8007 |
daniel |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
* @author: Daniel Schmitzer (daschmi@daschmi.de)
7 |
* @date: 09.06.22
8 |
* @time: 07:44
9 |
10 |
11 |
namespace wpsg;
12 |
13 |
/** @var \wpsg_customer $oCustomer */
14 |
$oCustomer = $this->view['oCustomer']??null;
15 |
16 |
/** @var \wpsg_order $oOrder */
17 |
$oOrder = $this->view['oOrder']??null;
18 |
19 |
$wpsg_rechnungen_footer = $this->get_option("wpsg_rechnungen_footer");
20 |
8017 |
daniel |
21 |
if (is_string($wpsg_rechnungen_footer)) $wpsg_rechnungen_footer = unserialize($this->get_option("wpsg_rechnungen_footer"));
8007 |
daniel |
22 |
if (!is_array($wpsg_rechnungen_footer)) $wpsg_rechnungen_footer = Array();
23 |
24 |
$default = $this->get_option('wpsg_rechnungen_foottext_standard');
25 |
8010 |
daniel |
26 |
/** @var \wpsg\wpsg_invoice[] $arInvoice */
27 |
$arInvoice = $this->callMod('wpsg_mod_rechnungen', 'getInvoiceToOrder', [$oOrder->getId()]);
28 |
29 |
$bCanInvoice = false;
30 |
$bCanStorno = false;
31 |
32 |
foreach ($oOrder->getOrderProducts() as $oOrderProduct) {
33 |
34 |
if ($this->callMod('wpsg_mod_rechnungen', 'getAmountToInvoice', [$oOrderProduct]) > 0) {
35 |
36 |
$bCanInvoice = true;
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
if ($this->callMod('wpsg_mod_rechnungen', 'getAmountToStorno', [$oOrderProduct]) > 0) {
41 |
42 |
$bCanStorno = true;
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
if ($bCanInvoice && $bCanStorno) break;
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
$act = 0;
51 |
52 |
if ($bCanInvoice) $act = 1;
53 |
else if ($bCanStorno) $act = 2;
54 |
8007 |
daniel |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
<div id="wpsg_mod_invoice_tabs">
59 |
60 |
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
8010 |
daniel |
61 |
<?php if ($bCanInvoice) { ?>
62 |
<li role="presentation" class="tab <?php echo (($act === 1)?'akttab active':''); ?>" id="tab1"><a href="#tab1" role="tab" data-toggle="tab" class="bg_invoice"><?php echo __('Rechnung erstellen', 'wpsg'); ?></a></li>
63 |
<?php } ?>
64 |
<?php if ($bCanStorno) { ?>
65 |
<li role="presentation" class="tab <?php echo (($act === 2)?'akttab active':''); ?>" id="tab2"><a href="#tab2" role="tab" data-toggle="tab" class="bg_storno"><?php echo __('Gutschrift/Rechnungskorrektur erstellen', 'wpsg'); ?></a></li>
66 |
<?php } ?>
8007 |
daniel |
67 |
68 |
69 |
<div class="tab-content">
70 |
8010 |
daniel |
71 |
<?php if ($bCanInvoice) { ?>
72 |
<div role="tabpanel" class="tabcontent bg_invoice" id="tabcontent1">
8007 |
daniel |
73 |
8010 |
daniel |
74 |
<form method="post" id="invoice_form" target="_blank" action="<?php
75 |
76 |
echo WPSG_URL_WP.'wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Order&action=ajax&mod=wpsg_mod_rechnungen&cmd=rechnung&noheader=1&edit_id='.$oOrder->getId();
77 |
78 |
?>" class="grid">
79 |
80 |
<?php \wp_nonce_field('wpsg-mod_invoice-order_ajax-rechnung-'.$this->view['data']['id']);
81 |
82 |
$arInvoiceLabel = [];
8007 |
daniel |
83 |
8010 |
daniel |
84 |
foreach ($arInvoice as $oInvoice) {
85 |
86 |
if ($oInvoice->isInvoice() && $oInvoice->getMeta('include_shipping', false, '0') === '1') {
87 |
88 |
