/mods/mod_ticket/settings_edit.phtml |
File deleted |
/mods/mod_ticket/ticket_mail.phtml |
File deleted |
/mods/mod_ticket/order_view.phtml |
File deleted |
/mods/mod_ticket/product_addedit_content.phtml |
File deleted |
\ No newline at end of file |
/mods/mod_ticket/ticket_mail_html.phtml |
File deleted |
/mods/mod_ticket/order_view_row.phtml |
File deleted |
Property changes: |
Deleted: svn:executable |
-* |
\ No newline at end of property |
/mods/mod_ticket/qrScanner.phtml |
File deleted |
\ No newline at end of file |
/mods/mod_ticket/basket_row.phtml |
File deleted |
\ No newline at end of file |
Property changes: |
Deleted: svn:executable |
-* |
\ No newline at end of property |
/mods/mod_ticket/settings_edit_templates.phtml |
File deleted |
Property changes: |
Deleted: svn:executable |
-* |
\ No newline at end of property |
/mods/mod_ticket/produkttemplate.phtml |
File deleted |
/mods/mod_paypalapi/overview_button.phtml |
File deleted |
\ No newline at end of file |
/mods/mod_paypalapi/order_done_giropay.phtml |
File deleted |
\ No newline at end of file |
/mods/mod_paypalapi/checkout2_inner_prebutton.phtml |
File deleted |
/mods/mod_paypalapi/gfx/giropay.svg |
File deleted |
\ No newline at end of file |
/mods/mod_klarna/pay.phtml |
File deleted |
/mods/mod_klarna/order_done.phtml |
File deleted |
/mods/mod_klarna/order_view_afterpayment.phtml |
File deleted |
/mods/mod_klarna/gfx/klarna.svg |
File deleted |
\ No newline at end of file |
/mods/mod_printshop/producttemplate.phtml |
66,7 → 66,7 |
<?php /* URL für die Lightbox */ ?> |
<?php $att = wp_get_attachment_image_src($arAttachmentIDsAll[$i], array(800, 600), false); ?> |
<a <?php if ($arAttachmentIDsAll[$i] != $arAttachmentID) echo 'style="display:none;"'; ?> data-fslightbox="<?php echo $this->getTemplateIndex(); ?>" title="<?php echo $this->getProductName($this->view['data']['id']); ?>" href="<?php echo $att[0]; ?>"> |
<a <?php if ($arAttachmentIDsAll[$i] != $arAttachmentID) echo 'style="display:none;"'; ?> rel="gallery-wpsg-<?php echo $this->getTemplateIndex(); ?>" title="<?php echo $this->getProductName($this->view['data']['id']); ?>" href="<?php echo $att[0]; ?>" class="thickbox"> |
<?php echo wp_get_attachment_image($arAttachmentIDsAll[$i], array(300, 300), false, array()); ?> |
83,24 → 83,14 |
<?php if ($this->get_option('wpsg_showArticelnumber') == '1') { ?> |
<div class="wpsg_artikelnummer"> |
<?php echo __('Artikelnummer', 'wpsg'); ?>: <span class="wpsg_anr"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($this->view['data']['anr']); ?></span><br /> |
</div> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php $arProductCodes = $oProduct->getAllProductCodes(); ?> |
<?php if (sizeof($arProductCodes) > 0) { ?> |
<div class="product_code_wrap"> |
<?php foreach ($arProductCodes as $product_code) { ?> |
<?php if ($product_code !== null) { ?> |
<div class="product_code <?php echo $product_code['code_key']; ?>"> |
<span class="label"><?php echo $product_code['label']; ?></span>: <span class="code"><?php echo $product_code['code']; ?></span> |
</div> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php if (wpsg_isSizedInt($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_ean'))) {?> |
<?php echo __('EAN','wpsg');?>:<span class="wpsg_ean"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($this->view['data']['ean']); ?></span><br /> |
<?php } ?> |
</div> |
<?php if (wpsg_isSizedInt($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_gtin'))) {?> |
<?php echo __('GTIN','wpsg');?>:<span class="wpsg_gtin"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($this->view['data']['gtin']); ?></span><br /> |
<?php }?></div> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php /* Abfrage Preisanzeige nur für eingeloggte User aktiv und User eingeloggt START*/ ?> |
<?php if ($this->view['oProduct']->canDisplayPrice()) { ?> |
/mods/mod_prepayment/order_done.phtml |
7,7 → 7,6 |
//wpsg_debug($this->view['wpsg_mod_prepayment']['subject']); |
?> |
<?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Sie haben die Zahlungsart "Vorkasse" gewählt. Überweisen Sie daher den Rechnungsbetrag von #1# auf folgendes Konto:', 'wpsg'), wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['topay_brutto'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency'))); ?> |
<br /><br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Kontoinhaber: #1#', 'wpsg'), $this->replaceUniversalPlatzhalter($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_kinhaber'))); ?><br /> |
16,168 → 15,21 |
<?php echo wpsg_translate(__('BIC-/SWIFT-Code: #1#', 'wpsg'), $this->replaceUniversalPlatzhalter($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_swift'))); ?> |
<br /><br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Bitte als Betreff angeben: "#1#"', 'wpsg'), $this->view['wpsg_mod_prepayment']['subject']); ?> |
<br /><br /> |
<?php return; if ( isset($this->view['wpsg_mod_prepayment']['subject']) && ($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode') == true) ) { ?> |
<?php require_once WPSG_PATH_LIB.'phpgirocode.class.php'; ?> |
<?php if ($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode_country') == '0') { ?> |
<?php if (isset($this->view['wpsg_mod_prepayment']['subject'])) { ?> |
<p> |
<?php echo __('Wenn Ihre Banking-App Girocode unterstützt, können Sie diesen QRCode scannen.', 'wpsg'); ?> |
</p> |
<?php |
require_once WPSG_PATH_LIB.'phpgirocode.class.php'; |
$img = $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_prepayment', 'genQRCode', array($this->view['o_id'], $this->view['wpsg_mod_prepayment']['subject'], $this->view['basket']['sum']['preis_gesamt_brutto'], 8, PhpGirocode::OUTPUT_BASE64)); |
echo '<img src="data:image/png;base64,'.$img.'" />'; |
<!-- Girocode und QR-Rechnung --> |
<?php |
try { |
$img = array(); |
$img = $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_prepayment', 'genQRCode', array($this->view['o_id'], $this->view['wpsg_mod_prepayment']['subject'], $this->view['basket']['sum']['preis_gesamt_brutto'], 10, PhpGirocode::OUTPUT_BASE64, $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode_country'), $this->view['basket'])); |
?> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_info_wrap"> |
<?php foreach ($img as $i) { ?> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_info"> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_info_left"> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_info_left_qr-download"> |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__($i['title'], 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<?php if (isset($i['filepath'])) { ?><a title="Downloadlink für die QR-Rechnung" target="_blank" href="<?php echo $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_prepayment', 'getFrontendLink', [$i['order_id']]); ?>"><i class="fa fa-download" aria-hidden="true"></i></a><?php } ?> |
</div> |
<br /> |
<?php echo '<img class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_info_left_qrcodeimg" src="data:image/png;base64,'.$i['hash'].'" />'; ?> |
<br /> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_info_left_wrap"> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_info_left_currency"> |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Währung', 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<?php echo $this->get_option('wpsg_currency'); ?> |
</div> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_info_left_amount"> |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Betrag', 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<?php echo sprintf("%.2f", $i['invoiceAmount']); ?> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_info_right"> |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Konto / Zahlbar an', 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<?php echo $this->replaceUniversalPlatzhalter($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_iban')); ?><br /> |
<?php echo $this->replaceUniversalPlatzhalter($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_kinhaber')); ?><br /> |
<?php echo $this->replaceUniversalPlatzhalter($this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_street')); ?><br /> |
<?php echo $this->replaceUniversalPlatzhalter($this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_zip')).' '.$this->replaceUniversalPlatzhalter($this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_city')); ?><br /> |
<?php if (!empty($i['referenceNumber'])) { ?> |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Referenz', 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<?php echo $i['referenceNumber']; ?><br /> |
<?php } ?> |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Zusätzliche Informationen', 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<?php echo $i['additionalInformation']; ?><br /> |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Zahlbar durch', 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<?php echo $i['customerdata']['vname'].' '.$i['customerdata']['name']; ?><br /> |
<?php echo $i['customerdata']['strasse'].' '.$i['customerdata']['nr']; ?><br /> |
<?php echo $i['customerdata']['plz'].' '.$i['customerdata']['ort']; ?><br /> |
</div> |
</div> |
<?php } ?> |
</div> |
<?php } catch (\Exception $e) { wpsg_debug($e); } ?> |
<?php } else if ($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode_country') == '1') { ?> |
<!-- Girocode (EPC) --> |
<p> |
<?php echo __('Wenn Ihre Banking-App Girocode unterstützt, können Sie diesen QRCode scannen.', 'wpsg'); ?> |
</p> |
<?php |
$img = array(); |
$img = $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_prepayment', 'genQRCode', array($this->view['o_id'], $this->view['wpsg_mod_prepayment']['subject'], $this->view['basket']['sum']['preis_gesamt_brutto'], 10, PhpGirocode::OUTPUT_BASE64, $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode_country'), $this->view['basket'])); |
?> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_girocode"> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_girocode_left" > |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__($img['title'], 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<br /> |
<?php echo '<img class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_girocode_left_qrcodeimg" src="data:image/png;base64,'.$img['hash'].'" />'; ?> |
<br> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_girocode_left_wrap"> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_girocode_left_currency"> |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Währung', 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<?php echo $this->get_option('wpsg_currency'); ?> |
</div> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_girocode_left_amount"> |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Betrag', 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<?php echo sprintf("%.2f", $img['invoiceAmount']); ?> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_girocode_right"> |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Konto / Zahlbar an', 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<?php echo $this->replaceUniversalPlatzhalter($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_iban')); ?><br /> |
<?php echo $this->replaceUniversalPlatzhalter($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_kinhaber')); ?><br /> |
<?php echo $this->replaceUniversalPlatzhalter($this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_street')); ?><br /> |
<?php echo $this->replaceUniversalPlatzhalter($this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_zip')).' '.$this->replaceUniversalPlatzhalter($this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_city')); ?><br /> |
<?php if (!empty($img['referenceNumber'])) { ?> |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Referenz', 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<?php echo $img['referenceNumber']; ?><br /> |
<?php } ?> |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Zusätzliche Informationen', 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<?php echo $img['additionalInformation']; ?><br /> |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Zahlbar durch', 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<?php echo $img['customerdata']['vname'].' '.$img['customerdata']['name']; ?><br /> |
<?php echo $img['customerdata']['strasse'].' '.$img['customerdata']['nr']; ?><br /> |
<?php echo $img['customerdata']['plz'].' '.$img['customerdata']['ort']; ?><br /> |
</div> |
</div> |
<?php } else if ($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode_country') == '2') { ?> |
<!-- QR-Rechnung (SWISS) --> |
<?php |
$img = array(); |
$img = $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_prepayment', 'genQRCode', array($this->view['o_id'], $this->view['wpsg_mod_prepayment']['subject'], $this->view['basket']['sum']['preis_gesamt_brutto'], 10, PhpGirocode::OUTPUT_BASE64, $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode_country'), $this->view['basket'])); |
?> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrrechnung"> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrrechnung_left"> |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__($img['title'], 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<br /> |
<?php echo '<img class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrrechnung_left_qrcodeimg" src="data:image/png;base64,'.$img['hash'].'" />'; ?> |
<br> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrrechnung_left_wrap"> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrrechnung_left_currency"> |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Währung', 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<?php echo $this->get_option('wpsg_currency'); ?> |
</div> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrrechnung_left_amount"> |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Betrag', 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<?php echo sprintf("%.2f", $img['invoiceAmount']); ?> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrrechnung_right"> |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Konto / Zahlbar an', 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<?php echo $this->replaceUniversalPlatzhalter($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_iban')); ?><br /> |
<?php echo $this->replaceUniversalPlatzhalter($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_kinhaber')); ?><br /> |
<?php echo $this->replaceUniversalPlatzhalter($this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_street')); ?><br /> |
<?php echo $this->replaceUniversalPlatzhalter($this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_zip')).' '.$this->replaceUniversalPlatzhalter($this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_city')); ?><br /> |
<?php if (!empty($img['referenceNumber'])) { ?> |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Referenz', 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<?php echo $img['referenceNumber']; ?><br /> |
<?php } ?> |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Zusätzliche Informationen', 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<?php echo $img['additionalInformation']; ?><br /> |
<h4><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Zahlbar durch', 'wpsg')); ?></h4> |
<?php echo $img['customerdata']['vname'].' '.$img['customerdata']['name']; ?><br /> |
<?php echo $img['customerdata']['strasse'].' '.$img['customerdata']['nr']; ?><br /> |
<?php echo $img['customerdata']['plz'].' '.$img['customerdata']['ort']; ?><br /> |
</div> |
</div> |
<?php } ?> |
?> |
<?php } ?> |
/mods/mod_klarna/settings_edit.phtml |
1,58 → 1,25 |
<?php |
declare(strict_types=1); |
/** |
* @author: daniel |
* @date: 04.03.24 |
* @time: 11:56 |
*/ |
namespace wpsgKlarna; |
?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_klarna_active', __('Zahlungsart für neue Bestellungen aktiv', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_active'), ['help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_active']); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_klarna_admin_active', __('Zahlungsart nur für Admins aktiv', 'wpsgPayone'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_admin_active'), ['help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_admin_active']); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_klarna_api_user', __('API Benutzername', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_api_user'), ['help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_api_user']); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_klarna_api_password', __('API Passwort', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_api_password'), ['help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_api_password']); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox', __('Sandbox Modus', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox'), ['help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox']); ?> |
<div id="wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox_layer"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox_user', __('(Sandbox) API Benutzername', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox_user'), ['help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox_user']); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox_password', __('(Sandbox) API Passwort', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox_password'), ['help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox_password']); ?> |
</div> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_klarna_debug', __('API Anfragen im Bestellprotokoll protokollieren', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_debug'), ['help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_debug']); ?> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_klarna_checkout', __('Zahlungen im Checkout vorauthorisieren', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_checkout'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_checkout')); ?> |
<br /> |
<script> |
const el_wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox = document.getElementById('wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox'); |
const el_wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox_layer = document.getElementById('wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox_layer'); |
el_wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox.addEventListener('change', (event) => { |
if (event.target.checked) el_wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox_layer.style.display = 'block'; |
else el_wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox_layer.style.display = 'none'; |
}); |
el_wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); |
</script> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_klarna_fee', __('Gebühr', 'wpsg'), wpsg_ff($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_fee'), true), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_fee','unit' => $this->get_option('wpsg_currency').' / %')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('wpsg_mod_klarna_tax_key', __('Mehrwertsteuersatz', 'wpsg'), wpsg_tax_groups(), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_tax_key'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_tax_key')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_klarna_notaxcountry', __('Keine MwSt. wenn Land steuerfrei', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_notaxcountry'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_notaxcountry')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Textarea('wpsg_mod_klarna_hint', __('Hinweistext', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_hint'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_hint')); ?> |
