'])) { ?>
<div id="wpsg_kv_code_dialog" style="display:none;"><div class="wpsg_dialog"></div></div>

<table class="wpsg_customfields table">
                        <th class="col0"><?php echo __('Index', 'wpsg'); ?></th>                
                        <th class="col1"><?php echo __('Kundenvariablen', 'wpsg'); ?></th>
                        <th class="col2"><?php echo __('Pflichtfeld', 'wpsg'); ?></th>
                        <th class="col3"><?php echo __('Typ', 'wpsg'); ?></th>
                        <th class="col4"></th>
                        <th class="col5"></th>
                <?php foreach ($this->view['pflicht']['custom'] as $c_id => $c) { ?>    
                <tr class="wpsg_customervar_row_<?php echo $c_id; ?>">
                        <td class="col0"><?php echo $c_id; ?></td>
                        <td class="col1"><span class="wpsg_editable" id="kundenvariable_name_<?php echo $c_id; ?>"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($c['name']); ?></span></td>
                        <td class="col2">
                                <select class="form-control" name="pflicht[custom][<?php echo $c_id; ?>][show]">
                                        <option <?php echo (($c['show'] == '0')?'selected="selected"':''); ?> value="0"><?php echo __('Ja', 'wpsg'); ?></option>
                                        <option <?php echo (($c['show'] == '1')?'selected="selected"':''); ?> value="1"><?php echo __('Nein', 'wpsg'); ?></option>
                                        <option <?php echo (($c['show'] == '2')?'selected="selected"':''); ?> value="2"><?php echo __('Nicht zeigen', 'wpsg'); ?></option>
                        <td class="col3">
                                <select class="form-control" onchange="if (jQuery(this).val() == '1') { jQuery('#row_auswahl_<?php echo $c_id; ?>').show(); jQuery('#row_auswahl_<?php echo $c_id; ?> input').first().focus(); } else jQuery('#row_auswahl_<?php echo $c_id; ?>').hide();" name="pflicht[custom][<?php echo $c_id; ?>][typ]">
                                        <option <?php echo (($c['typ'] == '0')?'selected="selected"':''); ?> value="0"><?php echo __('Textfeld', 'wpsg'); ?></option>
                                        <option <?php echo (($c['typ'] == '1')?'selected="selected"':''); ?> value="1"><?php echo __('Auswahlfeld', 'wpsg'); ?></option>
                                        <option <?php echo (($c['typ'] == '2')?'selected="selected"':''); ?> value="2"><?php echo __('Checkbox', 'wpsg'); ?></option>
                        <td class="col4">
                                <a href="#" class="wpsg-glyphlink-td" title="<?php echo __('HTML Code generieren', 'wpsg'); ?>" onclick="return wpsg_genKVCode(<?php echo $c_id; ?>);"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-modal-window"></span></a>
                                <a href="#" class="wpsg-glyphlink-td" title="<?php echo __('Kundenvariable löschen', 'wpsg'); ?>" onclick="return wpsg_removeCustomField(<?php echo $c_id; ?>);"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span></a>
                                <script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */

                                        jQuery('#kundenvariable_name_<?php echo $c_id; ?>').wpsg_editable('<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP; ?>wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Admin&subaction=kundendaten&do=inlinedit&noheader=1', {
                                                submitdata: { 
                                                field: 'name',
                                                field_id: '<?php echo $c_id; ?>'
                                                submit  : '<?php echo __('Speichern', 'wpsg'); ?>',
                                                placeholder: '<?php echo __('Zum Bearbeiten anklicken ...', 'wpsg'); ?>',
                                                indicator: '<?php echo __('Speicher ...', 'wpsg'); ?>',
                                        tooltip: '<?php echo __('Zum Bearbeiten anklicken ...', 'wpsg'); ?>'
                                        /* ]]> */</script>
                <tr class="wpsg_customervar_row2 wpsg_customervar_row_<?php echo $c_id; ?>" id="row_auswahl_<?php echo $c_id; ?>" style="<?php echo (($c['typ'] == '1')?'':'display:none;'); ?>">
                        <td class="col0"></td>
                        <td class="col1"><?php echo __('Auswahlmöglichkeiten ("|" als Trenner)', 'wpsg'); ?></td>
                        <td class="col234" colspan="3">
                                <input type="text" class="form-control" name="pflicht[custom][<?php echo $c_id; ?>][auswahl]" value="<?php echo wpsg_hspc($c['auswahl']); ?>" />
                <?php } ?>

<br />
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_kundenvariablen_show', __('Kundenvariablen direkt abfragen', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_kundenvariablen_show'), array('fullWidth' => true)); ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<p><?php echo __('Keine benutzerdefinierten Kundenfelder angelegt.', 'wpsg'); ?>
<?php } ?>