$arInvoiceLabel[] = $oInvoice->getNr(true);
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 |
8007 |
daniel |
93 |
8010 |
daniel |
94 |
95 |
96 |
<!-- Rechnung -->
97 |
8077 |
karl |
98 |
<input type="checkbox" name="wpsg_rechnungen_sendmail" value="1" id="invoice_sendmail" />
8010 |
daniel |
99 |
<label for="invoice_sendmail"><?php echo __('E-Mail an Kunden senden', 'wpsg'); ?></label>
100 |
<input type="email" name="wpsg_rechnungen_email" value="<?php echo $oCustomer->getEMail(); ?>" />
101 |
8077 |
karl |
102 |
<input type="checkbox" name="wpsg_rechnungen_faelligkeit" value="1" id="invoice_faelligkeit" />
8010 |
daniel |
103 |
<label for="invoice_faelligkeit"><?php echo __('Fälligkeit anzeigen', 'wpsg'); ?></label>
8078 |
karl |
104 |
<input type="date" name="wpsg_rechnungen_faelligkeitsdatum" value="<?php echo date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+'.intval($this->get_option("wpsg_rechnungen_faelligkeit")).' day')); ?>" />
8010 |
daniel |
105 |
8077 |
karl |
106 |
<input type="checkbox" name="wpsg_rechnungen_status" value="1" id="invoice_state" checked="checked" />
8010 |
daniel |
107 |
<label for="invoice_state"><?php echo __('Neuer Status', 'wpsg'); ?></label>
108 |
<select name="wpsg_rechnungen_status_neu">
109 |
<?php foreach ($this->arStatus as $status_key => $status_label) { ?>
110 |
<option value="<?php echo $status_key; ?>"><?php echo $status_label; ?></option>
111 |
<?php } ?>
112 |
113 |
114 |
<input type="checkbox" name="wpsg_rechnungen_shippay" value="1" id="invoice_shippay" <?php
115 |
116 |
if (sizeof($arInvoiceLabel) <= 0) echo ' checked="checked" ';
8007 |
daniel |
117 |
8010 |
daniel |
118 |
?> />
119 |
<label style="grid-column:2 / span 2;" for="invoice_shippay"><?php
8007 |
daniel |
120 |
8076 |
karl |
121 |
echo __('Versand-/Zahlungskosten berechnen', 'wpsg');
8010 |
daniel |
122 |
123 |
if (sizeof($arInvoiceLabel) > 0) {
124 |
125 |
echo wpsg_translate(__(' (Enthalten in #1#)', 'wpsg'), implode(', ', $arInvoiceLabel));
126 |
8007 |
daniel |
127 |
128 |
8010 |
daniel |
129 |
8007 |
daniel |
130 |
8077 |
karl |
131 |
<input type="checkbox" name="wpsg_rechnungen_discount_voucher_coupon" value="1" id="wpsg_rechnungen_discount_voucher_coupon" checked="checked" />
8076 |
karl |
132 |
<label style="grid-column:2 / span 2;" for="wpsg_rechnungen_discount_voucher_coupon"><?php echo __('Rabatt, Gutschein, Wertgutschein berechnen wenn vorhanden', 'wpsg'); ?></label>
8061 |
daniel |
133 |
8010 |
daniel |
134 |
<input type="checkbox" name="wpsg_rechnungen_url" value="1" id="invoice_url" />
135 |
<label for="invoice_url" style="grid-column: 2 / span 2;"><?php echo __('URL Benachrichtigung', 'wpsg'); ?></label>
136 |
137 |
138 |
<label for="invoice_date"><?php echo __('Rechnungsdatum', 'wpsg') ;?></label>
139 |
<input type="date" value="<?php echo date('Y-m-d'); ?>" name="wpsg_rechnungen_datum" id="invoice_date" />
140 |
141 |
142 |
<label for="invoice_foottext_select"><?php echo __('Fußtext', 'wpsg'); ?></label>
143 |
144 |
<?php if (sizeof($wpsg_rechnungen_footer) > 0) { ?>
145 |
<select id="invoice_foottext_select">
146 |
<?php foreach ($wpsg_rechnungen_footer as $k => $v) { ?>
147 |