<?php |
/** |
* Template für die Einstellungen des Klarna Moduls |
*/ |
?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_klarna_bezeichnung', __('Bezeichnung', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_bezeichnung'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_bezeichnung')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_klarna_aktiv', __('Aktiv', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_aktiv'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_aktiv')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_klarna_aktiv_from', __('Aktiv ab Betrag', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_aktiv_from'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_aktiv_from')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_klarna_aktiv_to', __('Aktiv bis Betrag', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_aktiv_to'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_aktiv_to')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Textarea('wpsg_mod_klarna_hint', __('Hinweistext', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_hint'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_hint')); ?> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_klarna_merchantID', __('Händler ID (Merchant ID)', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_merchantID'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_merchantID')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_klarna_sharedSecret', __('Geheimnis', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_sharedSecret'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_sharedSecret')); ?> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox', __('Sandboxmodus', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_sandbox')); ?> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_klarna_gebuehr', __('Gebühr', 'wpsg'), wpsg_ff($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_gebuehr'), true), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_gebuehr','unit' => $this->get_option('wpsg_currency').' / %')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('wpsg_mod_klarna_mwst', __('Mehrwertsteuersatz', 'wpsg'), wpsg_tax_groups(), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_mwst'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_mwst')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_klarna_mwstland', __('Keine MwSt. wenn Land steuerfrei', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_mwstland'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_mwstland')); ?> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('wpsg_mod_klarna_success', __('Erfolgsseite', 'wpsg'), $this->view['pages'], $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_success'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_success')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('wpsg_mod_klarna_error', __('Fehlerseite', 'wpsg'), $this->view['pages'], $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_klarna_error'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_klarna_error')); ?> |
/order/index.phtml |
54,8 → 54,6 |
<input id="wpsg_order" type="hidden" name="filter[order]" value="<?php echo @$this->view['arFilter']['order']; ?>" /> |
<input id="wpsg_ascdesc" type="hidden" name="filter[ascdesc]" value="<?php echo @$this->view['arFilter']['ascdesc']; ?>" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="filter[voucher_id]" value="<?php echo intval($this->view['arFilter']['voucher_id']??0); ?>" /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('filter[s]', __('Suchfeld', 'wpsg'), wpsg_getStr($this->view['arFilter']['s'])); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('filter[k_id]', __('Kunde (ID)', 'wpsg'), wpsg_getStr($this->view['arFilter']['k_id'])); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('filter[payment_key]', __('Zahlungsart', 'wpsg'), $arPaymentKeySelect, wpsg_getStr($this->view['arFilter']['payment_key'])); ?> |
81,7 → 79,7 |
<select name="filter[cdate_m]" class="form-control input-sm"> |
<option value="-1"><?php echo __("Alle", "wpsg"); ?></option> |
<?php for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i ++) { ?> |
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<option <?php echo ((wpsg_getStr($this->view['arFilter']['cdate_m']) == $i)?'selected="selected"':''); ?> value="<?php echo str_pad($i, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); ?>"><?php echo strftime("%B", mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 2000)); ?></option> |
<?php } ?> |
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490,35 → 488,7 |
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590,35 → 560,6 |
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/mods/mod_relatedproducts/list.phtml |
9,39 → 9,16 |
<?php if (sizeof($this->view['wpsg_mod_relatedproducts']['data']) <= 0) { ?> |
<p><?php echo __('Noch keine Produkte zugeordnet', 'wpsg'); ?></p> |
<?php } else { ?> |
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<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('wpsg_mod_relatedproduct['.$p['id'].']', '<a href="'.wp_nonce_url(WPSG_URL_WP.'wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Produkt&action=edit&edit_id='.$p['product_id'], 'wpsg-product-edit-'.$p['product_id']).'">'.$p['name'].'</a>', $this->view['wpsg_mod_relatedproducts']['arTemplates'], $p['template'], array('icon' => 'wpsg_icon_remove glyphicon glyphicon-trash')); ?> |
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62,13 → 39,5 |
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/mods/mod_productvars/basket_row.phtml |
11,7 → 11,7 |
<div class="title"> |
<?php echo __($pv['name'], 'wpsg'); ?><?php if ($pv['pflicht'] == '1') { ?><span class="wpsg_required">*</span><?php } ?> |
</div> |
<div class="value"> |
<div class="valuel"> |
<?php if ($pv['typ'] == '1') { // Auswahlfeld ?> |
<select class="<?php echo ((in_array("wpsg_mod_productvars_".$pv['id']."_".$this->view['wpsg_mod_productvars']['p']['product_index'], (array)$this->view['error']))?'wpsg_error':''); ?>" name="wpsg_mod_productvars[<?php echo $pv['id']; ?>][<?php echo $this->view['wpsg_mod_productvars']['p']['product_index']; ?>]"> |
<option value="not_set"><?php echo __('Bitte wählen', 'wpsg'); ?></option> |
31,5 → 31,6 |
class="<?php echo ((in_array("wpsg_mod_productvars_".$pv['id']."_".$this->view['wpsg_mod_productvars']['p']['product_index'], (array)$this->view['error']))?'wpsg_error':''); ?>"><?php echo @wpsg_hspc($this->view['wpsg_mod_productvars']['p']['wpsg_mod_productvars'][$pv['id']]); ?></textarea> |
<?php } ?> |
</div> |
</div> |
<?php } ?> |
/mods/mod_paypal/settings_edit.phtml |
60,7 → 60,6 |
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<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_paypal_invoicenumber', __('Formatierung InvoiceNumber', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_paypal_invoicenumber'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_paypal_invoicenumber')); ?> |
<br /> |
/mods/mod_orderupload/checkout_inner_prebutton.phtml |
18,7 → 18,7 |
</div> |
<div class="wpsg_inner"> |
<?php if ($this->view['wpsg_mod_orderupload']['uploadsum'] > 0) { ?> |
<input class="wpsg_orderupload_checkout_button" type="file" name="wpsg_mod_orderupload_file" /> |
<?php } ?> |
47,7 → 47,7 |
<?php /* Counter, wie viel MB noch übrig sind */?> |
<label class="wpsg_fileweight"> |
<?php echo wpsg_translate( __('Es stehen Ihnen #1# Mb von #2# Mb für den Upload zur Verfügung', 'wpsg'), $this->view['wpsg_mod_orderupload']['uploadsum'], $this->view['wpsg_mod_orderupload']['maxweight'] );?> |
<?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Es stehen Ihnen #1# Mb von #2# Mb für den Upload zur Verfügung', 'wpsg'), $this->view['wpsg_mod_orderupload']['uploadsum'],$this->view['wpsg_mod_orderupload']['maxweight']);?> |
</label> |
</div> |
/mods/mod_trustedshops/settings_edit.phtml |
1,7 → 1,7 |
<?php |
/** |
* Template für die Einstellungen des Trusted Shops Moduls |
* Tempalte für die Einstellungen des Trusted Shops Moduls |
*/ |
?> |
16,7 → 16,6 |
<br /> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_protectedshops"> |
<div class="wpsg_admin_box" id="wpsg_tab"> |
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25,37 → 24,35 |
<li role="presentation"><a href="#tab3" aria-controls="messages" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><?php echo __('Bewertungslinks', 'wpsg'); ?></a></li> |
<li role="presentation"><a href="#tab4" aria-controls="messages" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><?php echo __('Review Collector', 'wpsg'); ?></a></li> |
</ul> |
<div class="tab-content"> |
<div id="tab1" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" > |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_siegelcache', __('Bewertungsbild zwischenspeichern (empfohlen)', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_siegelcache'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_trustedshops_siegelcache')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_siegeltitle', __('Titel des Bewertungsbildes', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_siegeltitle'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_trustedshops_siegeltitle')); ?> |
<?php if (wpsg_isSizedString($this->view['siegelURL'])) { ?> |
<br /> |
<div class="wpsg_hinweis"><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Das Trusted Shops Widget muss in einen <a href="#1#">Widgetbereich</a> eingefügt werden.', 'wpsg'), WPSG_URL_WP.'wp-admin/widgets.php'); ?></div><br /> |
<?php echo __('Vorschau:', 'wpsg'); ?><br /> |
<img class="bewertung" alt="<?php echo wpsg_hspc($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_siegeltitle')); ?>" border="0" src="<?php echo $this->view['siegelURL']; ?>"/> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_siegelcache', __('Bewertungsbild zwischenspeichern (empfohlen)', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_siegelcache'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_trustedshops_siegelcache')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_siegeltitle', __('Titel des Bewertungsbildes', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_siegeltitle'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_trustedshops_siegeltitle')); ?> |
<?php if (wpsg_isSizedString($this->view['siegelURL'])) { ?> |
<br /> |
<div class="wpsg_hinweis"><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Das Trusted Shops Widget muss in einen <a href="#1#">Widgetbereich</a> eingefügt werden.', 'wpsg'), WPSG_URL_WP.'wp-admin/widgets.php'); ?></div><br /> |
<?php echo __('Vorschau:', 'wpsg'); ?><br /> |
<img class="bewertung" alt="<?php echo wpsg_hspc($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_siegeltitle')); ?>" border="0" src="<?php echo $this->view['siegelURL']; ?>"/> |
<?php } ?> |
</div> |
<div id="tab2" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" > |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_orderdone', __('Link zur Bewertung', 'wpsg'), array( |
'0' => __('Nicht anzeigen', 'wpsg'), |
'1' => __('Immer anzeigen', 'wpsg'), |
'2' => __('Nur anzeigen, wenn Kunde bewerten möchte', 'wpsg') |
), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_orderdone'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_trustedshops_orderdone')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_orderdonetitle', __('Titel des Links', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_orderdonetitle'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_trustedshops_orderdonetitle')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_orderdonelogo', __('Alternative Logo URL', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_orderdonelogo'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_trustedshops_orderdonelogo')); ?> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_warranty', __('Trusted Shops Käuferschutz (Garantie)', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_warranty'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_trustedshops_warranty')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_orderdone', __('Link zur Bewertung', 'wpsg'), array( |
'0' => __('Nicht anzeigen', 'wpsg'), |
'1' => __('Immer anzeigen', 'wpsg'), |
'2' => __('Nur anzeigen, wenn Kunde bewerten möchte', 'wpsg') |
), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_orderdone'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_trustedshops_orderdone')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_orderdonetitle', __('Titel des Links', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_orderdonetitle'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_trustedshops_orderdonetitle')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_orderdonelogo', __('Alternative Logo URL', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_orderdonelogo'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_trustedshops_orderdonelogo')); ?> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_warranty', __('Trusted Shops Käuferschutz (Garantie)', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_warranty'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_trustedshops_warranty')); ?> |
</div> |
<div id="tab3" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" > |
70,6 → 67,8 |
<br /> |
<?php if ($this->hasMod('wpsg_mod_rechnungen')) { ?> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_invoicemail', __('Link zur Bewertung in Rechnungsmail', 'wpsg'), array( |
'0' => __('Nicht anzeigen', 'wpsg'), |
'1' => __('Immer anzeigen', 'wpsg'), |
76,6 → 75,7 |
'2' => __('Nur anzeigen, wenn Kunde bewerten möchte', 'wpsg') |
), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_invoicemail'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_trustedshops_invoicemail')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_invoicemailtitle', __('Text des Links', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_invoicemailtitle'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_trustedshops_invoicemailtitle')); ?> |
<?php } ?> |
</div> |
82,61 → 82,85 |
<div id="tab4" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" > |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_reminder', __('Erinnerung', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_reminder'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_trustedshops_reminder')); ?> |
<div id="wpsg_mod_trustedshops_reminder_layer" style="display:none;"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_reminderDays', __('Zeitspanne zum versenden der Erinnerunsmail in Tagen', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_reminderDays'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_trustedshops_reminderDays')); ?> |
</div> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Link('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_link', __('Auslöser bei Statuswechsel', 'wpsg'), |
__('Bearbeiten', 'wpsg'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_trustedshops_link', 'class' => 'wpsg_mod_trustedshops_state')); ?> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_trustedshops_reminderstate_layer" style="display:none;"> |
<?php foreach ($this->arStatus as $state_id => $state_label) { ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_TextStart(); ?> |
<input type="hidden" name="wpsg_mod_trustedshops_reminder" value="0"> |
<input id="wpsg_mod_trustedshops_reminder" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" <?php echo ((wpsg_isSizedInt($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_reminder')))?'checked="checked"':''); ?> tabindex="14" name="wpsg_mod_trustedshops_reminder" value="1"> |
<div id="wpsg_mod_trustedshops_reminder_layer" class="wpsg_form_trustedshops_reminderDays"> |
<p><?php echo __('Nach', 'wpsg'); ?></p> |
<input id="wpsg_mod_trustedshops_reminderDays" type="text" class="text" tabindex="15" name="wpsg_mod_trustedshops_reminderDays" value="<?php echo $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_reminderDays'); ?>"> |
<p><?php echo __('Tagen', 'wpsg'); ?></p> |
</div> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_TextEnd(__('Erinnerung', 'wpsg'), array('noP' => true)); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_TextStart(); ?> |
<?php foreach ($this->arStatus as $state_id => $state_label) { ?> |
<?php |
$arr1 = $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_state'); |
$chk = ((in_array($state_id, (array)$this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_state')))?1:0); |
echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_state[]', __($state_label, 'wpsg'), |
$chk, array('help1' => 'wpsg_shippay_mwstland', 'value' => wpsg_hspc($state_id), 'labelright' => true)); |
$arr1 = $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_state'); |
$chk = ((in_array($state_id, (array)$this->get_option('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_state')))?1:0); |
echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_state[]', __($state_label, 'wpsg'), |
$chk, array('help1' => 'wpsg_shippay_mwstland', |
'value' => wpsg_hspc($state_id), |
'noHidden' => true, |
'fullWidth' => true |
)); |
?> |
<?php } ?> |
<br /> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_TextEnd(__('Bestellzustände', 'wpsg'), array('noP' => true)); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('', __('Letzter Export', 'wpsg'), $this->view['lastExport'], array('text' => true)); ?> |
<br /> |
</div> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('', __('Letzter Export', 'wpsg'), $this->view['lastExport'], array('text' => true)); ?> |
<br /> |
<div class="wpsg_form_field"> |
<div class="wpsg_form_left"> </div> |
<div class="wpsg_form_right wpsg_form_right_unit"> |
<?php $temp = $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_trustedshops', 'getExportData'); |
if (wpsg_isSizedArray($temp)) { ?> |
<a target="_blank" onclick="location.href=location.href;" href="<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP; ?>wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Admin&action=module&modul=wpsg_mod_trustedshops&do=export&noheader=1" class="button"><?php echo __('CSV-Export-Datei erstellen', 'wpsg'); ?></a> |
<?php } else { ?> |
<p><?php echo __('Derzeit keine Daten zum Export verfügbar.', 'wpsg'); ?></p> |
<?php } ?> |
<div class="wpsg_form_field"> |
<div class="wpsg_form_left"> </div> |
<div class="wpsg_form_right wpsg_form_right_unit"> |
<?php $temp = $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_trustedshops', 'getExportData'); |
if (wpsg_isSizedArray($temp)) { ?> |
<a target="_blank" onclick="location.href=location.href;" href="<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP; ?>wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Admin&action=module&modul=wpsg_mod_trustedshops&do=export&noheader=1" class="button"><?php echo __('CSV-Export-Datei erstellen', 'wpsg'); ?></a> |
<?php } else { ?> |
<p><?php echo __('Derzeit keine Daten zum Export verfügbar.', 'wpsg'); ?></p> |
<?php } ?> |
</div> |
<div class="wpsg_clear"></div> |
</div> |
<div class="wpsg_clear"></div> |
</div> |
<br /> |
<a href="https://www.trustedshops.com/tsb2b/sa/ratings/batchRatingRequest.seam"><?php echo __('Trusted Shops Review Collector', 'wpsg'); ?></a> |
</div> |
<br /> |
<a href="https://www.trustedshops.com/tsb2b/sa/ratings/batchRatingRequest.seam"><?php echo __('Trusted Shops Review Collector', 'wpsg'); ?></a> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
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161,41 → 185,7 |
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var reminderCheckbox = document.getElementById('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_reminder'); |
