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         * Template für die E-Mail Konfiguration

<div class="wpsg_admin_submenu">
        <div class="list-group">
                <span class="list-group-head list-group-item"><?php echo __('Konfiguration'); ?></span>
                <?php foreach ($this->view['arSubAction'] as $k => $v) { ?>
                        <a class="list-group-item <?php echo (($k == $this->view['subAction'])?'active':''); ?>" href="<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP; ?>wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Admin&amp;subaction=<?php echo $k; ?>"><?php echo $v['Menutext']; ?></a>
                <?php } ?>



    var uploadData = {};

<div class="wpsg_admin_content form-horizontal">
        <form name="form1" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo wpsg_hspc(WPSG_URL_WP.'wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Admin&subaction=emailconf&noheader=1'); ?>">

                <?php wp_nonce_field('wpsg-admin-emailconf'); ?>
                <?php echo wpsg_drawForm_AdminboxStart('Allgemeine Einstellungen', 'wpsg'); ?>
                <?php $logoPath = wpsg_getUploadDir('wpsg_mailconf').'wpsg_email_logo.jpg'; ?>

                <?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox(
                        __('HTML Mails versenden', 'wpsg'),
                ); ?>

                <div class="col-emaillogo">

                        <?php if(file_exists($logoPath)) { ?>
                                <?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox(
                                        __("E-Maillogo anzeigen"),
                                ); ?>

                                <?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox(
                                        __("E-Maillogo als Wasserzeichen anzeigen"),
                                ); ?>
                        <?php } ?>

                        <br />
                        <div class="form-group">
                                <div class="col-sm-6 control-label control-label-email-conf">
                                        <label><?php echo __("E-Maillogo (JPG)"); ?></label>
                                <div class="col-sm-6">
                                        <?php if(file_exists($logoPath)) { ?>
                                                <a href="<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP.'wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Admin&subaction=emailconf&getEmailLogo=1&noheader=1'; ?>" target="_blank"><?php echo __('Derzeitiges Logo', 'wpsg'); ?></a><br>
                                        <?php } ?>
                                        <input type="file" name="wpsg_email_logo">

                                <?php if(file_exists($logoPath)) { ?>
                                        <?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox(
                                                __("Logo Löschen"),
                                        ); ?>
                                <?php } ?>

                        </div> <!-- .form-group -->
                        <br />
                        <?php if(file_exists($logoPath)) { ?>

                                <div class="form-group col-logo-alignment">
                                        <div class="col-sm-6 control-label control-label-email-conf">
                                                <label><?php echo __("Ausrichtung des Maillogos"); ?></label>
                                        <div class="col-sm-6 email-logo-alignment">
                                                <?php $logoAlignment = $this->get_option('wpsg_email_logo_alignment'); ?>
                                                <?php $standardAlignment = false; ?>
                                                <?php if(!wpsg_isSizedString($logoAlignment)) $standardAlignment = true; ?>
                                                <input type="radio" name="wpsg_email_logo_alignment" value="left" <?php if($logoAlignment === "left"):?>checked<?php endif;?>> <span>&#xf036 <?php echo __("Linksbündig"); ?></span> <br>
                                                <input type="radio" name="wpsg_email_logo_alignment" value="center" <?php if($logoAlignment === "center"):?>checked<?php endif;?>> <span>&#xf037 <?php echo __("Zentriert"); ?></span> <br>
                                                <input type="radio" name="wpsg_email_logo_alignment" value="right" <?php if($logoAlignment === "right" || $standardAlignment):?>checked<?php endif;?>> <span>&#xf038 <?php echo __("Rechtsbündig"); ?></span>
                                <br />
                                <?php $logoTransparency = $this->get_option('wpsg_email_logo_transparency'); ?>
                                <?php if(!wpsg_isSized($logoTransparency)) $logoTransparency = "100%"; ?>
                                <?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input(
                                        __("Deckkraft des Logos"),
                                        strpos($logoTransparency, "%") !== false ? $logoTransparency : $logoTransparency."%"
                                ); ?>

                        <?php } ?>

                <?php echo wpsg_drawForm_AdminboxEnd(); ?>

                <?php echo wpsg_drawEMailConfig(
                        __('Globale Vorgaben', 'wpsg'),
                        __('Werden keine Angaben für die folgenden E-Mails gemacht, so gelten die globalen Angaben.', 'wpsg')); ?>