<option value="<?php echo wpsg_hspc($v[1]); ?>" <?php echo ((intval($default) === intval($k))?'selected="selected"':''); ?>><?php echo wpsg_hspc($v[0]); ?></option>
148 |
<?php } ?>
149 |
150 |
<?php } else { ?>
151 |
152 |
<?php } ?>
153 |
154 |
155 |
<input type="text" name="wpsg_rechnungen_fusstext" id="wpsg_rechnungen_fusstext" value="" style="grid-column: 2 / span 2;" />
156 |
157 |
<span style="grid-column:1 / span 3;"></span>
158 |
159 |
<span style="display:flex; justify-content:flex-end; gap:0.5rem; grid-column:1/span 3;">
8007 |
daniel |
160 |
8010 |
daniel |
161 |
<input class="button" style="" id="invoice_wpsg_rechnungen_preview" name="wpsg_rechnungen_preview" type="submit" value="Vorschau">
8057 |
daniel |
162 |
<input class="button" style="" id="invoice_wpsg_rechnungen_submit" onclick="" name="wpsg_rechnungen_write" type="submit" value="Rechnung schreiben">
8007 |
daniel |
163 |
8010 |
daniel |
164 |
8007 |
daniel |
165 |
8010 |
daniel |
166 |
167 |
168 |
let el_invoice_foottext_select = document.getElementById('invoice_foottext_select');
169 |
let el_invoice_form = document.getElementById('invoice_form');
170 |
171 |
if (el_invoice_foottext_select) {
172 |
173 |
el_invoice_foottext_select.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
174 |
175 |
document.getElementById('wpsg_rechnungen_fusstext').value = event.target.value;
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
el_invoice_foottext_select.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
180 |
181 |
182 |
183 |
let el_invoice_wpsg_rechnungen_preview = document.getElementById('invoice_wpsg_rechnungen_preview');
8057 |
daniel |
184 |
let el_invoice_wpsg_rechnungen_submit = document.getElementById('invoice_wpsg_rechnungen_submit');
8010 |
daniel |
185 |
8057 |
daniel |
186 |
function check_invoice_amount(event) {
8063 |
daniel |
187 |
8057 |
daniel |
188 |
let ok = false;
189 |
8063 |
daniel |
190 |
for (let el_checkbox of document.getElementsByClassName('wpsg_check_amount_invoice')) {
8057 |
daniel |
191 |
192 |
if (el_checkbox.checked) {
8063 |
daniel |
193 |
8057 |
daniel |
194 |
if (parseInt(el_checkbox.nextElementSibling.value) > 0) {
195 |
196 |
ok = true; break;
197 |
198 |
199 |
200 |
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 |
if (ok) {
205 |
206 |
if (event.target.getAttribute("id") === 'invoice_wpsg_rechnungen_submit') {
207 |
208 |
window.setTimeout(function() { location.href = '<?php
209 |
210 |
echo wpsg_admin_url('Order', 'view', ['edit_id' => $oOrder->getId()]);
211 |
212 |
?>'; }, 1000);
213 |
214 |
215 |
216 |
} else {
217 |
218 |
alert('<?php echo __('Bitte mindestens ein Produkt auswählen!', 'wpsg'); ?>');
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
el_invoice_wpsg_rechnungen_preview.addEventListener('click', check_invoice_amount);
228 |
el_invoice_wpsg_rechnungen_submit.addEventListener('click', check_invoice_amount);
229 |
8010 |
daniel |
230 |
231 |
232 |
8007 |
daniel |
233 |
8010 |
daniel |
234 |
235 |
<?php } ?>
236 |
237 |
<?php if ($bCanStorno) { ?>
238 |
<div role="tabpanel" class="tabcontent bg_storno" id="tabcontent2">
8007 |
daniel |
239 |
8010 |
daniel |
240 |