var reminderDiv = document.getElementById('wpsg_mod_trustedshops_reminder_layer'); |
function toggleDivVisibility(checkbox, div) |
{ |
if (checkbox.checked) div.style.display = "block"; |
else div.style.display = "none"; |
} |
// Event Listener für die Checkboxen |
reminderCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function() { |
toggleDivVisibility(reminderCheckbox, reminderDiv); |
}); |
// Überprüfen und Initialisieren des Anfangszustands der Checkboxen |
toggleDivVisibility(reminderCheckbox, reminderDiv); |
}); |
/* ]]> */</script> |
/order/product_table.phtml |
49,12 → 49,7 |
<tbody> |
<tr><td colspan="<?php echo $this->view['colspan'] + 1; ?>" style="line-height:2px; height:2px; background-color:#999999; padding:0px;"></td></tr> |
<?php $i = 0; foreach ($arCalculation['product'] as $p) { $i ++; $product_price = $p[$display.'_single']; |
$oProduct = wpsg_product::getInstance(intval($p['product_id'])); |
if (($p['product_key']??'') !== '') $oProduct->setProductKey($p['product_key']); |
?> |
<?php $i = 0; foreach ($arCalculation['product'] as $p) { $i ++; $product_price = $p[$display.'_single']; ?> |
<tr class="wpsg_<?php echo (($i % 2 == 0)?'odd':'even'); ?>"> |
<td colspan="<?php echo $this->view['colspan'] + 1; ?>"> |
67,7 → 62,7 |
echo wp_nonce_url(WPSG_URL_WP.'wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Produkt&action=edit&edit_id='.$p['product_id'], 'wpsg-product-edit-'.wpsg_getInt($p['product_id'])); |
?>" title="<?php echo __('Zum Produkt', 'wpsg'); ?>"> |
<?php echo wpsg_hspc($oProduct->getProductName(false)); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_hspc($this->getProductName($p['product_id'])); ?> |
</a> |
<a href="#" class="wpsg-glyphlink-td" title="<?php echo __('Produkt bearbeiten', 'wpsg'); ?>" onclick="return WPSG_BE_Product.editProduct(<?php echo $p['order_product_id']; ?>);"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span></a> |
<a href="#" class="wpsg-glyphlink-td" title="<?php echo __('Produkt löschen', 'wpsg'); ?>" onclick="return WPSG_BE_Product.removeProduct(<?php echo $p['order_product_id']; ?>);"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span></a> |
/mods/mod_rechnungen/order_view_orderdata_after.phtml |
182,15 → 182,9 |
let el_invoice_wpsg_rechnungen_preview = document.getElementById('invoice_wpsg_rechnungen_preview'); |
let el_invoice_wpsg_rechnungen_submit = document.getElementById('invoice_wpsg_rechnungen_submit'); |
let submit = false; |
function check_invoice_amount(event) { |
if (submit === true) return; |
submit = true; |
let ok = false; |
for (let el_checkbox of document.getElementsByClassName('wpsg_check_amount_invoice')) { |
208,7 → 202,7 |
} |
if (ok) { |
if (event.target.getAttribute("id") === 'invoice_wpsg_rechnungen_submit') { |
window.setTimeout(function() { location.href = '<?php |
221,8 → 215,6 |
} else { |
submit = false; |
alert('<?php echo __('Bitte mindestens ein Produkt auswählen!', 'wpsg'); ?>'); |
event.stopPropagation(); |
/mods/mod_rechnungen/order_view.phtml |
30,25 → 30,17 |
<div> |
<?php echo $oInvoice->getNr(true); ?> |
</div> |
<div style="text-align:right; white-space:nowrap;"> |
<?php /* |
<a target="_blank" href="<?php |
echo wp_nonce_url(WPSG_URL_WP.'wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Order&mod=wpsg_mod_rechnungen&noheader=1&action=ajax&edit_id='.$_REQUEST['edit_id'].'&r_id='.$r['id'].'&do=rebuildadmin', 'wpsg-mod_invoice-order_ajax-rebuildadmin-'.$_REQUEST['edit_id']); |
?>" style="color:red;"><?php echo __('Neu erstellen', 'wpsg'); ?></a> |
*/ ?> |
<div style="text-align:right;"> |
<a target="_blank" onclick="if (!confirm('<?php echo __('Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie eine Kopie dieser Rechnung/Rechnungskorrektur erneut an den Kunden senden möchten?', 'wpsg'); ?>')) return false;" href="<?php |
if ($r['o_id'] == '0') { |
// Multirechnung |
$r_o_ids = array_map('intval', explode(',', $r['o_ids'])); |
echo wp_nonce_url(WPSG_URL_WP.'wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Order&mod=wpsg_mod_rechnungen&noheader=1&action=ajax&edit_id='.$_REQUEST['edit_id'].'&r_id='.$r['id'].'&do=copy', 'wpsg-mod_invoice-order_ajax-copy-'.$_REQUEST['edit_id']); |
echo wp_nonce_url(WPSG_URL_WP.'wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Order&mod=wpsg_mod_rechnungen&noheader=1&action=ajax&edit_id='.$r_o_ids[0].'&r_id='.$r['id'].'&do=copy', 'wpsg-mod_invoice-order_ajax-copy-'.$r_o_ids[0]); |
} else { |
// normale Rechnung |
echo wp_nonce_url(WPSG_URL_WP.'wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Order&mod=wpsg_mod_rechnungen&noheader=1&action=ajax&edit_id='.$_REQUEST['edit_id'].'&r_id='.$r['id'].'&do=copy', 'wpsg-mod_invoice-order_ajax-copy-'.$_REQUEST['edit_id']); |
echo wp_nonce_url(WPSG_URL_WP.'wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Order&mod=wpsg_mod_rechnungen&noheader=1&action=ajax&edit_id='.$this->view['data']['id'].'&r_id='.$r['id'].'&do=copy', 'wpsg-mod_invoice-order_ajax-copy-'.$this->view['data']['id']); |
} |
?>"><?php echo ' '.__("Kopie senden", "wpsg"); ?></a> |
67,6 → 59,6 |
<style> |
#wpsg_mod_rechnungen_order_view .grid { display:grid; width:100%; grid-template-columns:150px 1fr 250px; row-gap:0.25rem; column-gap:1rem; } |
#wpsg_mod_rechnungen_order_view .grid { display:grid; width:100%; grid-template-columns:150px 1fr 100px; row-gap:0.25rem; } |
</style> |
/mods/mod_rechnungen/invoice_pdf.phtml |
34,6 → 34,9 |
$arCalculation = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']; |
if ($this->getFrontendTaxView() === WPSG_NETTO) $taxdisplay = 'netto'; |
else $taxdisplay = 'brutto'; |
// Damit die Steuer bei der Kleinunternehmerregelung nicht angezeigt wird leer ich den Array sicherheitshalber |
if ( ($this->get_option('wpsg_kleinunternehmer') == '1') || ($this->view['oCalculationOrder']->getTaxMode() === \wpsg\wpsg_calculation::TAXMODE_SMALLBUSINESS) ) unset($this->view['basket']['mwst']); |
196,20 → 199,16 |
if ($bNoTax) { |
$discount_value = abs($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['discount_netto']); |
$discount_value = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['discount_netto']; |
$shipping_cost = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['shipping_netto']; |
$payment_cost = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['payment_netto']; |
$taxdisplay = 'netto'; |
} else { |
$discount_value = abs($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['discount_brutto']); |
$discount_value = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['discount_brutto']; |
$shipping_cost = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['shipping_brutto']; |
$payment_cost = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['payment_brutto']; |
$taxdisplay = 'brutto'; |
} |
$summe = 0; |
217,9 → 216,7 |
$bKopf = false; $pnr = 1; $offset = 0; $count = 0; |
foreach ($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['product'] as $p) |
{ |
$product = wpsg_product::getInstance($p['product_id']); |
if (($p['product_key']??'') !== '') $product->setProductKey($p['product_key']); |
if (!$bKopf) |
{ |
259,8 → 256,8 |
if ($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_rechnungen_anr') == '1') $pdf->Cell(10, 8, $product->getNr(), 0, 0, 'C'); |
else $pdf->Cell(10, 8, $pnr.".", 0, 0, 'C'); |
if ($this->get_option('wpsg_rechnungen_pdetailname') == '1') $produkt_text = $product->getProductName(true); |
else $produkt_text = $product->getProductName(false); |
if ($this->get_option('wpsg_rechnungen_pdetailname') == '1') $produkt_text = $this->getProductName($this->getProduktID($p['product_id']), true); |
else $produkt_text = $this->getProductName($this->getProduktID($p['product_id']), false); |
$produktBeschreibung = trim(strip_tags($product->getShortDescription())); |
454,8 → 451,7 |
} // produkte |
if (wpsg_isSizedArray($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['voucher'])) |
{ |
if (wpsg_isSizedArray($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['voucher'])) { |
foreach ($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['voucher'] as $v) { |
481,7 → 477,7 |
$gs_value_einzel = wpsg_ff($v[$taxdisplay.'_single'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')); |
$gs_value_gesamt = wpsg_ff($v[$taxdisplay], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')); |
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 127, $prod_top + $offset); |
$pdf->Cell(25, 8, $gs_value_einzel, 1, 0, 'R'); |
495,7 → 491,7 |
} |
// Versandkosten |
if ( ($shipping_cost != '') && ($shipping_cost != 0) ) |
if ( ($shipping_cost != '') && ($shipping_cost != 0) ) |
{ |
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9); |
508,21 → 504,12 |
if ($bTaxCol) |
{ |
// if ($this->arShipping[$this->view['data']['type_shipping']]['mwst_null'] == '1' && $bNoTax) |
// { |
if ($bNoTax) |
{ |
$mwst = wpsg_ff(0.00, '%'); |
} else { |
if ($this->arShipping[$this->view['data']['type_shipping']]['mwst_null'] == '1' && $bNoTax) $mwst = wpsg_ff(0.00, '%'); |
else { |
if ($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['shipping'][0]['tax_key'] === '0') { |
$mwst = _('anteilig'); |
if ($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['shipping'][0]['tax_key'] === '0') $mwst = _('anteilig'); |
else { |
} else { |
$mwst = wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['shipping'][0]['tax'], '%'); |
$mwst = wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['tax'][$this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['shipping'][0]['tax_key']]['tax_value'], '%'); |
562,9 → 549,7 |
if ($bTaxCol) |
{ |
// if ($this->arPayment[$this->view['data']['type_payment']]['mwst_null'] == '1' && $bNoTax) |
// { |
if ($bNoTax) |
if ($this->arPayment[$this->view['data']['type_payment']]['mwst_null'] == '1' && $bNoTax) |
{ |
$mwst = wpsg_ff(0.00, '%'); |
651,21 → 636,8 |
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, $this->view['kunde']['ustidnr'], 0, 0, 'R'); |
} |
$offset += 5; // Abstand zwischen Tabelle und Rabatt |
$offset += 10; // Abstand zwischen Tabelle und Auswertung |
// Rabatt |
if ($discount_value > 0) |
{ |
$offset += 5; |
$pdf->Text($prod_left + 80, $prod_top + $offset, __("Rabatt", "wpsg")); |
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 140, $prod_top + $offset - 5); |
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, '-'.wpsg_ff($discount_value, $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R'); |
} |
$offset += 5; // Abstand zwischen Rabatt und Auswertung |
if ( ($this->get_option('wpsg_kleinunternehmer') == '1') || ($this->view['oCalculationOrder']->getTaxMode() === \wpsg\wpsg_calculation::TAXMODE_SMALLBUSINESS) ) |
{ |
672,7 → 644,7 |
$pdf->Text($prod_left, $prod_top + $offset, __("Es ergibt sich folgender Gesamtbetrag", "wpsg").':'); |
$pdf->Text($prod_left + 80, $prod_top + $offset, __("Summe", "wpsg")); |
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 140, $prod_top + $offset - 5); |
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['brutto'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R'); |
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['brutto'] + $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['discount_brutto'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R'); |
if ( !$bNoTax || ($arCalculation['sum']['topay_brutto'] != $arCalculation['sum']['brutto']) ) $offset += 5; |
} else { |
679,11 → 651,12 |
if ($bNoTax) |
{ |
$pdf->Text($prod_left, $prod_top + $offset, __("Es ergibt sich folgender Gesamtbetrag", "wpsg").':'); |
$pdf->Text($prod_left + 80, $prod_top + $offset, __("Summe", "wpsg")); |
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 140, $prod_top + $offset - 5); |
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['brutto'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R'); |
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['brutto'] + $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['discount_brutto'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R'); |
//if ( !$bNoTax || ($arCalculation['sum']['topay_brutto'] != $arCalculation['sum']['brutto']) ) |
$offset += 5; |
if ( !(($this->view['oOrder']->isInnerEu() || $deliverycountrytax) && ($this->view['oCalculationOrder']->getTaxMode() === \wpsg\wpsg_calculation::TAXMODE_B2B)) ) { |
728,7 → 701,7 |
$pdf->Text($prod_left + 80, $prod_top + $offset, __("NETTOBETRAG", "wpsg")); |
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 140, $prod_top + $offset - 5); |
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['topay_netto'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R'); |
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['netto'] + $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['discount_netto'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R'); |
if (sizeof($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['tax']) >= 1) |
{ |
765,6 → 738,17 |
} |
} |
// Rabatt |
if ($discount_value > 0) |
{ |
$offset += 5; |
$pdf->Text($prod_left + 80, $prod_top + $offset, __("Rabatt", "wpsg")); |
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 140, $prod_top + $offset - 5); |
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, '-'.wpsg_ff($discount_value, $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R'); |
} |
// Wertgutschein |
if ( $arCalculation['sum']['topay_brutto'] != $arCalculation['sum']['brutto'] ) { |
940,7 → 924,7 |
} else { |
if (($this->view['rebuild']??false) === false) $pdf->Output($oInvoice->getFilePath(), 'F'); |
$pdf->Output($oInvoice->getFilePath(), 'F'); |
// Hier wird der Dateiname an FPD übergeben. Er soll sich aus der Rechnungsnummer ergeben, auch wenn das Dokument über die ID gespeichert ist. |
if ($this->view['output'] === true) $pdf->Output($this->view['filename_out'], 'I'); |
/mods/mod_rechnungen/accounting_pdf.phtml |
33,6 → 33,9 |
$prod_break = $this->get_option('wpsg_rechnungen_pdfperpage'); |
$arCalculation = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']; |
if ($this->getFrontendTaxView() === WPSG_NETTO) $taxdisplay = 'netto'; |
else $taxdisplay = 'brutto'; |
// Damit die Steuer bei der Kleinunternehmerregelung nicht angezeigt wird leer ich den Array sicherheitshalber |
if ( ($this->get_option('wpsg_kleinunternehmer') == '1') || ($this->view['oCalculationOrder']->getTaxMode() === \wpsg\wpsg_calculation::TAXMODE_SMALLBUSINESS) ) unset($this->view['basket']['mwst']); |
172,6 → 175,7 |
if ($this->get_option('wpsg_showMwstAlways') === '1') $bTaxCol = true; |
else if (!$bNoTax) $bTaxCol = true; |
if ($bNoTax) { |
$discount_value = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['discount_netto']; |
178,8 → 182,6 |
$shipping_cost = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['shipping_netto']; |
$payment_cost = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['payment_netto']; |
$taxdisplay = 'netto'; |
} else { |
$discount_value = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['discount_brutto']; |
186,8 → 188,6 |
$shipping_cost = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['shipping_brutto']; |
$payment_cost = $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['payment_brutto']; |
$taxdisplay = 'brutto'; |
} |
$summe = 0; |
483,20 → 483,11 |
if ($bTaxCol) |
{ |
// if ($this->arShipping[$this->view['data']['type_shipping']]['mwst_null'] == '1' && $bNoTax) $mwst = wpsg_ff(0.00, '%'); |
// { |
if ($bNoTax) |
{ |
$mwst = wpsg_ff(0.00, '%'); |
} else { |
if ($this->arShipping[$this->view['data']['type_shipping']]['mwst_null'] == '1' && $bNoTax) $mwst = wpsg_ff(0.00, '%'); |
else { |
if ($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['shipping'][0]['tax_key'] === '0') { |
$mwst = _('anteilig'); |
} else { |
if ($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['shipping'][0]['tax_key'] === '0') $mwst = _('anteilig'); |
else { |
$mwst = wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['shipping'][0]['tax'], '%'); |
$mwst = wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['tax'][$this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['shipping'][0]['tax_key']]['tax_value'], '%'); |
537,9 → 528,7 |
if ($bTaxCol) |
{ |
// if ($this->arPayment[$this->view['data']['type_payment']]['mwst_null'] == '1' && $bNoTax) |
// { |
if ($bNoTax) |
if ($this->arPayment[$this->view['data']['type_payment']]['mwst_null'] == '1' && $bNoTax) |
{ |
$mwst = wpsg_ff(0.00, '%'); |
626,21 → 615,8 |
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, $this->view['kunde']['ustidnr'], 0, 0, 'R'); |
} |
$offset += 5; // Abstand zwischen Tabelle und Rabatt |
$offset += 10; // Abstand zwischen Tabelle und Auswertung |
// Rabatt |
if ($discount_value > 0) |
{ |
$offset += 5; |
$pdf->Text($prod_left + 80, $prod_top + $offset, __("Rabatt", "wpsg")); |
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 140, $prod_top + $offset - 5); |
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, '-'.wpsg_ff($discount_value, $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R'); |
} |
$offset += 5; // Abstand zwischen Rabatt und Auswertung |
if ( ($this->get_option('wpsg_kleinunternehmer') == '1') || ($this->view['oCalculationOrder']->getTaxMode() === \wpsg\wpsg_calculation::TAXMODE_SMALLBUSINESS) ) |
{ |
647,10 → 623,9 |
$pdf->Text($prod_left, $prod_top + $offset, __("Es ergibt sich folgender Gesamtbetrag", "wpsg").':'); |
$pdf->Text($prod_left + 80, $prod_top + $offset, __("Summe", "wpsg")); |
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 140, $prod_top + $offset - 5); |
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['brutto'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R'); |
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['brutto'] + $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['discount_brutto'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R'); |
if ( !$bNoTax || ($arCalculation['sum']['topay_brutto'] != $arCalculation['sum']['brutto']) ) $offset += 5; |
$offset += 5; |
} else { |
if ($bNoTax) |
705,7 → 680,7 |
$pdf->Text($prod_left + 80, $prod_top + $offset, __("NETTOBETRAG", "wpsg")); |
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 140, $prod_top + $offset - 5); |
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['topay_netto'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R'); |
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, wpsg_ff($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['netto'] + $this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['sum']['discount_netto'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R'); |
if (sizeof($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']['tax']) >= 1) |
{ |
742,6 → 717,17 |
} |
} |
// Rabatt |
if ($discount_value > 0) |
{ |
$offset += 5; |
$pdf->Text($prod_left + 80, $prod_top + $offset, __("Rabatt", "wpsg")); |
$pdf->setXY($prod_left + 140, $prod_top + $offset - 5); |
$pdf->Cell(37, 8, '-'.wpsg_ff($discount_value, $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')), 0, 0, 'R'); |
} |
// Wertgutschein |
if ( $arCalculation['sum']['topay_brutto'] != $arCalculation['sum']['brutto'] ) { |
/mods/mod_rechnungen/multi_invoice_pdf.phtml |
286,7 → 286,7 |
if ($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_rechnungen_anr') == '1') { |
$pdf->Cell(10, 8, $oOrderProduct->getProduct()->getNr(), 0, 0, 'C'); |
$pdf->Cell(10, 8, $oOrderProduct->getProduct()->getProductNr(), 0, 0, 'C'); |
} else { |
/mods/mod_rechnungen/settings_edit.phtml |
4,8 → 4,6 |
* Template für die Einstellungen des Rechnungen Moduls |
*/ |
use horstoeko\zugferd\ZugferdProfiles; |
?> |
<div> |
184,47 → 182,6 |
</div> |
<div id="tab3" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" > |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('wpsg_mod_rechnungen_einvoice', __('E-Rechnung', 'wpsg'), [ |