                <?php echo wpsg_drawEMailConfig(
                        __('Bestellbestätigung (Admin)', 'wpsg'),
                        __('Diese Mail bekommt der Admin beim Eingang einer neuen Bestellung.', 'wpsg'),
                        true); ?>

                <?php echo wpsg_drawEMailConfig(
                        __('Bestellbestätigung (Kunde)', 'wpsg'),
                        __('Diese Mail bekommt der Kunde nach Durchführung der Bestellung.', 'wpsg'),
                        true); ?>

                <?php echo wpsg_drawEMailConfig(
                        __('Statusänderung (Kunde)', 'wpsg'),
                        __('Diese Mail bekommt der Kunde bei der Änderung des Bestellstatus.', 'wpsg')); ?>

                <?php $this->callMods('admin_emailconf'); ?>

                <div class="wpsg_hinweis"><?php echo __('Klicken Sie auf die jeweilige Mail um die Einstellungen angezeigt zu bekommen bzw. zu ändern.', 'wpsg'); ?></div>

                <p class="submit"><input type="submit" value="<?php echo __('Einstellungen speichern', 'wpsg'); ?>" class="button-primary" id="submit" name="submit" /></p>


<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */

         * Speichert die Informationen ob die Mailboxen auf oder zugeklappt sind in dem Cookie
        function wpsg_mail_save_cookie()

                var wpsg_mail_open = Array();

                jQuery('.wpsg_email_box .panel-body:visible').each(function() {


                } );

                jQuery.cookie('wpsg_mail', wpsg_mail_open.join(','));

        } // function wpsg_mail_save_cookie()
    function wpsg_removeAttachemnt(a) {
            var id = parseInt(a.getAttribute('data-id'));
            var key = a.getAttribute('data-key');
        uploadData[key].forEach(function(item, index, object) {

            if (parseInt( === id) {
                object.splice(index, 1);
        } ); 
        return false;
    var wpframe;
        jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        jQuery(".btnAddAttachment").click(function(event) {

            var source = || event.srcElement;
            var key = jQuery(source).attr("data-key");

            if (wpframe) {; return; }
            wpframe = ={
                title: "<?php echo __('Auswählen oder Hochladen von Medien', 'wpsg'); ?>",
                button: { text: "<?php echo __('Medien benutzen', 'wpsg'); ?>" },
                multiple: true  
            wpframe.on('select', function() {

                var attachments = wpframe.state().get('selection').map( function(attachment) {

                    var bDrin = false;
                    for (var i in uploadData[key]) {
                        if (uploadData[key][i].id === {
                            bDrin = true;
                    if (!bDrin) {
                        uploadData[key].push( {
                            filename: attachment.attributes.filename,
                            url: attachment.attributes.url
                        } );
                    return attachment;
                } ); 
            } );

        } );
                jQuery('.wpsg_email_box .panel-heading').bind('click', function() {



                } ).css( { 'cursor': 'pointer' } ).disableSelection().next().hide();

                if (jQuery.cookie('wpsg_mail') != null)

                        var arOpen = jQuery.cookie('wpsg_mail').split(',');

                        for (var i = 0; i < arOpen.length; i ++)

                                jQuery('#' + arOpen[i]).next().show();
                                jQuery('#' + arOpen[i]).css('border-bottom', '0px');



                jQuery("#wpsg_htmlmail").click(function() {

                        if(jQuery("#wpsg_htmlmail")[0].checked == false) jQuery(".col-emaillogo").css("display", "none");
                        else $(".col-emaillogo").css("display", "block");

                if(jQuery("#wpsg_htmlmail")[0].checked == false) jQuery(".col-emaillogo").css("display", "none");

                jQuery("#wpsg_email_logo_watermark").click(function() {

                        if(jQuery("#wpsg_email_logo_watermark")[0].checked == true) jQuery(".col-logo-alignment").hide();
                        else jQuery(".col-logo-alignment").show()

                if(jQuery("#wpsg_email_logo_watermark").first().checked == true) jQuery(".col-logo-alignment").hide();

        } );

        /* ]]> */</script>