<form method="post" id="storno_form" target="_blank" action="<?php
241 |
242 |
echo WPSG_URL_WP.'wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsg-Order&noheader=1&action=ajax&mod=wpsg_mod_rechnungen&edit_id='.$oOrder->getId().'&do=storno';
243 |
244 |
?>" class="grid">
245 |
246 |
<?php \wp_nonce_field('wpsg-mod_invoice-order_ajax-storno-'.$this->view['data']['id']);
247 |
248 |
$arInvoiceLabel = [];
249 |
250 |
foreach ($arInvoice as $oInvoice) {
251 |
252 |
if ($oInvoice->isStorno() && $oInvoice->getMeta('include_shipping', false, '0') === '1') {
253 |
254 |
$arInvoiceLabel[] = $oInvoice->getNr(true);
8007 |
daniel |
255 |
8010 |
daniel |
256 |
257 |
258 |
8007 |
daniel |
259 |
8010 |
daniel |
260 |
8007 |
daniel |
261 |
8010 |
daniel |
262 |
<!-- Gutschrift -->
8007 |
daniel |
263 |
8077 |
karl |
264 |
<input type="checkbox" name="storno_send" id="storno_send" value="1" />
8010 |
daniel |
265 |
<label for="storno_send"><?php echo __('E-Mail an Kunden senden', 'wpsg'); ?></label>
266 |
<input type="email" name="storno_mail" value="<?php echo $oCustomer->getEMail(); ?>" />
8007 |
daniel |
267 |
8010 |
daniel |
268 |
<input type="checkbox" id="storno_shippay" name="storno_shippay" value="1" id="invoice_shippay" <?php
269 |
270 |
if (sizeof($arInvoiceLabel) <= 0) echo ' checked="checked" ';
271 |
272 |
?> />
273 |
<label style="grid-column:2 / span 2;" for="storno_shippay"><?php
274 |
275 |
echo __('Versand-/Zahlungskosten stornieren', 'wpsg');
276 |
277 |
if (sizeof($arInvoiceLabel) > 0) {
278 |
279 |
echo wpsg_translate(__(' (Enthalten in #1#)', 'wpsg'), implode(', ', $arInvoiceLabel));
280 |
281 |
282 |
283 |
8007 |
daniel |
284 |
8010 |
daniel |
285 |
<input type="checkbox" name="storno_state" value="1" id="storno_state" checked="checked" />
286 |
<label for="storno_state"><?php echo __('Neuer Status', 'wpsg'); ?></label>
287 |
<select name="storno_state_new">
288 |
<?php foreach ($this->arStatus as $status_key => $status_label) { ?>
289 |
<option value="<?php echo $status_key; ?>"><?php echo $status_label; ?></option>
290 |
<?php } ?>
291 |
8007 |
daniel |
292 |
8077 |
karl |
293 |
<input type="checkbox" name="wpsg_rechnungen_discount_voucher_coupon" value="1" id="wpsg_rechnungen_storno_discount_voucher_coupon" checked="checked" />
8076 |
karl |
294 |
<label style="grid-column:2 / span 2;" for="wpsg_rechnungen_storno_discount_voucher_coupon"><?php echo __('Rabatt, Gutschein, Wertgutschein berechnen wenn vorhanden', 'wpsg'); ?></label>
8061 |
daniel |
295 |
8010 |
daniel |
296 |
<input type="checkbox" name="storno_fee_set" id="storno_fee_set" value="1" id="storno_fee_set" />
297 |
<label for="storno_fee_set"><?php echo __('Stornierungsgebühr in % oder EUR', 'wpsg'); ?></label>
298 |
<input type="text" value="" name="storno_fee_value" />
8007 |
daniel |
299 |
8010 |
daniel |
300 |
<span style="grid-column:1 / span 3;"></span>
8007 |
daniel |
301 |
8010 |
daniel |
302 |
<span style="display:flex; justify-content:flex-end; gap:0.5rem; grid-column:1/span 3;">
303 |
304 |
<input class="button" style="" id="invoice_wpsg_storno_preview" name="wpsg_storno_preview" type="submit" value="Vorschau">
8057 |
daniel |
305 |