0 => __('Keine E-Rechnungsdaten erzeugen', 'wpsg'), |
100 + ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_MINIMUM => __('EN16931 Minimum', 'wpsg'), |
100 + ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_BASIC => __('EN16931 Basic', 'wpsg'), |
100 + ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_BASICWL => __('EN16931 Basic WL', 'wpsg'), |
100 + ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_EN16931 => __('EN16931 Comfort', 'wpsg'), |
100 + ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_EXTENDED => __('EN16931 Extended', 'wpsg'), |
100 + ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_XRECHNUNG => __('EN16931 XRechnung 1', 'wpsg'), |
100 + ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_XRECHNUNG_2 => __('EN16931 XRechnung 2', 'wpsg'), |
100 + ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_XRECHNUNG_2_1 => __('EN16931 XRechnung 2.1', 'wpsg'), |
100 + ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_XRECHNUNG_2_2 => __('EN16931 XRechnung 2.2', 'wpsg'), |
100 + ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_XRECHNUNG_2_3 => __('EN16931 XRechnung 2.3', 'wpsg'), |
100 + ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_XRECHNUNG_3 => __('EN16931 XRechnung 3', 'wpsg'), |
], $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_rechnungen_einvoice'), ['help' => 'wpsg_mod_rechnungen_einvoice']); ?> |
<p style="line-height:normal; margin-bottom:1rem; margin-top:1rem; display:none; font-style:italic;" id="wpsg_mod_rechnungen_einvoice_description"><?php echo __('Die Platzhalter können bei den Formatfeldern und dem Dateinamen verwendet werden. Der Platzhalter %nr% sollte dabei immer Verwendung finden.', 'wpsg'); ?></p> |
<script> |
const eInvoiceProfileDev = <?php echo json_encode(ZugferdProfiles::PROFILEDEF); ?>; |
const el_wpsg_mod_rechnungen_einvoice_description = document.getElementById('wpsg_mod_rechnungen_einvoice_description'); |
document.getElementById('wpsg_mod_rechnungen_einvoice').addEventListener('change', ev => { |
if (eInvoiceProfileDev[ev.target.value] !== undefined) { |
el_wpsg_mod_rechnungen_einvoice_description.innerText = eInvoiceProfileDev[ev.target.value].description; |
el_wpsg_mod_rechnungen_einvoice_description.style.display = 'block'; |
} else { |
el_wpsg_mod_rechnungen_einvoice_description.style.display = 'hidden'; |
} |
}); |
document.getElementById('wpsg_mod_rechnungen_einvoice').dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); |
</script> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_rechnungen_url', __('URL Benachrichtigung', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_rechnungen_url'), array('help' => 'wpsg_rechnung_url')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('wpsg_mod_rechnungen_auto', __('Rechnungserstellung', 'wpsg'), array( |
'0' => __('Manuell', 'wpsg'), |
/mods/mod_rechnungen/copymail.phtml |
1,13 → 1,13 |
<?php |
/* |
* Template für die Rechnungskopie |
**/ |
/* |
* Template für die Rechnungskopie |
*/ |
/** @var wpsg_order $oOrder */ |
$oOrder = wpsg_order::getInstance($this->view['order']['id']); |
?><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Hallo #1# #2# #3#,', 'wpsg'), $oOrder->getInvoiceTitle(), $oOrder->getInvoiceFirstName(), $oOrder->getInvoiceName()); ?> |
$arPflicht = $this->loadPflichtFeldDaten(); |
$arTitle = explode('|', $arPflicht['anrede_auswahl']); |
?><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Hallo #1# #2# #3#,', 'wpsg'), @$arTitle[$this->view['basket']['checkout']['title']], $this->view['basket']['checkout']['vname'], $this->view['basket']['checkout']['name']); ?> |
<?php if (isset($this->view['rnr'])) { ?> |
<?php echo __("hiermit erhalten Sie die Kopie der Rechnung", "wpsg"); ?> <?php echo $this->view['rnr']; ?>. |
/mods/mod_export/profil.phtml |
66,16 → 66,6 |
</div> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php if ($this->view['profil']['export_type'] === wpsg_mod_export::TYPE_PRODUCT) { ?> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_export_format wpsg_mod_export_format_<?php echo wpsg_mod_export::FORMAT_CSV; ?>" style="display:<?php echo (($this->view['profil']['format'] == wpsg_mod_export::FORMAT_CSV)?'block':'none'); ?>"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('csv_pvariants_separated', __('Produkte variantengetrennt exportieren', 'wpsg'), $this->view['profil']['csv_pvariants_separated'], array('label' => __('Optionen', 'wpsg'), 'help' =>'wpsg_csv_pvariants_separated', 'inlineEdit' => true, 'inlineEdit_url' => $inlineEdit_url)); ?> |
</div> |
<?php } ?> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_export_format wpsg_mod_export_format_<?php echo wpsg_mod_export::FORMAT_CSV; ?>" style="display:<?php echo (($this->view['profil']['format'] == wpsg_mod_export::FORMAT_CSV)?'block':'none'); ?>"> |
82,7 → 72,7 |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('csv_fieldnames', __('Spaltennamen in erster Zeile', 'wpsg'), $this->view['profil']['csv_fieldnames'], array('inlineEdit' => true, 'inlineEdit_url' => $inlineEdit_url)); ?> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div id="tab2" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane"> |
/mods/mod_productvariants/admin_edit.phtml |
37,7 → 37,7 |
<?php $colspan += 3; ?> |
<?php if (wpsg_isSizedInt($this->view['product_id'])) { $colspan += 2; ?> |
<!--<th class="col_artnr"><?php echo __('Artikelnummer', 'wpsg'); ?></th>--> |
<th class="col_artnr"><?php echo __('Artikelnummer', 'wpsg'); ?></th> |
<th class="col_price"><?php echo __('Preis', 'wpsg'); ?></th> |
<?php if ($this->hasMod('wpsg_mod_stock')) { ?> |
170,7 → 170,7 |
<td class="col_shortname"><span class="wpsg_editable" id="productvariation_shortname_<?php echo $vari['id']; ?>"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($vari['shortname']); ?></span></td> |
<?php if (wpsg_isSizedInt($this->view['product_id'])) { ?> |
<!--<td class="col_artnr"><span class="wpsg_editable" id="productvariation_anr_<?php echo $vari['id']; ?>"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($vari['anr']); ?></span></td>--> |
<td class="col_artnr"><span class="wpsg_editable" id="productvariation_anr_<?php echo $vari['id']; ?>"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($vari['anr']); ?></span></td> |
<td class="col_price"><span class="wpsg_editable" id="productvariation_price_<?php echo $vari['id']; ?>"><?php echo wpsg_hspc(wpsg_ff($vari['price'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency'))); ?></span></td> |
<?php if ($this->hasMod('wpsg_mod_stock')) { ?> |
316,7 → 316,7 |
</div> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php /* if (wpsg_isSizedInt($this->view['product_id'])) { ?> |
<?php if (wpsg_isSizedInt($this->view['product_id'])) { ?> |
<div style="margin-top:0.25rem;"> |
<span>EAN: |
<span title="<?php echo __('EAN der Produktvariation', 'wpsg'); ?>" class="wpsg_editable" id="productvariation_ean_<?php echo $vari['id']; ?>"><?php echo $vari['ean']??''; ?></span> |
333,7 → 333,7 |
</script> |
</div> |
<?php } */ ?> |
<?php } ?> |
<script> |
/mods/mod_productvariants/admin_html.phtml |
210,7 → 210,8 |
} |
function wpsg_mod_productvariants_back() { |
function wpsg_mod_productvariants_back() |
{ |
var product_id = jQuery('#wpsg_mod_productvariants_product_id').val(); |
233,17 → 234,16 |
jQuery('#wpsg_mod_productvariants_dialog .modal-body').html(data); |
if (window.wpsg_mod_productvariants) window.wpsg_mod_productvariants.updateCombinationData(); |
} |
} ); |
} ); |
return false; |
} // function wpsg_mod_productvariants_back() |
function wpsg_mod_productvariants_show(product_id) { |
function wpsg_mod_productvariants_show(product_id) |
{ |
jQuery('#wpsg_mod_productvariants_dialog button').prop('disabled', true); |
jQuery('#wpsg_mod_productvariants_dialog .modal-body').html('<img src="<?php echo WPSG_URL; ?>views/gfx/ajax-loader.gif" alt="<?php echo __('Bitte warten ...', 'wpsg'); ?>" />'); |
261,13 → 261,11 |
jQuery('#wpsg_mod_productvariants_dialog .modal-body').html(data); |
jQuery('#wpsg_mod_productvariants_dialog button').prop('disabled', false); |
if (window.wpsg_mod_productvariants) window.wpsg_mod_productvariants.updateCombinationData(); |
} |
} ); |
} ); |
return false; |
} |
} // function wpsg_mod_productvariants_show() |
</script> |
/mods/mod_productvariants/settings_edit.phtml |
22,14 → 22,7 |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_productvariants_price', __('Preis der Variation direkt anzeigen'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_productvariants_price')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_vp_detailview', __('Erweiterte Variantenanzeige aktivieren', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_vp_detailview'), array('help' => 'wpsg_vp_detailview')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_vp_replaceanr', __('Produktartikelnummer ersetzen', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_vp_replaceanr'), array('hint' => __('Ersetzt die Produktartikelnummer durch die zusammengesetzte Artikelnummern der Varianten.', 'wpsg'), 'help' => 'wpsg_vp_replaceanr')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_vp_product_stock_nocalc', __('Produktbestand nach Kauf nicht berechnen', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_vp_product_stock_nocalc'), [ |
'hint' => __('Ist diese Option aktiv, so bildet sich der Bestand im Produkt bei Variantenprodukten nicht aus den Varianten neu sondern wird einfach reduziert.', 'wpsg'), 'help' => 'wpsg_vp_product_stock_nocalc' |
]); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_vp_product_stock_varinotchange', __('Produktbestand in Varianten nicht verringern', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_vp_product_stock_varinotchange'), [ |
'hint' => __('Ist diese Option aktiv, so wird bei Kauf der Bestand in den Varianten nicht verringert.', 'wpsg'), 'help' => 'wpsg_vp_product_stock_varinotchange' |
]); ?> |
</div> |
</div> |
/mods/mod_productvariants/frontend.js |
18,7 → 18,6 |
'success': function(data) { |
jQuery('#wpsg_produktform_' + template_index).replaceWith(data); |
if (typeof refreshFsLightbox === 'function') refreshFsLightbox(); |
} |
} ); |
/mods/mod_productvariants/produkt_addedit_content.phtml |
1,439 → 1,33 |
<?php |
declare(strict_types=1); |
/** |
* Template für die Verwaltung der Produktvarianten innerhalb des Produktes |
* @author: Daniel Schmitzer (daschmi@daschmi.de) |
* @date: 20.04.23 |
* @time: 11:30 |
*/ |
namespace wpsg; |
?> |
<?php if (!wpsg_isSizedInt($this->view['data']['id'])) { ?> |
<p><?php echo __('Bitte speichern Sie das Produkt zuerst.', 'wpsg'); ?></p> |
<?php } else { |
/** @var \wpsg_product $oProduct */ |
$oProduct = \wpsg_product::getInstance(intval($this->view['data']['id'])); |
?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_AdminboxStart(__('Produktvarianten', 'wpsg')); ?> |
<?php echo $this->view['wpsg_mod_productvariants']['html']; ?> |
<a href="<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP; ?>wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Admin&action=module&modul=wpsg_mod_productvariants"><span class="wpsg-glyphicon glyphicon glyphicon-wrench"></span><?php echo __('Zur Konfiguration der Produktvarianten', 'wpsg'); ?></a> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_AdminboxEnd(); ?> |
<div id="wpsg_mod_productvars_combination"> |
<div v-if="loading" class="loading_layer"> |
<img class="loading" src="<?php echo WPSG_URL; ?>views/gfx/ajax-loader.gif" alt="<?php echo __('Bitte warten ...', 'wpsg'); ?>" /> |
</div> |
<div class="inner"> |
<div class="top_filter"> |
<div v-for="(variant, i) of arVariationen"> |
<select v-model="arFilter[i]"> |
<option :value="0">{{getVariantLabel(i)}} [ Alle ]</option> |
<option :value="parseInt(variation)" v-for="(variation, j) of variant">{{getVariantLabel(i)}} [{{getVariationLabel(variation)}}]</option> |
</select> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div v-for="(combination, i) of arPossibleKeysFiltered" class="relative"> |
<div class="panel panel-default"> |
<div class="panel-heading clearfix"> |
<h3 class="panel-title"> |
{{combination.label}} |
<div class="right"> |
<a :href="combination.url" target="_blank" class="url" title="<?php echo __('Produktvariante im Frontend ansehen', 'wpsg'); ?>"> |
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span> |
</a> |
<span v-if="combination.id > 0" class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil" @click.prevent="edit(combination)"></span> |
<span v-else class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus" @click.prevent="add(combination)"></span> |
</div> |
</h3> |
</div> |
<div class="panel-body" v-if="combination.loaded"> |
<div v-if="combination.loading" class="loading_layer"> |
<img class="loading" src="<?php echo WPSG_URL; ?>views/gfx/ajax-loader.gif" alt="<?php echo __('Bitte warten ...', 'wpsg'); ?>" /> |
</div> |
<div class="form-group form-group-sm "> |
<label class="col-sm-6 control-label" for="name">Produktname</label> |
<div class="col-sm-6"> |
<div class="wpsg_field_wrap"> |
<input type="text" |
@keydown.enter.prevent |
class="form-control input-sm " autocomplete="off" placeholder="" v-model="combination.name" /> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="clearfix wpsg_clear"></div> |
</div> |
<div class="form-group form-group-sm "> |
<label class="col-sm-6 control-label" for="detailname">Produktname (Detail)</label> |
<div class="col-sm-6"> |
<div class="wpsg_field_wrap"> |
<input type="text" |
@keydown.enter.prevent |
class="form-control input-sm " autocomplete="off" placeholder="" v-model="combination.detailname" /> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="clearfix wpsg_clear"></div> |
</div> |
<div class="form-group form-group-sm "> |
<label class="col-sm-6 control-label" for="anr">Artikelnummer</label> |
<div class="col-sm-6"> |
<div class="wpsg_field_wrap"> |
<input type="text" |
@keydown.enter.prevent |
class="form-control input-sm" autocomplete="off" placeholder="" v-model="combination.anr" /> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="clearfix wpsg_clear"></div> |
</div> |
<!-- Productcodes --> |
<template v-if="codeKeyNotSet(combination).length > 0"> |
<div class="form-group form-group-sm has-feedback"> |
<label class="col-sm-6 control-label" for="metaean">Code hinzufügen</label> |
<div class="col-sm-6"> |
<div class="wpsg_field_wrap"> |
<select class="form-control input-sm" v-model="combination.add_code_key"> |
<option v-for="(code_key, i) of codeKeyNotSet(combination)" :value="code_key">{{combination.arProductCodes[code_key].label}}</option> |
</select> |
<a @click.stop.prevent="codeKeyAdd(combination)" href="#" class="glyphicon glyphicon glyphicon-plus form-control-feedback" aria-hidden="true" style="pointer-events: auto;"></a> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="clearfix wpsg_clear"></div> |
</div> |
<hr /> |
</template> |
<div class="code_wrap"> |
<template v-for="(code, i) of combination.arProductCodes"> |
<div class="form-group form-group-sm has-feedback" v-if="code.set === true"> |
<label class="col-sm-6 control-label" for="metaean">{{code.label}}</label> |
<div class="col-sm-6"> |
<div class="wpsg_field_wrap"> |
<input type="text" class="form-control input-sm" v-model="code.code" |
@keydown.enter.prevent |
/> |
<a @click.stop.prevent="codeKeyRemove(combination, code.code_key)" href="#" class="glyphicon glyphicon glyphicon-trash form-control-feedback" aria-hidden="true" style="pointer-events: auto;"></a> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="clearfix wpsg_clear"></div> |
</div> |
</template> |
</div> |
<!--<pre>{{combination}}</pre>--> |
<div class="mt-8 flex w-full justify-end"> |
<input type="submit" @click.prevent="save(combination)" class="button button-primary" value="speichern" /> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<script type="module"> |
import { ref, createApp, onMounted, computed } from '<?php echo plugin_dir_url(__FILE__); ?>/../../../js/vue.esm-browser.js'; |
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { |
const app = createApp({ |
setup() { |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_AdminboxStart(__('Produktvarianten', 'wpsg')); ?> |
const product_id = ref(<?php echo $oProduct->getId(); ?>); |
const loading = ref(true); |
const arFilter = ref(undefined); |
const arPossibleKeys = ref(undefined); |
const arVariant = ref(undefined); |
const arVariantLabel = ref(undefined); |
const arVariationen = ref(undefined); |
const arVariationLabel = ref(undefined); |
<?php if (wpsg_isSizedInt($this->view['data']['id'])) { ?> |
const arPossibleKeysFiltered = computed(() => { |
<?php echo $this->view['wpsg_mod_productvariants']['html']; ?> |
let r = []; |
<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */ |
if (!arPossibleKeys.value) return r; |
jQuery(document).ready(function() { |
for (let var_key of arPossibleKeys.value) { |
wpsg_mod_productvariants_show(<?php echo $this->view['data']['id']; ?>); |
} ); |
const arKey = var_key.var_key.split('|'); |
const typedKey = {}; |
/* ]]> */</script> |
for (let i of arKey) { |
<?php } else { ?> |
const [var_id, vari_id] = i.split(':'); |
<p><?php echo __('Bitte speichern Sie das Produkt zuerst.', 'wpsg'); ?></p> |
<?php } ?> |
typedKey[var_id] = parseInt(vari_id); |
<a href="<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP; ?>wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Admin&action=module&modul=wpsg_mod_productvariants"><span class="wpsg-glyphicon glyphicon glyphicon-wrench"></span><?php echo __('Zur Konfiguration der Produktvarianten', 'wpsg'); ?></a> |
} |
let set = true; |
for (let f in arFilter.value) { |
if (arFilter.value[f] !== 0 && typedKey[f] !== arFilter.value[f]) { |
set = false; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (set) r.push(var_key); |
} |
return r; |
}); |
const getVariantLabel = (var_id) => { |
if (arVariantLabel.value[var_id.toString()] !== undefined) return arVariantLabel.value[var_id.toString()]; |
else ''; |
}; |
const getVariationLabel = (var_id) => { |
if (arVariationLabel.value[var_id.toString()] !== undefined) return arVariationLabel.value[var_id.toString()]; |
else ''; |
}; |
const xhr = (action_do, data, cb_success) => { |
const request = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
data.action_do = action_do; |
request.open('POST', '<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP; ?>wp-admin/?page=wpsg-Admin&action=module&modul=wpsg_mod_productvariants&subaction=combination&noheader=1', true); |
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'); |
request.onload = () => { |
if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400) { |
const response = JSON.parse(request.responseText); |
cb_success(response); |
} else { |
console.error('Error: ' + request.statusText); |
} |
}; |
request.onerror = function () { |
console.error('Error: ' + request.statusText); |
}; |
request.send(JSON.stringify(data)); |
}; |
const save = (combination) => { |
xhr('save', { |
var_key: combination.var_key, |
product_id: combination.product_id, |
combination: combination |
}, (response) => { |
for (let i = 0; i < arPossibleKeys.value.length; i++) { |
const var_key = arPossibleKeys.value[i]; |
if (var_key.var_key === response.combination.var_key) { |
arPossibleKeys.value[i] = response.combination; |
} |
} |
}); |
combination.loading = true; |
} |
const updateCombinationData = () => { |
xhr('getCombination', { |
product_id: product_id.value |
}, (response) => { |
arFilter.value = response.arFilter; |
arPossibleKeys.value = response.arPossibleKeys; |
arVariant.value = response.arVariant; |
arVariantLabel.value = response.arVariantLabel; |
arVariationen.value = response.arVariationen; |
arVariationLabel.value = response.arVariationLabel; |
loading.value = false; |
}); |
}; |
const add = (combination) => { |
combination.loaded = true; |
combination.loading = true; |
xhr('add', { |
var_key: combination.var_key, |
product_id: product_id.value |
}, (response) => { |
for (let i = 0; i < arPossibleKeys.value.length; i++) { |
const var_key = arPossibleKeys.value[i]; |
if (var_key.var_key === response.combination.var_key) { |
arPossibleKeys.value[i] = response.combination; |
} |
} |
}); |
}; |
const edit = (combination) => { |
combination.loaded = true; |
combination.loading = true; |
xhr('edit', { |
var_key: combination.var_key, |
product_id: product_id.value |
}, (response) => { |
for (let i = 0; i < arPossibleKeys.value.length; i++) { |
const var_key = arPossibleKeys.value[i]; |
if (var_key.var_key === response.combination.var_key) { |
arPossibleKeys.value[i] = response.combination; |
} |
} |
}); |
}; |
const codeKeyNotSet = (combination) => { |
let r = []; |
for (let code_key in combination.arProductCodes) { |
if (combination.arProductCodes[code_key].set !== true) r.push(code_key); |
} |
return r; |
}; |
const codeKeyAdd = (combination) => { |
const add_code_key = combination.add_code_key; |
if (add_code_key !== undefined && codeKeyNotSet(combination).includes(add_code_key)) { |
combination.arProductCodes[add_code_key].set = true; |
combination.add_code_key = undefined; |
} |
}; |
const codeKeyRemove = (combination, code_key_remove) => { |
combination.arProductCodes[code_key_remove].set = false; |
} |
onMounted(() => { |
// updateCombinationData(); |
}); |
return { |
arFilter, |
arPossibleKeys, |
arVariant, |
arVariantLabel, |
arVariationen, |
arVariationLabel, |
product_id, |
loading, |
getVariantLabel, |
getVariationLabel, |
codeKeyNotSet, codeKeyAdd, codeKeyRemove, |
arPossibleKeysFiltered, |
add, |
edit, |
save, |
updateCombinationData |
}; |
} |
}).mount('#wpsg_mod_productvars_combination'); |
window.wpsg_mod_productvariants = app; |
jQuery(document).ready(function () { |
wpsg_mod_productvariants_show(<?php echo $this->view['data']['id']; ?>); |
}); |
}); |
</script> |
<style> |
#wpsg_mod_productvars_combination { width:100%; position:relative; } |
#wpsg_mod_productvars_combination .top_filter { display:grid; grid-template-columns:repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr)); row-gap:1rem; column-gap:1rem; margin-bottom:2rem; } |
#wpsg_mod_productvars_combination .top_filter select { width:100%; } |
#wpsg_mod_productvars_combination .panel-title { display:flex; justify-content:space-between; align-items:center; } |
#wpsg_mod_productvars_combination .panel-title a.url { color:inherit; margin-right:1rem; display:inline-block; } |
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#wpsg_mod_productvars_combination .panel { margin-bottom:10px; } |
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#wpsg_mod_productvars_combination > .inner { min-height:50px; width:100%; } |
#wpsg_mod_productvars_combination .flex { display:flex; } |
#wpsg_mod_productvars_combination .w-full { width:100%; } |
#wpsg_mod_productvars_combination .justify-end { justify-content:flex-end; } |
#wpsg_mod_productvars_combination .mt-4 { margin-top:1rem; } |
#wpsg_mod_productvars_combination .relative { position:relative; } |
#wpsg_mod_productvars_combination .mt-8 { margin-top:2rem; } |
</style> |
<?php } |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_AdminboxEnd(); ?> |
/mods/mod_productgroups/show_2.phtml |
50,21 → 50,13 |
if (intval($oProductgroup->__get('infopage')) > 0) echo \get_permalink(intval($oProductgroup->__get('infopage'))); |
else echo $page_url.'show='.$oProductgroup->getId(); |
?>" class="productgroup <?php |
echo (($oProductgroup->hasActiveDiscount())?'active_discount':''); |
?>"> |
?>" class="productgroup"> |
<div class="title"><?php echo $oProductgroup->getLabel(); ?></div> |
<?php echo \wp_get_attachment_image($oProductgroup->getImage(), [462, 462], false, [ |
'class' => 'bg' |
]); ?> |
<?php if ($oProductgroup->hasActiveDiscount()) { ?> |
<div class="badge_overlay"><div class="badge">SALE</div></div> |
<?php } ?> |
</a> |
80,19 → 72,6 |
.wpsg_mod_productgroup_layout2.productgroups > .productgroup .title { z-index:2; border-radius:2px; transition:all 0.3s ease; position:absolute; left:1rem; top:1rem; background-color:#000000; color:#FFFFFF; padding:0 0.5rem; } |
.wpsg_mod_productgroup_layout2.productgroups > .productgroup:hover .title { background-color:#FFFFFF; color:#000000; } |
.wpsg_mod_productgroup_layout2 .productgroup.active_discount { position:relative; } |
.wpsg_mod_productgroup_layout2 .productgroup.active_discount .badge_overlay { position:absolute; left:0; top:0; width:100%; height:100%; overflow:hidden; pointer-events:none; z-index:100; } |
.wpsg_mod_productgroup_layout2 .productgroup.active_discount .badge_overlay .badge { |
margin:0; color:white; padding:3px 10px; font-size:1rem; text-align:center; |
background:#ed1b24; position:absolute; top:0; right:0; transform:translateX(30%) translateY(0%) rotate(45deg); transform-origin:top left; |
} |
.wpsg_mod_productgroup_layout2 .productgroup.active_discount .badge_overlay .badge:before { |
content:''; position:absolute; top:0; right:100%; margin:0 -1px; width:100%; height:100%; background:inherit; min-width:55px; |
} |
.wpsg_mod_productgroup_layout2 .productgroup.active_discount .badge_overlay .badge:after { |
content:''; position:absolute; top:0; left:100%; margin:0 -1px; width:100%; height:100%; background:inherit; min-width:55px; |
} |
@media screen and (min-width:768px) { |
.wpsg_mod_productgroup_layout2.productgroups > .productgroup { padding-top:initial; grid-column:initial; } |
/mods/mod_productgroups/index.phtml |
83,7 → 83,6 |
<th class="wpsg_pic_col"></th> |
<th class="wpsg_order col_name" data-order="nr"><?php echo __("Name", 'wpsg'); ?></th> |
<th class="wpsg_order col_template" data-order="template"><?php echo __("Template", 'wpsg'); ?></th> |
<th class="wpsg_order col_pos" data-order="template"><?php echo __("Position", 'wpsg'); ?></th> |
<th class="wpsg_order col_products" data-order="products"><?php echo __("Produkte", 'wpsg'); ?></th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
124,9 → 123,6 |
<td class="col_template"> |
<?php echo (($pg->template_file == "0")?'Individuelle Produkttemplates':$pg->template_file); ?> |
</td> |
<td class="col_pos"> |
<?php echo $pg->pos; ?> |
</td> |
<td class="col_products"> |
<?php echo $pg->countProducts(); ?> |
</td> |
/mods/mod_productgroups/add.phtml |
69,7 → 69,6 |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('template_file', __('Template', 'wpsg'), $this->view['templates'], $this->view['data']['template_file']); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('infopage', __('Info Seite', 'wpsg'), $this->view['pages'], $this->view['data']['infopage']); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('pos', __('Positionsnummer (Sortierung, aufsteigend)', 'wpsg'), $this->view['data']['pos']); ?> |
<div class="form-group form-group-sm "> |
<label class="col-sm-6 control-label"><?php echo __('Produktgruppenbild', 'wpsg'); ?></label> |
/mods/mod_productgroups/list.phtml |
11,17 → 11,9 |
?> |
<?php $c = 0; foreach ((array)$this->view['data'] as $k => $g) { |
$oProductgroup = wpsg_productgroup::getInstance(intval($k)); |
?> |
<?php $c = 0; foreach ((array)$this->view['data'] as $k => $g) { ?> |
<?php //wpsg_debug($g) ?> |
<div class="wpsg_pgruppen_list_row <?php |
echo (($oProductgroup->hasActiveDiscount())?'active_discount':''); |
?>"> |
<div class="wpsg_pgruppen_list_row"> |
<div class="wpsg_pgruppen_list_titel"> |
<a href="<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP ?>?page_id=<?php echo get_the_ID(); ?>&show=<?php echo $k ?>"> |
<h2><?php echo $g['pgruppe_name'] ?></h2> |
43,19 → 35,17 |
<?php } else { ?> |
<?php if (sizeof($g['produkte'][$i]['bilder']??[]) > 0) { ?> |
<?php $image = array_rand($g['produkte'][$i]['bilder']); ?> |
<?php if ($image >= 0 && is_int($image)) { ?> |
<div class="wpsg_pgruppen_list_image"> |
<a href="<?php echo $g['produkte'][$i]['url'] ?>"> |
<?php echo wp_get_attachment_image($g['produkte'][$i]['bilder'][0], 'thumbnail', false, array()); ?> |
</a> |
</div> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php $image = array_rand($g['produkte'][$i]['bilder']); ?> |
<?php if ($image >= 0 && is_int($image)) { ?> |
<div class="wpsg_pgruppen_list_image"> |
<a href="<?php echo $g['produkte'][$i]['url'] ?>"> |
<?php echo wp_get_attachment_image($g['produkte'][$i]['bilder'][0], 'thumbnail', false, array()); ?> |
</a> |
</div> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php } ?> |
/mods/mod_deliverynote/order_view_content.phtml |
134,7 → 134,7 |
function wpsg_mod_deliverynote_checkProducts() |
{ |
if (jQuery('.wpsg_mod_deliverynote_product_i:checked').length <= 0) |
if (jQuery('.wpsg_mod_deliverynote_product:checked').length <= 0) |
{ |
alert('<?php echo __('Bitte mindestens ein Produkt für den Lieferschein wählen', 'wpsg'); ?>'); |
146,7 → 146,7 |
var arProductKeys = Array(); |
jQuery('.wpsg_mod_deliverynote_product_i:checked').each(function() { |
jQuery('.wpsg_mod_deliverynote_product:checked').each(function() { |
arProductKeys.push(jQuery(this).val()); |
153,7 → 153,6 |
} ); |
jQuery('#wpsg_mod_deliverynote_productindexes').val(arProductKeys.join(',')); |
} |
/mods/mod_deliverynote/order_view_row.phtml |
8,7 → 8,7 |
<tr class="wpsg_<?php echo (($this->view['wpsg_mod_deliverynote']['i'] == 0)?'odd':'even'); ?>"> |
<td align="left" colspan="<?php echo ((sizeof($this->view['arCalculation']['tax']) > 1 || $this->get_option('wpsg_showMwstAlways') == '1')?'5':'4'); ?>"> |
<label style="font-weight:normal; display:flex; flex-direction:row; margin-bottom:0px;"> |
<input checked="checked" type="checkbox" class="wpsg_mod_deliverynote_product_i" name="wpsg_mod_deliverynote_products[]" value="<?php echo $this->view['wpsg_mod_deliverynote']['product']['product_index']; ?>" style="margin:0px; margin-right:5px;" /> |
<input checked="checked" type="checkbox" class="wpsg_mod_deliverynote_product" name="wpsg_mod_deliverynote_products[]" value="<?php echo $this->view['wpsg_mod_deliverynote']['product']['product_index']; ?>" style="margin:0px; margin-right:5px;" /> |
<span> <?php echo __('Auf Lieferschein', 'wpsg'); ?></span> |
</label> |
</td> |
/mods/mod_statistics/settings_edit.phtml |
3,9 → 3,9 |
<div id="wpsg_tab"> |
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist"> |
<li role="presentation" class="active"><a href="#tab1" aria-controls="home" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><?php echo __('Auswertung Bestellstatus', 'wpsg'); ?></a></li> |
<li role="presentation"><a href="#tab2" aria-controls="profile" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><?php echo __('Matomo', 'wpsg'); ?></a></li> |
<li role="presentation"><a href="#tab2" aria-controls="profile" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><?php echo __('Piwik', 'wpsg'); ?></a></li> |
<li role="presentation"><a href="#tab3" aria-controls="profile" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><?php echo __('Google', 'wpsg'); ?></a></li> |
<!-- <li role="presentation"><a href="#tab4" aria-controls="profile" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><?php echo __('Social Media', 'wpsg'); ?></a></li> --> |
<li role="presentation"><a href="#tab4" aria-controls="profile" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><?php echo __('Social Media', 'wpsg'); ?></a></li> |
<li role="presentation"><a href="#tab5" aria-controls="messages" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><?php echo __('Sonstiges', 'wpsg'); ?></a></li> |
</ul> |
46,185 → 46,107 |
<br/> |
<?php echo __('Ermöglicht die Integration des Trackintools "Matomo".', 'wpsg'); ?> |
<?php echo __('Ermöglicht die Integration des Trackintools "Piwik".', 'wpsg'); ?> |
<br/><br/> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_trackingcode', __('Trackingcode einbinden', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_trackingcode'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_trackingcode')); ?> |
<div id="wpsg_mod_statistik_tracking_layer" style="display:none;"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_url', __('URL zur Matomo Installation', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_url'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_url'), array('hint' => __('Ohne Protokoll, Beispiel: matomo.domain.de', 'wpsg'))); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_SiteId', __('Matomo Seiten ID', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_SiteId'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_SiteId')); ?> |
</div> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_url', __('URL zur Piwik Installation', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_url'), array('hint' => __('Ohne Protokoll, Beispiel: piwik.domain.de', 'wpsg'))); ?> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_generel', __('Allgemeine Protokollierung', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_generel'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_generel')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_ecommerce', __('Käufe (eCommerce) tracken', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_ecommerce'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_ecommerce')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_productView', __('Produkte tracken', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_productView'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_productView')); ?> |
<?php if ($this->hasMod('wpsg_mod_produktartikel')) echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_categoryView', __('Produktkategorien tracken', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_categoryView'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_categoryView')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_basketdata', __('Warenkorbdaten tracken', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_basketdata'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_basketdata')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_generel', __('Allgemeine Protokollierung', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_generel')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_SiteId', __('Piwik Seiten ID', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_SiteId'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_SiteId')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_ecommerce', __('Käufe (eCommerce) tracken', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_ecommerce')); ?> |
<br /><br /> |
<strong><?php echo __('Matomo Goals tracken:', 'wpsg'); ?></strong> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_basket', __('Warenkorb tracken', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_basket')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_basket_target', __('Ziel ID', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_basket_target')); ?> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_basket', __('Warenkorb tracken', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_basket'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_basketdata')); ?> |
<div id="wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_basket_layer" style="display: none;"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_basket_target', __('Matomo ID', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_basket_target')); ?> |
</div> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_checkout', __('Checkout tracken', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_checkout')); ?> |
<div id="wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_checkout_layer" style="display: none;"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_checkout_target', __('Matomo ID', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_checkout_target')); ?> |
</div> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_checkout_target', __('Ziel ID', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_checkout_target')); ?> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_checkout2', __('Checkout2 tracken', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_checkout2')); ?> |
<div id="wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_checkout2_layer" style="display: none;"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_checkout2_target', __('Matomo ID', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_checkout2_target')); ?> |
</div> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_checkout2_target', __('Ziel ID', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_checkout2_target')); ?> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_overview', __('Overview tracken', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_overview')); ?> |
<div id="wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_overview_layer" style="display: none;"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_overview_target', __('Matomo ID', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_overview_target')); ?> |
</div> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_overview_target', __('Ziel ID', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_overview_target')); ?> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_done', __('Done tracken', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_done')); ?> |
<div id="wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_done_layer" style="display: none;"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_done_target', __('Matomo ID', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_done_target')); ?> |
</div> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_done_target', __('Ziel ID', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_piwik_done_target')); ?> |
<div class="wpsg_clearer"></div> |
</div> |
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<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="tab3"> |
<?php |
<br/> |
echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_active', __('Google Analytics aktivieren', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_active'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_google_active')); |
echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_tracking_code', __('Tracking-Code', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_tracking_code'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_google_tracking_code')); |
<?php echo __('Ermöglicht die Integration von "Google Analytics 4".', 'wpsg'); ?> |
<br/><br/> |
echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_domainname', __('Domainname', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_domainname'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_google_domainname')); |
echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_anonymise_ip_address', __('IP Adresse anonymisieren', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_anonymise_ip_address'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_google_anonymise_ip_address')); |
//echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_enable_first_touch_tracking', __('Enable First Touch Tracking', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_enable_first_touch_tracking')); |
echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_track_page_load_time', __('Ladegeschwindigkeit der Website erfassen', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_track_page_load_time'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_google_track_page_load_time')); |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_active', __('Trackingcode einbinden', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_active'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_google_active')); ?> |