<input class="button" style="" id="invoice_wpsg_storno_submit" onclick="" name="wpsg_storno_write" type="submit" value="Rechnungskorrektur schreiben">
8010 |
daniel |
306 |
307 |
8007 |
daniel |
308 |
8010 |
daniel |
309 |
310 |
311 |
let el_storno_form = document.getElementById('storno_form');
312 |
313 |
let el_invoice_wpsg_storno_preview = document.getElementById('invoice_wpsg_storno_preview');
314 |
let el_invoice_wpsg_storno_submit = document.getElementById('invoice_wpsg_storno_submit');
8057 |
daniel |
315 |
316 |
function check_invoice_amount(event) {
317 |
318 |
let ok = false;
319 |
8063 |
daniel |
320 |
for (let el_checkbox of document.getElementsByClassName('wpsg_check_amount_storno')) {
8057 |
daniel |
321 |
322 |
if (el_checkbox.checked) {
323 |
324 |
if (parseInt(el_checkbox.nextElementSibling.value) > 0) {
325 |
326 |
ok = true; break;
327 |
328 |
329 |
330 |
331 |
332 |
333 |
334 |
if (ok) {
335 |
336 |
if (event.target.getAttribute("id") === 'invoice_wpsg_storno_submit') {
337 |
338 |
window.setTimeout(function() { location.href = '<?php
339 |
340 |
echo wpsg_admin_url('Order', 'view', ['edit_id' => $oOrder->getId()]);
341 |
342 |
?>'; }, 1000);
343 |
344 |
345 |
346 |
} else {
347 |
348 |
alert('<?php echo __('Bitte mindestens ein Produkt auswählen!', 'wpsg'); ?>');
349 |
350 |
351 |
352 |
353 |
354 |
355 |
356 |
357 |
el_invoice_wpsg_storno_preview.addEventListener('click', check_invoice_amount);
358 |
el_invoice_wpsg_storno_submit.addEventListener('click', check_invoice_amount);
359 |
8010 |
daniel |
360 |
361 |
362 |
8007 |
daniel |
363 |
8010 |
daniel |
364 |
365 |
<?php } ?>
8007 |
daniel |
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 |
370 |
371 |
372 |
373 |
#wpsg_mod_invoice_tabs .grid { width:100%; padding:1rem; display:grid; row-gap:0.5rem; column-gap:0.5rem; grid-template-columns:25px 1fr 300px; align-items:center; grid-auto-rows:30px; padding-bottom:0.5rem; }
374 |
#wpsg_mod_invoice_tabs .grid input[type="checkbox"] { margin-top:0; }
375 |
#wpsg_mod_invoice_tabs .grid label { font-weight:normal; margin-bottom:0; }
376 |
377 |
.nav-tabs > li.active > a.bg_invoice,
378 |
.nav-tabs > li.active > a.bg_invoice:focus,
379 |
380 |
381 |
.tabcontent.bg_invoice { background-color:lightgreen; color:black; }
382 |
383 |
.nav-tabs > li.active > a.bg_storno,
384 |
.nav-tabs > li.active > a.bg_storno:focus,
385 |
386 |
387 |
.tabcontent.bg_storno { background-color:lightpink; color:black; }
388 |
389 |
.link_invoice { transform:translateX(-5px); padding:2px 5px; font-siz:12px; text-decoration:underline; }
8010 |
daniel |
390 |
label[for="invoice_shippay"] .link_invoice,
391 |
label[for="storno_shippay"] .link_invoice { padding:0; }
392 |
8057 |
daniel |
393 |
.wpsg_mod_rechnungen_row { display:block; width:100%; }
394 |
.wpsg_mod_rechnungen_row > div { padding:5px; }
8010 |
daniel |
395 |
.wpsg_mod_rechnungen_row .invoice_wrap:not(:only-child) { margin-top:0.5rem; }
396 |
.wpsg_mod_rechnungen_row .invoice_wrap > a:first-child { padding-left:0; }
8007 |
daniel |
397 |
398 |
399 |
400 |
401 |
402 |
jQuery('#wpsg_mod_invoice_tabs').wpsg_tab( {
8010 |
daniel |
403 |
aktTab: <?php echo $act; ?>
8007 |
daniel |
404 |
} );
405 |
406 |