<div id="wpsg_mod_statistik_google_tracking_layer" style="display:none;"> |
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<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_tracking_debug_mode', __('Google Debug Mode', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_tracking_debug_mode'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_google_tracking_debug_mode')); ?> |
</div> |
<br /> |
echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_opt_out', __('Google Opt Out', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_opt_out'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_google_opt_out')); |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_ecommerce', __('Käufe (eCommerce) tracken', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_ecommerce'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_google_ecommerce')); ?> |
echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_enhanced_tracking_code', __('Enhanced Tacking Code', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_enhanced_tracking_code'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_google_enhanced_tracking_code')); |
?> |
<h3><?php echo __('Zieleinrichtung in Google Analytics', 'wpsg'); ?></h3> |
<?php |
echo wpsg_drawForm_Textstart(); |
echo wpsg_drawForm_TextEnd(__('Ziel', 'wpsg'), array('noP' => true)); |
?> |
<ul> |
<li> |
<?php |
echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_done', __('Bestellabschluss', 'wpsg'), trim(str_replace(get_site_url(), '', $this->getURL(wpsg_ShopController::URL_BASKET).'?wpsg_done')).'=', array('text' => true)); |
?> |
</li> |
</ul> |
<?php |
echo wpsg_drawForm_Textstart(); |
echo wpsg_drawForm_TextEnd(__('Trichter (optional)', 'wpsg'), array('noP' => true)); |
?> |
<ul> |
<li><?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_basket', __('Warenkorb', 'wpsg'), trim(str_replace(get_site_url(), '', $this->getURL(wpsg_ShopController::URL_BASKET))), array('text' => true)); ?></li> |
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<li><?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_google_overview', __('Warenkorbübersicht', 'wpsg'), trim(str_replace(get_site_url(), '', $this->getURL(wpsg_ShopController::URL_OVERVIEW))).'=', array('text' => true)); ?></li> |
</ul> |
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<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_productinterval', __('Intervall-Zeitraum für Produktstatistik', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_productinterval'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_productinterval')); ?> |
<?php |
echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_line_chart_width', __('Liniendiagramm (Breite in px)', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_line_chart_width'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_line_chart_width')); |
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echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_pie_chart_height', __('Kuchendiagramm (Höhe in px)', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_pie_chart_height'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_pie_chart_height')); |
echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_bar_chart_width', __('Balkendiagramm (Breite in px)', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_bar_chart_width'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_bar_chart_width')); |
echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_bar_chart_height', __('Balkendiagramm (Höhe in px)', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_bar_chart_height'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_bar_chart_height')); |
echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_topproductcount', __('Anzeige Top-Produkte', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_topproductcount'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_topproductcount')); |
echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_statistics_productinterval', __('Intervall-Zeitraum für Produktstatistik', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_statistics_productinterval'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_statistics_productinterval')); |
?> |
<div class="wpsg_clearer"></div> |
</div> |
/mods/mod_produktartikel/settings_edit.phtml |
21,6 → 21,11 |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_ean', __('Darstellung der EAN aktivieren', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_ean'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_produktartikel_ean')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_gtin', __('Darstellung der GTIN aktivieren', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_gtin'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_produktartikel_gtin')); ?> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_cat', __('Kategorie in Produktübersicht (Backend) anzeigen', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_cat'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_produktartikel_cat')); ?> |
<div id="wpsg_mod_produktartikel_cat_1"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_cat_first_level', __('Nur erste Ebene', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_cat_first_level'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_produktartikel_cat_first_level')); ?> |
/mods/mod_produktartikel/produkt_edit_allgemein.phtml |
8,3 → 8,10 |
?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_produktartikel[path]', __('URL Path Segment', 'wpsg'), wpsg_getStr($this->view['data']['post_name']), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_produktartikel_url_path_seg')); ?> |
<?php if (wpsg_isSizedInt($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_ean'))) { ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_produktartikel[ean]', __('EAN', 'wpsg'), wpsg_getStr($this->view['data']['ean']), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_produktartikel_ean')); ?> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php if (wpsg_isSizedInt($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_gtin'))) { ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_produktartikel[gtin]', __('GTIN', 'wpsg'), wpsg_getStr($this->view['data']['gtin']), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_produktartikel_gtin')); ?> |
<?php } ?> |
/mods/mod_gutschein/index.phtml |
101,8 → 101,6 |
<span class="edit"><a title="<?php echo __("Diesen Gutschein bearbeiten", "wpsg"); ?>" href="#" class="wpsg_voucher_edit" onclick="return false;" data-voucher_id="<?php echo $oVoucher->getId(); ?>"><?php echo __("Bearbeiten", "wpsg"); ?></a></span> |
| |
<span class="delete"><a onclick="return confirm('<?php echo __('Sind Sie sich sicher, dass Sie diesen Gutschein löschen möchten?', 'wpsg'); ?>');" title="<?php echo __('Diese Gutschein löschen', 'wpsg'); ?>" href="<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP; ?>wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Admin&action=module&modul=wpsg_mod_gutschein&subaction=delete&noheader=1&voucher_id=<?php echo $oVoucher->getId(); ?>"><?php echo __('Löschen', 'wpsg'); ?></a></span> |
| |
<span><a title="<?php echo __('Bestellungen anzeigen', 'wpsg'); ?>" href="<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP; ?>wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Order&filter[status]=-1&filter[voucher_id]=<?php echo $oVoucher->getId(); ?>"><?php echo __('Bestellungen suchen', 'wpsg'); ?></a></span> |
</div> |
</td> |
/mods/mod_paypalapi/settings_edit.phtml |
59,13 → 59,7 |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_paypalapi_aktiv', __('PayPal für neue Bestellungen erlauben', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_paypalapi_aktiv'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shippay_activ')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_paypalapi_plus_aktiv', __('PayPal Plus aktivieren', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_paypalapi_plus_aktiv'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_paypalapi_plus_aktiv')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_paypalapi_giropay_aktiv', __('GiroPay aktivieren', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_paypalapi_giropay_aktiv'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_paypalapi_giropay_aktiv ')); ?> |
<div id="wpsg_mod_paypalapi_giropay_aktiv_layer"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_paypalapi_giropay_name', __('Bezeichnung (GiroPay)', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_paypalapi_giropay_name'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shippay_name')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Textarea('wpsg_mod_paypalapi_giropay_hint', __('Hinweistext (GiroPay)', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_paypalapi_giropay_hint'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shippay_hint')); ?> |
</div> |
<div class="wpsg_mod_paypalapi_plus_aktiv_layer wpsg_mod_paypalapi_plus_aktiv_layer_1"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_paypalapi_plus_basket', __('Zahlungsauswahl im Warenkorb', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_paypalapi_plus_basket'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_paypalapi_plus_basket')); ?> |
</div> |
91,9 → 85,7 |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_mod_paypalapi_paypalexpress_details', __('Warenkorbdetails übertragen', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_paypalapi_paypalexpress_details'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_paypalapi_paypalexpress_details')); ?> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_paypalapi_experience_label', __('Bezeichnung im PayPal Zahlungsinterface', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_paypalapi_experience_label'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_paypalapi_experience_label', 'hint' => __('Max. 127 Zeichen', 'wpsg'))); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_paypalapi_experience_logo', __('URL für ein Logo im PayPal Zahlungsinterface', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_paypalapi_experience_logo'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_paypalapi_experience_logo', 'hint' => __('gif|png|jpg, Max. 190x60', 'wpsg'))); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('wpsg_mod_paypalapi_experience_locale_code', __('Sprache im PayPal Zahlungsinterface', 'wpsg'), array( |
'DE' => __('Deutsch', 'wpsg'), |
182,40 → 174,4 |
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File deleted |
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File deleted |
\ No newline at end of file |
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File deleted |
Property changes: |
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-* |
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File deleted |
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File deleted |
\ No newline at end of file |
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File deleted |
Property changes: |
Deleted: svn:executable |
-* |
\ No newline at end of property |
/admin/includes.phtml |
31,8 → 31,9 |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_load_fslightbox_js', __('fsLightbox (Fullscreen Lightbox) einbinden (JavaScript)', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_load_fslightbox_js'), array('help' => 'wpsg_load_fslightbox_js')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_load_thickbox_js', __('Thickbox einbinden (JavaScript)', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_load_thickbox_js'), array('help' => 'wpsg_load_thickbox')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_load_thickbox_css', __('Thickbox einbinden (Styles)', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_load_thickbox_css'), array('help' => 'wpsg_load_thickbox')); ?> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_load_validierung_js', __('Javascript Validierung laden', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_load_validierung_js'), array('help' => 'wpsg_load_validierung')); ?> |
/admin/kundendaten_tab3.phtml |
17,7 → 17,6 |
<?php |
echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('wpsg_customerpreset_payment', __('Standard Zahlungsart', 'wpsg'), [ |
'0' => __('Bitte wählen', 'wpsg'), |
'-1' => __('günstigste Zahlungsart', 'wpsg') |
] + $this->view['arPayment'], $this->get_option('wpsg_customerpreset_payment'), array('help' => 'wpsg_customerpreset_payment')); |
/mods/mod_prepayment/mail_html.phtml |
30,54 → 30,4 |
<td><?php echo __('Betreff', 'wpsg'); ?>:</td> |
<td style="text-align:right;"><?php echo wpsg_translate(__('#1#', 'wpsg'), $this->view['mod_prepayment']['subject']); ?></td> |
</tr> |
<?php |
if (isset($this->view['mod_prepayment']['subject']) && ($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode') == true)) { |
require_once WPSG_PATH_LIB.'phpgirocode.class.php'; |
echo '<tr><td>'.__('Zahlen via QR Code', 'wpsg').':</td></tr>'; |
if ($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode_country') == '0') { |
$qrcodes = array(); |
$qrcodes = $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_prepayment', 'genQRCode', array($this->view['o_id'], $this->view['wpsg_mod_prepayment']['subject'], $this->view['basket']['sum']['preis_gesamt_brutto'], 3, PhpGirocode::OUTPUT_BASE64, $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode_country'), $this->view['basket'])); |
foreach ($qrcodes as $qr) { |
if ($qr['title'] == 'QR-Rechnung') echo '<tr style="margin-top:25px;" >'; |
else echo '<tr>'; |
echo '<td>'.__($qr['title'], 'wpsg').'</td>'; |
echo '<td style="float:right;"><img style="max-width:120px;" width="120" height="120" src="data:image/png;base64,'.$qr['hash'].'" alt="qrcode" /></td>'; |
echo '</tr>'; |
} |
} else if ($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode_country') == '1') { |
$qrcode = $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_prepayment', 'genQRCode', array($this->view['o_id'], $this->view['mod_prepayment']['subject'], $this->view['basket']['sum']['preis_gesamt_brutto'], 3, PhpGirocode::OUTPUT_BASE64, $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode_country'), $this->view['basket'])); |
echo ' |
<tr> |
<td>'.__($qrcode['title'], 'wpsg').':</td> |
<td style="float:right;" alt="qrcode">'.$qrcode['hash'].'</td> |
</tr> |
'; |
} else if ($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode_country') == '2') { |
$qrcode = $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_prepayment', 'genQRCode', array($this->view['o_id'], $this->view['mod_prepayment']['subject'], $this->view['basket']['sum']['preis_gesamt_brutto'], 3, PhpGirocode::OUTPUT_BASE64, $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode_country'), $this->view['basket'])); |
echo ' |
<tr> |
<td>'.__($qrcode['title'], 'wpsg').':</td> |
<td style="float:right;" alt="qrcode">'.$qrcode['hash'].'</td> |
</tr> |
'; |
} |
} |
?> |
</table> |
</table> |
/mods/mod_prepayment/settings_edit.phtml |
22,3 → 22,4 |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_prepayment_bank', __('Bank', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_bank'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_prepayment_bank')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_prepayment_iban', __('IBAN', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_iban'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_prepayment_iban')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_mod_prepayment_swift', __('BIC-/SWIFT Code', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_swift'), array('help' => 'wpsg_mod_prepayment_swift')); ?> |
/mods/mod_legaltexts/form_haendlerbund.phtml |
8,45 → 8,17 |
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.wphb_form { padding:10px; } |
.wphb_date { float:right; padding-right:5%; } |
.wphb_hinweis { font-style:italic; } |
</style> |
<?php if ($this->view['wpsg_mod_legaltexts']['form'] == false) { ?> |
/mods/mod_productvars/overview_row.phtml |
13,7 → 13,7 |
<?php if ($this->view['$bPicture'] == true) { ?>class="titlep"><?php } else { ?>class="title"><?php } ?> |
<?php echo __($pv['name'], 'wpsg'); ?><?php if ($pv['pflicht'] == '1') { ?><span class="wpsg_required">*</span><?php } ?> |
</div> |
<div class="value"> |
<div class="valuel"> |
<?php if ($pv['typ'] == '1') { // Auswahlfeld ?> |
<?php if ($this->view['wpsg_mod_productvars']['p']['wpsg_mod_productvars'][$pv['id']] == 'not_set') { ?> |
<?php echo __('Nicht angegeben', 'wpsg'); ?> |
32,6 → 32,10 |
<?php echo nl2br(wpsg_hspc($this->view['wpsg_mod_productvars']['p']['wpsg_mod_productvars'][$pv['id']])); ?> |
<?php } ?> |
</div> |
<div class="dummyr"> |
<?php echo __(' '); ?> |
</div> |
</div> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php } ?> |
/mods/mod_orderupload/basket_after.phtml |
11,7 → 11,7 |
<script> |
function wpsg_mod_orderupload_upload(product_index, product_id) { |
var files = document.getElementById('wpsg_mod_orderupload_' + product_index + '_file').files; |
var formData = new FormData(); |
62,7 → 62,7 |
url: wpsg_ajax.ajaxurl, |
data: { |
action: 'wpsg_mod_orderupload_delete', |
order_id: '<?php echo $_SESSION['wpsg']['order_id'] ?>', |
order_id: <?php echo $_SESSION['wpsg']['order_id'] ?>, |
product_index: product_index, |
product_id: product_id, |
file: file |
/mods/mod_stock/product_addedit_content.phtml |
4,9 → 4,6 |
* Template für die Integration des Lagerbestandes in die Produktverwaltung |
*/ |
/** @var wpsg_product $oProduct */ |
$oProduct = $this->view['oProduct']; |
?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_AdminboxStart(__('Lagerbestand', 'wpsg')); ?> |
28,31 → 25,7 |
<br /> |
<?php if ($this->hasMod('wpsg_mod_productvariants')) { ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('meta[wpsg_vp_product_stock_nocalc]', __('Produktbestand nach Kauf', 'wpsg'), [ |
'0' => wpsg_translate( |
__('Voreinstellung (#1#)', 'wpsg'), |
(($this->get_option('wpsg_vp_product_stock_nocalc') === '1')?'nicht berechnen':'berechnen') |
), |
'2' => __('berechnen'), |
'1' => __('nicht berechnen') |
], $oProduct->getMeta('wpsg_vp_product_stock_nocalc'), [ |
'hint' => __('Ist hier "berechnen" eingestellt, wird beim Ändern des Bestandes einer Variante der Bestand im Produkt aus den Varianten ermittelt. (Lagerbestand im Produkt = Bestand(Variante 1) + Bestand(Variante 2) + ... )', 'wpsg') |
]); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('meta[wpsg_vp_product_stock_varinotchange]', __('Produktbestand in Varianten nicht verringern', 'wpsg'), [ |
'0' => wpsg_translate( |
__('Voreinstellung (#1#)', 'wpsg'), |
(($this->get_option('wpsg_vp_product_stock_varinotchange') === '1')?'nicht verringern':'verringern') |
), |
'2' => __('verringern'), |
'1' => __('nicht verringern') |
], $oProduct->getMeta('wpsg_vp_product_stock_varinotchange'), [ |
'hint' => __('Ist hier "nicht verringern" aktiviert, so wird der Bestand in der Variante beim Kauf nicht reduziert.', 'wpsg') |
]); ?> |
<?php } ?> |
<div class="info"><?php echo __('Lagerbestand = Bestand(Variante 1) + Bestand(Variante 2) + Bestand(Variante X)','wpsg'); ?></div> |
<?php /* Mailbenachrichtigung beim Erreichen des Minimalbestandes des Produktes */ ?> |
<?php if ($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_stock_minstockproduct') == '1') { ?> |
/mods/mod_ordercondition/overview_top.phtml |
11,7 → 11,7 |
<?php foreach ($this->view['wpsg_mod_ordercondition']['data'] as $oc) { ?> |
<div class="wpsg_agb" id="wpsg_agb_<?php echo $oc['id']; ?>"> |
<label> |
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="wpsg_mod_ordercondition[<?php echo $oc['id']; ?>]" required /> |
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="wpsg_mod_ordercondition[<?php echo $oc['id']; ?>]" /> |
<?php if (strlen($oc['text']) < $minLength) { ?> |
<?php echo $oc['text']; ?> |
<?php } else { ?> |
/order/backendEdit/editPayShipping.phtml |
51,7 → 51,7 |
?> |
<div id="editPayShipping"> |
<?php wpsg_debug($price_shipping); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('edit_shipping_type', __('Versandart', 'wpsg'), $arShippingSelect,$this->view['data']['type_shipping']); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('edit_shipping_price', __('Kosten', 'wpsg').$price_suffix, $price_shipping); ?> |
/admin/shopdata.phtml |
21,12 → 21,6 |
<form name="form1" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo WPSG_URL_WP; ?>wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Admin&subaction=<?php echo $_REQUEST['subaction']; ?>&noheader=1"> |
<?php \wp_nonce_field('wpsg-save-admin-shopdata'); ?> |
<?php |
$countrys = array(); |
$arCountry = wpsg_country::find(); |
foreach ($arCountry as $oCountry) $countrys[$oCountry->getId()] = $oCountry->getName(); |
?> |
<div class="panel panel-default"> |
<div class="panel-heading clearfix"> |
35,7 → 29,6 |
<div class="panel-body"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_name', __('Name des Shops / Firma', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_name'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_name')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_owner', __('Inhaber des Shops', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_owner'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_owner')); ?> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_tel', __('Telefonnummer', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_tel'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_tel')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_fax', __('Faxnummer', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_fax'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_fax')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_email', __('E-Mail', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_email'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_email')); ?> |
49,10 → 42,16 |
<h3 class="panel-title"><?php echo __('Anschrift', 'wpsg'); ?></h3> |
</div> |
<div class="panel-body"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_street', __('Straße', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_street'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_street')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_zip', __('Postleitzahl', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_zip'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_zip')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_city', __('Ort', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_city'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_city')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('wpsg_shopdata_country', __('Land', 'wpsg'), $countrys, $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_country'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_country')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_city', __('Ort', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_city'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_city')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('wpsg_shopdata_eu', __('Hauptsitz des Shopbetreiber befindet sich:', 'wpsg'), Array( |
wpsg_AdminController::SHOPDATA_EU_GERMANY => __('in Deutschland', 'wpsg'), |
wpsg_AdminController::SHOPDATA_EU_EU => __('innerhalb der EU', 'wpsg'), |
wpsg_AdminController::SHOPDATA_EU_WORLD => __('im europäischen Ausland', 'wpsg') |
), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_eu'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_eu')); ?> |
</div> |
</div> |
61,17 → 60,16 |
<h3 class="panel-title"><?php echo __('Zweigstelle', 'wpsg'); ?></h3> |
</div> |
<div class="panel-body"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_shopdata_2', __('Zweigstelle vorhanden', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_2'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_2')); ?> |
<div class="wpsg_shopdata_2_activ" style="display:none;"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_2_street', __('Straße', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_2_street')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_2_zip', __('Postleitzahl', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_2_zip')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_2_city', __('Ort', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_2_city')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('wpsg_shopdata_2_country', __('Land', 'wpsg'), $countrys, $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_2_country')); ?> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_2_tel', __('Telefon', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_2_tel')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_2_fax', __('Fax', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_2_fax')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_2_email', __('E-Mail', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_2_email')); ?> |
</div> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_shopdata_2', __('Zweigstelle vorhanden', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_2')); ?> |
<div class="wpsg_shopdata_2_activ" style="display:none;"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_2_street', __('Straße', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_2_street'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_2_street')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_2_zip', __('Postleitzahl', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_2_zip'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_2_zip')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_2_city', __('Ort', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_2_city'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_2_city')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_2_country', __('Land', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_2_country'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_2_country')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_2_tel', __('Telefon', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_2_tel'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_2_tel')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_2_fax', __('Fax', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_2_fax'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_2_fax')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_2_email', __('E-Mail', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_2_email'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_2_email')); ?> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
80,32 → 78,32 |
<h3 class="panel-title"><?php echo __('Bankdaten', 'wpsg'); ?></h3> |
</div> |
<div class="panel-body"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_bank_name', __('Name der Bank', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_bank_name'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_bank_name')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_bank_owner', __('Kontoinhaber', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_bank_owner'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_bank_owner')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_bank_iban', __('IBAN Nummer', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_bank_iban'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_bank_iban')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_bank_bic', __('BIC Nummer', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_bank_bic'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_bank_bic')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_bank_qriban', __('QR-IBAN Nummer', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_bank_qriban'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_bank_qriban')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_bank_besr', __('BESR-ID', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_bank_besr'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_bank_besr')); ?> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="panel panel-default"> |
<div class="panel-heading clearfix"> |
<h3 class="panel-title"><?php echo __('EU-Vertreter', 'wpsg'); ?></h3> |
</div> |
<div class="panel-body"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Checkbox('wpsg_shopdata_3', __('EU-Vertreter vorhanden', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_3'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_3')); ?> |
<div class="wpsg_shopdata_3_activ" style="display:none;"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_eu_name', __('Name des EU-Vertreters', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_eu_name')); ?> |
<?php /* only Standort = Ausland */ ?> |
<div class="wpsg_shopdata_eu wpsg_shopdata_eu_<?php echo wpsg_AdminController::SHOPDATA_EU_WORLD; ?>" style="display:<?php echo (($this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_eu') == wpsg_AdminController::SHOPDATA_EU_WORLD || $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_eu') === false)?'block':'none'); ?>;"> |
<div class="panel panel-default"> |
<div class="panel-heading clearfix"> |
<h3 class="panel-title"><?php echo __('EU-Vertreter', 'wpsg'); ?></h3> |
</div> |
<div class="panel-body"> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_eu_name', __('Name des EU-Vertreters', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_eu_name'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_eu_name')); ?> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_eu_street', __('Straße', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_eu_street')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_eu_zip', __('Postleitzahl', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_eu_zip')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_eu_city', __('Stadt', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_eu_city')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Select('wpsg_shopdata_eu_country', __('Land', 'wpsg'), $countrys, $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_eu_country')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_eu_street', __('Straße', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_eu_street'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_eu_street')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_eu_zip', __('Postleitzahl', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_eu_zip'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_eu_zip')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_eu_city', __('Stadt', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_eu_city'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_eu_city')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_eu_country', __('Land', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_eu_country'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_eu_country')); ?> |
<br /> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_eu_tel', __('Telefonnummer', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_eu_tel')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_eu_fax', __('Faxnummer', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_eu_fax')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_eu_email', __('E-Mail', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_eu_email')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_eu_tel', __('Telefonnummer', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_eu_tel'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_eu_tel')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_eu_fax', __('Faxnummer', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_eu_fax'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_eu_fax')); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_Input('wpsg_shopdata_eu_email', __('E-Mail', 'wpsg'), $this->get_option('wpsg_shopdata_eu_email'), array('help' => 'wpsg_shopdata_eu_email')); ?> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
123,13 → 121,7 |
} ).change(); |
jQuery('#wpsg_shopdata_3').bind('change', function() { |
if (jQuery(this).is(':checked')) jQuery('.wpsg_shopdata_3_activ').show(); |
else jQuery('.wpsg_shopdata_3_activ').hide(); |
} ).change(); |
} ); |
/* ]]> */</script> |
/produkttemplates/standard3.phtml |
32,7 → 32,7 |
</div> |
<div class="view"> |
<?php foreach ($arAttachmentIDsAll as $k => $image_id) { ?> |
<a class="" id="<?php echo $this->getTemplateIndex(); ?>_<?php echo $k; ?>" data-fslightbox="<?php echo $this->getTemplateIndex(); ?>" href="<?php echo \wp_get_attachment_image_src($image_id, 'full')[0]; ?>"></a> |
<a class="thickbox" id="<?php echo $this->getTemplateIndex(); ?>_<?php echo $k; ?>" rel="gallery-<?php echo $this->getTemplateIndex(); ?>" href="<?php echo \wp_get_attachment_image_src($image_id, 'full')[0]; ?>"></a> |
<?php } ?> |
<div class="wpsg_product_slider"> |
69,24 → 69,15 |
<?php if ($this->get_option('wpsg_showArticelnumber') == '1') { ?> |
<div class="wpsg_artikelnummer"> |
<?php echo __('Artikelnummer', 'wpsg'); ?>: <span class="wpsg_anr"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($oProduct->getNr()); ?></span><br /> |
</div> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php $arProductCodes = $oProduct->getAllProductCodes(); ?> |
<?php if (sizeof($arProductCodes) > 0) { ?> |
<div class="product_code_wrap"> |
<?php foreach ($arProductCodes as $product_code) { ?> |
<?php if ($product_code !== null) { ?> |
<div class="product_code <?php echo $product_code['code_key']; ?>"> |
<span class="label"><?php echo $product_code['label']; ?></span>: <span class="code"><?php echo $product_code['code']; ?></span> |
</div> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php } ?> |
</div> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php echo __('Artikelnummer', 'wpsg'); ?>: <span class="wpsg_anr"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($this->view['data']['anr']); ?></span><br /> |
<?php if (wpsg_isSizedInt($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_ean'))) {?> |
<?php echo __('EAN','wpsg');?>:<span class="wpsg_ean"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($this->view['data']['ean']); ?></span><br /> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php if (wpsg_isSizedInt($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_gtin'))) {?> |
<?php echo __('GTIN','wpsg');?>:<span class="wpsg_gtin"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($this->view['data']['gtin']); ?></span><br /> |
<?php }?> |
</div> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php /* Abfrage Preisanzeige nur für eingeloggte User aktiv und User eingeloggt START*/ ?> |
<?php if ($this->view['oProduct']->canDisplayPrice()) { ?> |
/produkttemplates/standard2.phtml |
10,7 → 10,6 |
// Damit keine Zubehörprodukte ausgegeben werden |
//$this->noReleatedProducts = true; |
/** @var wpsg_product $oProduct */ |
$oProduct = $this->view['oProduct']; |
$var_info = []; |
70,7 → 69,7 |
<?php $att = wp_get_attachment_image_src($arAttachmentIDsAll[$i], array(800, 600), false); ?> |
<a data-index="<?php echo $i; ?>" <?php if ($arAttachmentIDsAll[$i] != $arAttachmentID) echo 'style="display:none;"'; ?> data-fslightbox="<?php echo $this->getTemplateIndex(); ?>" title="<?php echo $this->getProductName($this->view['data']['id']); ?>" href="<?php echo $att[0]; ?>" class="bigimg"> |
<a data-index="<?php echo $i; ?>" <?php if ($arAttachmentIDsAll[$i] != $arAttachmentID) echo 'style="display:none;"'; ?> rel="gallery-wpsg-<?php echo $this->getTemplateIndex(); ?>" title="<?php echo $this->getProductName($this->view['data']['id']); ?>" href="<?php echo $att[0]; ?>" class="thickbox bigimg"> |
<?php echo wp_get_attachment_image($arAttachmentIDsAll[$i], array(300, 300), false, array()); ?> |
86,23 → 85,13 |
<?php if ($this->get_option('wpsg_showArticelnumber') == '1') { ?> |
<div class="wpsg_artikelnummer"> |
<?php echo __('Artikelnummer', 'wpsg'); ?>: <span class="wpsg_anr"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($oProduct->getNr()); ?></span><br /> |
</div> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php $arProductCodes = $oProduct->getAllProductCodes(); ?> |
<?php if (sizeof($arProductCodes) > 0) { ?> |
<div class="product_code_wrap"> |
<?php foreach ($arProductCodes as $product_code) { ?> |
<?php if ($product_code !== null) { ?> |
<div class="product_code <?php echo $product_code['code_key']; ?>"> |
<span class="label"><?php echo $product_code['label']; ?></span>: <span class="code"><?php echo $product_code['code']; ?></span> |
</div> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php echo __('Artikelnummer', 'wpsg'); ?>: <span class="wpsg_anr"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($this->view['data']['anr']); ?></span><br /> |
<?php if (wpsg_isSizedInt($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_ean'))) {?> |
<?php echo __('EAN','wpsg');?>:<span class="wpsg_ean"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($this->view['data']['ean']); ?></span><br /> |
<?php } ?> |
</div> |
<?php if (wpsg_isSizedInt($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_gtin'))) {?> |
<?php echo __('GTIN','wpsg');?>:<span class="wpsg_gtin"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($this->view['data']['gtin']); ?></span><br /> |
<?php }?></div> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php /* Abfrage Preisanzeige nur für eingeloggte User aktiv und User eingeloggt START*/ ?> |
/produkttemplates/standard.phtml |
5,7 → 5,7 |
*/ |
//Ausgabe der verfügbaren Variablen |
// wpsg_debug($this->view['data']); |
//wpsg_debug($this->view['data']); |
// Damit keine Zubehörprodukte ausgegeben werden |
//$this->noReleatedProducts = true; |
12,8 → 12,7 |
/** @var wpsg_product $oProduct */ |
$oProduct = $this->view['oProduct']; |
if (($this->view['data']['product_key']??'') !== '') $oProduct->setProductKey($this->view['data']['product_key']); |
?> |
<div class="wpsg_produkt_wrapper"> |
20,11 → 19,11 |
<input type="hidden" name="wpsg_post_id" value="<?php echo get_the_ID(); ?>" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="titleDisplayed" value="<?php echo $this->titleDisplayed; ?>" /> |
<div class="wpsg_produkt wpsg_product_name"> |
<?php if (!$this->titleDisplayed) { ?> |
<h1 class="wpsg_producttitle"><?php echo $oProduct->getProductName(); ?></h1> |
<h1 class="wpsg_producttitle"><?php echo $this->getProductName($this->view['data']['id']); ?></h1> |
<h2 class="wpsg_productdetailtitle"><?php echo $this->view['data']['detailname']; ?></h2> |
<?php } ?> |
36,15 → 35,11 |
<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Product" class="wpsg_produkt wpsg_produkt_<?php echo $this->view['data']['id']; ?>"> |
<meta itemprop="name" content="<?php echo wpsg_hspc($oProduct->getProductName()); ?>" /> |
<meta itemprop="detailname" content="<?php echo wpsg_hspc($this->view['data']['detailname']); ?>" /> |
<?php foreach ($oProduct->getAllProductCodes() as $product_code) { ?> |
<?php if ($product_code['itemprop'] !== null) { ?> |
<meta itemprop="<?php echo $product_code['itemprop']; ?>" content="<?php echo $product_code['code']; ?>" /> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php } ?> |
<meta itemprop="name" content="<?php echo wpsg_hspc($this->getProductName($this->view['data']['id'])); ?>" /> |
<meta itemprop="sku" content="<?php echo wpsg_hspc($oProduct->getProductNr()); ?>" /> |
<meta itemprop="gtin13" content="<?php echo wpsg_hspc($oProduct->getEAN()); ?>" /> |
<meta itemprop="detailname" content="<?php echo wpsg_hspc($this->view['data']['detailname']); ?>" /> |
<?php /* Block für die Produktbilder START */ ?> |
<?php |
68,7 → 63,7 |
<meta itemprop="image" content="<?php echo $att[0]; ?>" /> |
<a <?php if ($arAttachmentIDsAll[$i] != $arAttachmentID) echo 'style="display:none;"'; ?> rel="gallery-wpsg-<?php echo $this->getTemplateIndex(); ?>" title="<?php echo $oProduct->getProductName(); ?>" href="<?php echo $att[0]; ?>" data-fslightbox="<?php echo $this->getTemplateIndex(); ?>"> |
<a <?php if ($arAttachmentIDsAll[$i] != $arAttachmentID) echo 'style="display:none;"'; ?> rel="gallery-wpsg-<?php echo $this->getTemplateIndex(); ?>" title="<?php echo $this->getProductName($this->view['data']['id']); ?>" href="<?php echo $att[0]; ?>" class="thickbox"> |
<?php echo wp_get_attachment_image($arAttachmentIDsAll[$i], array(300, 300), false, array()); ?> |
84,23 → 79,13 |
<?php if ($this->get_option('wpsg_showArticelnumber') == '1') { ?> |
<div class="wpsg_artikelnummer"> |
<?php echo __('Artikelnummer', 'wpsg'); ?>: <span class="wpsg_anr"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($oProduct->getNr()); ?></span><br /> |
</div> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php $arProductCodes = $oProduct->getAllProductCodes(); ?> |
<?php if (sizeof($arProductCodes) > 0) { ?> |
<div class="product_code_wrap"> |
<?php foreach ($arProductCodes as $product_code) { ?> |
<?php if ($product_code !== null) { ?> |
<div class="product_code <?php echo $product_code['code_key']; ?>"> |
<span class="label"><?php echo $product_code['label']; ?></span>: <span class="code"><?php echo $product_code['code']; ?></span> |
</div> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php echo __('Artikelnummer', 'wpsg'); ?>: <span class="wpsg_anr"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($this->view['data']['anr']); ?></span><br /> |
<?php if (wpsg_isSizedInt($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_ean'))) {?> |
<?php echo __('EAN','wpsg');?>:<span class="wpsg_ean"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($this->view['data']['ean']); ?></span><br /> |
<?php } ?> |
</div> |
<?php if (wpsg_isSizedInt($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_gtin'))) {?> |
<?php echo __('GTIN','wpsg');?>:<span class="wpsg_gtin"><?php echo wpsg_hspc($this->view['data']['gtin']); ?></span><br /> |
<?php }?></div> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php /* Abfrage Preisanzeige nur für eingeloggte User aktiv und User eingeloggt START*/ ?> |
179,7 → 164,7 |
<?php }?> |
<?php /* Abfrage Preisanzeige nur für eingeloggte User aktiv und User eingeloggt ENDE */ ?> |
<div itemprop="description" class="wpsg_produkt_shortdescription"> |
<span><?php echo $this->view['data']['shortdesc']; ?></span> |
291,7 → 276,7 |
<?php /* Varianten ENDE */ ?> |
<?php $this->callMods('product_bottom', array(&$this->view['data']['product_key'], $this->getTemplateIndex())); ?> |
<div class="wpsg_product_buttonarea"> |
<div class="wpsg_product_buttons_add_basket"> |
<?php if ($this->view['oProduct']->canOrder()) { ?> |
300,7 → 285,7 |
<label class="wpsg_amount_label" for="wpsg_menge_<?php echo $this->getTemplateIndex(); ?>"><?php echo __('Anzahl', 'wpsg'); ?></label> |
<input type="text" value="<?php echo ((wpsg_isSizedInt($this->view['data']['menge']))?$this->view['data']['menge']:'1'); ?>" name="wpsg[menge]" class="wpsg_menge" id="wpsg_menge_<?php echo $this->getTemplateIndex(); ?>" <?php echo (($this->view['data']['basket_multiple'] == 4)?' readonly="readonly" ':''); ?> /> |
<?php /* Urlaubsmodus aktiv */ ?> |
<?php if ($this->hasMod('wpsg_mod_deliverytime') && ($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_deliverytime_holiday') == '1')) { ?> |
/warenkorb/checkout2.phtml |
33,7 → 33,7 |
<?php } else { ?> |
<div class="wpsg_payship_name"><?php echo __($s['name'], 'wpsg'); ?></div> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php if ((isset($s['hint']) && trim($s['hint']) != '') || wpsg_getFloat($s['price']) > 0) { ?> |
<?php if ((isset($s['hint']) && trim($s['hint']) != '') || wpsg_getFloat($s['price']) > 0) { ?> |
<div id="shipping_<?php echo $s['id']; ?>_hint" class="shippay_hint"> |
<?php if ($s['price'] > 0) { ?> |
<?php echo __('Gebühr', 'wpsg'); ?>: <?php echo wpsg_ff($s['price'], $this->get_option('wpsg_currency')); ?><br /> |
104,12 → 104,8 |
</form> |
<div style="position:fixed; left:0; top:0; width:100vw; height:100vh; background-color:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); display:none;" id="pppl_loading_blocker"></div> |
<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */ |
const el_pppl_loading_blocker = document.getElementById('pppl_loading_blocker'); |
function wpsg_setShipPay(jqElement) |
{ |
126,8 → 122,6 |
jQuery('.shippay_wrap .shippay_item_wrap').bind('click', function() { |
el_pppl_loading_blocker.style.display = 'block'; |
wpsg_setShipPay(jQuery(this)); |
jQuery.ajax( { |
138,11 → 132,7 |
'wpsg_form_data': jQuery('#wpsg_checkout_form').serialize() |
}, |
'async': true, |
'success': function(data) { |
location.reload(); |
} |
'success': function(data) { } |
} ); |
} ); |
/produkt/index.phtml |
201,6 → 201,14 |
<th class="wpsg_order" data-order="cat"><?php echo __('Kategorie', 'wpsg'); ?></th> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php if ($this->hasMod('wpsg_mod_produktartikel') && $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_gtin') == '1') { ?> |
<th class="wpsg_order" data-order="gtin-nr"><?php echo __("GTIN", "wpsg"); ?></th> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php if ($this->hasMod('wpsg_mod_produktartikel') && $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_ean') == '1') { ?> |
<th class="wpsg_order" data-order="ean-nr"><?php echo __("EAN", "wpsg"); ?></th> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php if ($this->hasMod('wpsg_mod_deliverytime') && $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_deliverytime_productindex') == '1') { ?> |
<th class="wpsg_order" data-order="deliverytime"><?php echo __("Lieferzeit", 'wpsg'); ?></th> |
<?php } ?> |
328,6 → 336,12 |
?> |
</td> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php if ($this->hasMod('wpsg_mod_produktartikel') && $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_gtin') == '1') { ?> |
<td><?php echo wpsg_hspc($d['gtin']); ?></td> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php if ($this->hasMod('wpsg_mod_produktartikel') && $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_produktartikel_ean') == '1') { ?> |
<td><?php echo wpsg_hspc($d['ean']); ?></td> |
<?php } ?> |
<?php if ($this->hasMod('wpsg_mod_deliverytime') && $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_deliverytime_productindex') == '1') { ?> |
<td> |
<?php if ($this->callMod('wpsg_mod_deliverytime', 'isStoreProduct', array($oProduct->getProductKey()))) { ?> |
/warenkorb/basket.phtml |
6,7 → 6,6 |
//wpsg_debug($this->view['basket']); |
//wpsg_debug($this->view['basket']['arCalculation']); |
//wpsg_debug($_SESSION['wpsg']); |
//wpsg_debug($this->arShipping); |
/produkt/addedit_texte.phtml |
13,6 → 13,7 |
{ |
wp_print_scripts('editor'); |
if (function_exists('add_thickbox')) add_thickbox(); |
wp_print_scripts('media-upload'); |
if (function_exists('wp_tiny_mce')) wp_tiny_mce(); |
wp_admin_css(); |
41,7 → 42,6 |
?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_AdminboxEnd(); ?> |
<?php $this->callMods('product_addedit_before_longtext'); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_AdminboxStart(__('Langtext', 'wpsg')); ?> |
<?php |
55,32 → 55,6 |
?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_AdminboxEnd(); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_AdminboxStart(__('Langtext (Zusatz)', 'wpsg')); ?> |
<?php |
// Damit die qTranslate Interne Editor Übersetzung nicht aufgerufen wird |
//remove_filter('the_editor', 'qtrans_modifyRichEditor'); |
add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'wpsg_formatTinyMCE'); |
add_filter('admin_head', 'wpsg_ShowTinyMCE'); |
wp_editor(@$this->view['data']['longdescription_addon'], 'longdescription_addon'); |
?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_AdminboxEnd(); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_AdminboxStart(__('Produktfeatures', 'wpsg')); ?> |
<?php |
// Damit die qTranslate Interne Editor Übersetzung nicht aufgerufen wird |
//remove_filter('the_editor', 'qtrans_modifyRichEditor'); |
add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'wpsg_formatTinyMCE'); |
add_filter('admin_head', 'wpsg_ShowTinyMCE'); |
wp_editor(@$this->view['data']['productfeatures'], 'productfeatures'); |
?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_AdminboxEnd(); ?> |
<?php echo wpsg_drawForm_AdminboxStart(__('Zusätzliche Informationen', 'wpsg')); ?> |
<?php |
/mailtemplates/html/customer.phtml |
169,28 → 169,12 |
require_once WPSG_PATH_LIB.'phpgirocode.class.php'; |
if (isset($this->view['mod_prepayment']['subject']) && ($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode') == true)) { |
if (isset($this->view['mod_prepayment']['subject'])) { |
if (in_array('kundenmail.phtml', $this->arTemplateStack)) { |
if ($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode_country') == '0') { |
echo $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_prepayment', 'genQRCode', array($this->view['o_id'], $this->view['mod_prepayment']['subject'], $this->view['basket']['sum']['preis_gesamt_brutto'], 3, PhpGirocode::OUTPUT_FILE)); |
$qrcodes = array(); |
$qrcodes = $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_prepayment', 'genQRCode', array($this->view['o_id'], $this->view['wpsg_mod_prepayment']['subject'], $this->view['basket']['sum']['preis_gesamt_brutto'], 3, PhpGirocode::OUTPUT_FILE, $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode_country'), $this->view['basket'])); |
foreach ($qrcodes as $qr) echo $qr; |
} else if ($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode_country') == '1') { |
echo $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_prepayment', 'genQRCode', array($this->view['o_id'], $this->view['mod_prepayment']['subject'], $this->view['basket']['sum']['preis_gesamt_brutto'], 3, PhpGirocode::OUTPUT_FILE, $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode_country'), $this->view['basket'])); |
} else if ($this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode_country') == '2') { |
echo $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_prepayment', 'genQRCode', array($this->view['o_id'], $this->view['mod_prepayment']['subject'], $this->view['basket']['sum']['preis_gesamt_brutto'], 3, PhpGirocode::OUTPUT_FILE, $this->get_option('wpsg_mod_prepayment_qrcode_country'), $this->view['basket'])); |
} |
} |
} |
/warenkorb/overview.phtml |
18,7 → 18,7 |
<?php $GLOBALS['step'] = 4; $this->render(WPSG_PATH_VIEW.'/warenkorb/progress.phtml'); ?> |
<?php } ?> |
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $this->getURL(wpsg_ShopController::URL_BASKET); ?>" id="wpsg_form"> |
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $this->getURL(wpsg_ShopController::URL_BASKET); ?>"> |
<h2><?php echo __('Zusammenfassung', 'wpsg'); ?></h2> |
27,7 → 27,7 |
<?php if (!$this->hasMod('wpsg_mod_ordercondition')) { ?> |
<div class="wpsg_agb"> |
<label> |
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="wpsg[agb]" required /> |
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="wpsg[agb]" /> |
<?php echo wpsg_translate(__('Ich habe die #1# des Anbieters gelesen und erkläre mit dem Absenden der Bestellung mein Einverständnis. Die #2# habe ich zur Kenntnis genommen.', 'wpsg'), |
'<a target="_blank" href="'.$this->getURL(wpsg_ShopController::URL_AGB).'">'.__('AGB', 'wpsg').'</a>', |
'<a target="_blank" href="'.$this->getURL(wpsg_ShopController::URL_WIDERRUF).'">'.__('Widerrufsbelehrung', 'wpsg').'</a>'); |
/css/frontend.css |
36,7 → 36,7 |
.basket_product_wrap .basket_product_row .product_action .title { width: 60%; display:inline-block; margin-top:0.3em; margin-bottom:0.3em; } |
.basket_product_wrap .basket_product_row .product_action .price { width: 39%; display:inline-block; text-align:right; } |
.basket_product_wrap .basket_product_row .product_action .price_total { width: 39%; display:inline-block; font-weight:bold; text-align:right; } |
.basket_product_wrap .basket_product_row .product_info { display:flex; width:100%; justify-content:space-between; align-items:center; margin-bottom:0.25rem; } |
.basket_product_wrap .basket_product_row .product_info { display:flex; width:100%; justify-content:space-between; align-items:center; } |
.basket_product_wrap .basket_product_row .product_upload { } |
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.basket_product_wrap .basket_product_row .product_upload .wpsg_mod_orderupload_target ul { margin:0px; } |
44,7 → 44,7 |
.basket_product_wrap .basket_product_row .product_upload .wpsg_mod_orderupload_target li a.removeLink { text-decoration:none; box-shadow:none; align-self:center; } |
.basket_product_wrap .basket_product_row .product_upload ul li { list-style:none; } |
.basket_product_wrap .basket_product_row .product_info .titlep { min-width:120px; display:inline-block; margin-top:0.3em; margin-bottom:0.3em; } |
.basket_product_wrap .basket_product_row .product_info .title { display:inline-block; margin-top:0.3em; margin-bottom:0.3em; } |
.basket_product_wrap .basket_product_row .product_info .title { width: 30%; display:inline-block; margin-top:0.3em; margin-bottom:0.3em; } |
.basket_product_wrap .basket_product_row .product_info .valuel { width: 50%; display:inline-block; font-weight:normal; text-align:left; } |
.basket_product_wrap .basket_product_row .product_info .valuer { width: 50%; display:inline-block; font-weight:normal; text-align:right; } |
.basket_product_wrap .basket_product_row .product_info .fulll { width: 80%; display:inline-block; font-weight:normal; text-align:left; } |
78,11 → 78,7 |
.wpsg_basket .wpsg_checkoutbutton { float:right; padding:0.75em 1em; } |
.wpsg_basket .wpsg_cell_gesamtsumme_value { font-weight:bold; } |
.wpsg_checkout2 .wpsg_overviewbutton, |
.wpsg_checkout2 .wpsg_checkoutbutton, |
.wpsg_overview .wpsg_orderbutton, |
.wpsg_overview .wpsg_checkoutbutton, |
.wpsg_basket .wpsg_refreshbutton, .wpsg_checkout2button, .wpsg_basketbutton { float:left; padding:0.75em 1em; } |
.wpsg_basket .wpsg_refreshbutton, .wpsg_basketbutton { float:left; padding:0.75em 1em; } |
.wpsg_basket .wpsg_basket_weiter_shoppen {background:#1a1a1a none repeat scroll 0 0; border:0 none; border-radius:2px; color:#fff; font-weight:700; line-height:1; text-transform:uppercase; padding:0.85em 0.875em 0.78em;} |
.wpsg_basket .product_action_printshop .label { align-self:flex-start; } |
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165,7 → 161,7 |
.wpsg_overview .wpsg_table_wrap .overview_product_row .product_action .price_total { width: 39%; display:inline-block; font-weight:bold; text-align:right; } |
.wpsg_overview .wpsg_table_wrap .overview_product_row .product_info { display:flex; width:100%; justify-content:space-between; align-items:center; } |
.wpsg_overview .wpsg_table_wrap .overview_product_row .product_info .titlep { min-width:120px; display:inline-block; margin-top:0.3em; margin-bottom:0.3em; } |
.wpsg_overview .wpsg_table_wrap .overview_product_row .product_info .title { display:inline-block; margin-top:0.3em; margin-bottom:0.3em; } |
.wpsg_overview .wpsg_table_wrap .overview_product_row .product_info .title { width: 30%; display:inline-block; margin-top:0.3em; margin-bottom:0.3em; } |
.wpsg_overview .wpsg_table_wrap .overview_product_row .product_info .valuel { width: 50%; display:inline-block; font-weight:normal; text-align:left; } |
.wpsg_overview .wpsg_table_wrap .overview_product_row .product_info .valuer { width: 50%; display:inline-block; font-weight:normal; text-align:right; } |
.wpsg_overview .wpsg_table_wrap .overview_product_row .product_info .fulll { width: 80%; display:inline-block; font-weight:normal; text-align:left; } |
243,7 → 239,6 |
/* Produkttemplate */ |
.wpsg_productform { position:relative; } |
.wpsg_productform .wpsg_produkt_wrapper .wpsg_productimages { float:left; margin-right:0.75em; } |
.wpsg_productform img { max-width:100%; height:auto; } |
.wpsg_productform .wpsg_produkt_wrapper .wpsg_produkt_preishinweis { font-size:0.75em; } |
.wpsg_productform .wpsg_produkt_wrapper .wpsg_mod_productview_oldprice, |
.product_wrap .productdetails .oldprice { text-decoration:line-through; } |
255,7 → 250,7 |
.wpsg_productform .wpsg_produkt_wrapper .wpsg_product_informationarea { margin-top:1.5em; margin-bottom:1.5em; } |
.wpsg_productform .wpsg_produkt_wrapper label { font-weight:bold; } |
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.wpsg_productform .wpsg_produkt_wrapper .wpsg_product_buttonarea input[type="submit"] { width:48%; cursor:pointer; float:right; box-sizing: border-box; padding:0.7em; line-height:1.5em; font-size:1rem; border:1px solid transparent; border-radius:3px; } |
.wpsg_productform .wpsg_produkt_wrapper .wpsg_product_buttonarea input[type="submit"] { width:48%; float:right; box-sizing: border-box; padding:0.7em; line-height:1.5em; font-size:1rem; border:1px solid transparent; border-radius:3px; } |
.wpsg_productform .wpsg_product_layer { position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; width:100%; height:100%; background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); padding:0.75em; margin:-0.75em; box-sizing:content-box; } |
.wpsg_productform .wpsg_product_layer img { position:absolute; left:50%; margin-left:-8px; top:50%; margin-top:-5px; } |
.wpsg_productform .wpsg_produkt_produktbilder { max-width:200px; } |
456,7 → 451,7 |
.wpsg_progress:after { border:1px solid #C5C5C5; height:10px; background-color:#F2F2F2; box-sizing:border-box; display:block; width:100%; content:" "; } |
.wpsg_progress span.step { width:25%; display:block; float:left; list-style:none; position:relative; } |
.wpsg_progress span.step > .text { margin-top:30px; text-align:center; width:100%; display:block; } |
.wpsg_progress span.step > .dot { position:absolute; z-index:2; background-color:#C5C5C5; width:20px; height:20px; left:50%; top:0%; margin-left:-14px; margin-top:-4px; border-radius:10px; } |
.wpsg_progress span.step > .dot { position:absolute; z-index:2; background-color:#C5C5C5; width:20px; height:20px; left:50%; top:0%; margin-left:-15px; margin-top:-5px; border-radius:10px; } |
.wpsg_progress span.step:before { border:1px solid #C5C5C5; position:absolute; z-index:2; left:50%; margin-left:-20px; text-align:center; line-height:40px; background-color:#F2F2F2; content:" "; display:block; width:30px; height:30px; border-radius:25px; margin-top:-10px; } |
.wpsg_progress span.step1:before { content:""; } |
.wpsg_progress span.step2:before { content:""; } |
560,30 → 555,4 |
/* wpsg_mod_amazon_v2 */ |
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#AmazonPayButton_wrap #AmazonPayButton { width:210px; } |
#AmazonLoginButton_wrap { text-align:right; margin-bottom:2rem; width:100%; justify-content:flex-end; display:flex; } |
/* wpsg_mod_prepayment - QR-Code auf Bestellabschlussseite */ |
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.wpsg_mod_prepayment_girocode h4{ margin: 0; } |
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.wpsg_mod_prepayment_girocode_left_amount { display:flex; flex-direction:column; } |
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